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��14���15 <br /> �EEI� �F TRU�T° <br /> Loan No: 14'12���57 4�on�inued� PagE; � <br /> DEE��F TRUST �S ��VEN AND AC�EPTED�N�I-�E��LL�W�NG TERNIS: <br /> P�lYMEIVT AIVD PER��RMAN�E. Except as otherwise pro�ided in �his Deed o� Trust, Trustar shall pay �o Lender al! <br /> amounts secured by this Deed ❑f Trus� as they become dus, and sha[! s�rictly and in a timely manner perform all ❑f <br /> Trustor's ah��gations�ander the No�e,�his �eed o�Trust, and the Related ❑�cuments. <br /> P055ESSI�IV A1V� 1�►4lIVTEN►41�10E DF THE PF�QPERYY. Trustor agr�es that Trustor`s possession and use a� �the <br /> Property sha�� be ga�erned by the tc�l�owing pro�isions: <br /> Possession �nd Use. Un�il the accurr�nce of an E�ent of Defaul�, Trustor may {1} rem�in in possession �nd <br /> controf ❑�the Property; �2} use, opera�te ar manage the Pro�erty; and �3� cal�ect tF�e Rents�rom the Proper�y. <br /> Du�y �o IUlain�a�n. Trustor shall maintain �he Pro�a�rty in good candition and promptly pkerform all repairs, <br /> replacements, ar�d main�enance necessary t� pr�ser�e its�alue. <br /> Complian�� W�t�i Envi�onr��nta� Laws. Trustor represen�s an� warrants to Lender that. t 1} C�uring the periad a� <br /> Trustvr's ownership❑�the �roperty, there has �een na use, generatian, manufacture, starage, tre�tment, disposa[, <br /> releas� ar threatened reIease o� any Hazardaus �ubstance by any pe�son on, und�r, about o� �rom the Prope:�ty; <br /> �2} Trus�or has no knowled9e of, �r reason to belie�e that there has been, �xcept as pre�iously disclosed t❑ and <br /> acknowledged by L�nder in writirtg, �a} any hreaGh or �ivlation �� a�y En�ironmentaf La�,vs, 4b� any use, <br /> generation, man��Facture, storage, treatmen�,��spos�l�,;�r��ea�.�`�:,,�r threatened re�ease af any �azardous Subs�arice <br /> an, under, about ❑r firom the Property by°,�n,y;;p�'svr ��v.ners;��a�--;,ac�upants o� �he Prvperty, c�r �c� any ac�ua� ar <br /> threa�ened �itiga�ion or clair�ns of any a:n�r p.�rson r��ati.n:g.,,tp,-s,uGh matters; and �3� E�ccep� as pre�iously <br /> disclvsed�o and acknaw��d�ed by Lender in`�ni'ri�i-ng,':�;��'a'���`�rieit�i��T�us�or�r�ar any tenant, con�ractor, ag�n�or other <br /> . �;_-. . <br /> au�hari�ed use�of the Property shall use, gene��-a�e,`m�nu�aG�u`re;�.store, tr�eat, dispose o�f ar rel�ase any Hazardc�us <br /> Substance an, u��der, about or from th� Property; and �b} any such activi�y shall be conducted �n cflmpliance with <br /> a�[ applicab�e ��deral, s�a�te, and �o�al �aws, regula�i�ns and ord�nances, including wifih€�ut [imita�ian all <br /> En�irvnmental Laws. Yrustor autharizes �ender and its agen�s �o e��er upon �he Property to rnake such <br /> insp�c�ions and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine cor�pliance of ��he <br /> Proper�y w��h this se��ivn a� the Deed o�F �rust. Any inspecfiions or tes�s made �y Lender shall he for Lend�:r's <br /> purposes only a�id shaf[ not be canstrued �a c�eate any responsibi���y or liabi�ity ❑n the part a� Lender to Trustor�❑r <br /> to any other person. The repres�ntations and warran�ies contafned herein are based an Trus�or's due diligenc�: in <br /> inves�igating the Property for Hazardo�s S�abstances. Trust�r h�reby �1� releases and waives ar�y futu�e �(aims <br /> aga�nst Lend�r f�r ind�mnity ar con�ri�u�ion �n the event Trustor becomes �iable for cl�anup o�� a�her cos�s un��er <br /> any su�E� laws; �nd {2� agrees ta indemnify, de��nd, and hold harmless Lende� against any and all claims, f�sses, <br /> l�ahilities, dama�es, penalties, and�xpenses whi�h Lender may dire�t�y vr indirectly sustain vr suffer resul�ing from <br /> a breach of this sect�an of tl�e Deed o� Trust or as a consequenc� of any us�, generation, manu�ac�ure, s�arage, <br /> disposal, re�ease vr threa�ened �elease accu�-r�ng prior�ta T�ustor`s awn�rship or interest in the P�op�rty, whe�her�ar <br /> not �he same was ar shou�d ha�e been known to Trustor. The pra�isions of this section af �he Deed of Tr�ist, <br /> including the obl�gation to ind�mni�y and defend, shall sur�i�e the paymen�❑fi th� Indebtedness anc�-�he satisfa�t�an <br /> and reconveyan�e a��he �ien af this Deed a�Trust and shall no� be a�fected by Lender's acquisi�tion af any interest <br /> in the Prop�rty, whether by foreclasure or atherwise. <br /> IVuisance, V11as#e. Trus�or sh�ll not cause, cor�duct �r permi� any nuisance nar commit, permi�, �r suffer �ny <br /> str�pptng ❑f or �nras�e on ❑r to �he Property ar any partion o� �he Property. Withou� fimiting tr�e generality of the <br /> foregoing, Trustor w��� not rema��, or gran��a any other party the right ta remo�e, any timber, mine�als �including <br /> ai� and gas�, coal, �lay, sc�ria, soi�, �ra�vel a��flck products without Lender's prior writ�en c�nsen�. <br /> Removal o#�mpr�►rements. Trustor sha�[ not dem�lish or rema�e any Impra�ements �rom the Real Property with��ut <br /> Lend�r's prior written consent. �!s a candition to�he remo�al of any �mpr��emen�s, Lender ma�y require Trustar t� <br /> make arrangem�nts satis�a�tary to Lender to rep�a�e such lmpro�ernen�ts wi�h �mprovement� ❑f a�t leas� equai <br /> �alue. <br /> L�nder's Right��a En�er. Lender and Lender's agen�s and repr�sentatiVes may en�er upon the Rea� Praper�y at all <br /> reasonable �1ITl�a to attend �o Lender's in�erests and t� inspec� �h� �eal Property for purposes of Tr€�stC�r's <br /> compliance with the terms and �onditivns of this L�eed o�Trus�. <br /> Compliance w�th Governmer��a� F��qui�eme��s. Trus�or sha�� promptly �omp�y with all laws, ardinances, r�nd <br /> re�ula�ions, now or hereafter in e�fect, of all governm�nta� a�thvri�ies applica�le to the use o� occupancy of �the <br /> Pr�per�y. Trusfi�r may contest in gaod faith any such law, ordinance, or regu[ation and withhal�[comp�iance during <br /> any proceeding, inc�uding apprapria�e appe�ls, so long as Trustar has natified �enc�er in wri�ing prsar �o doing s� <br /> and so long as, in Lender's sa�e opinion, Lender's int�res�s in�he Property are no��e�pa�di�ed. Lender may require <br /> Trus�ar to post adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory�o Lender, to pr��ect Lender's interest, <br /> Duty �o Protec�. Trusto� agrees neither ta abandon or Iea�� unat�ended the PrQper�y. T�us�ar �hai� do aI� a�her <br /> acts, in addition to those acts set forth abo�e in�his sect�on, wh�ch from�he �hara�ter and use �f�he Praper�y are <br /> reasonably necessary ta protect and preserve�he Praperty. <br /> DUE�N SALE -COIVSENT BY LENDER. Lender�nay, a� Lender's aption, declare �mmediate�y d�e and payable all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed of Trust upon the sale or transfer, without Lender's pr�or written consent, vf a�l ar any part o#�the <br /> Real Praperty, or any inter�st in�he Real Praperty. A "sale or�ransfer" mean� the conveyance of Real Praper�y or any <br /> righ�, tit�e vr inter�s� in the Reai Pr�per�yf whether Iegal, benef�cial ❑r equi�able; wheth�r �oluntary or in�olunt��ry; <br />