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• ��14��59� <br /> Dac ID #: ********44�108�13 <br /> In the e�en�of a parfiai taking,des�ruct�on,or loss in value of�he Property in which the fair marke�Walue of <br /> the Property irnmediateXy before fihe partial tak�ng, destruct�on, or Xass xn�alue is�ess than the amoun�vf <br /> the sums secured imrned�a�ely before the part�al takxng, destruc#�on, ar xoss in value, unYess Borrvwer and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in wr��ing,#.he Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied�o the sum�secured hy t�us <br /> 5ecurity Instrument wh�ther or not the sums are then due. <br /> Yf�he Proper�is abandoned by Borra�ver,or�f,after notice by Leiider to Bvrrower fhat the�ppasing Par�r <br /> �as def ned �n the next sen�ence) vffers to rnake an award tfl settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to <br /> respond �o Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized ta collect and <br /> app�y the Miscellaneous Proceeds ei�her to restoration or repair of#he Property or to the sums secured by <br /> this Securi�y �nstrument, whether nr nvt then due. "�pposing Party" rneans the third party fha# owes <br /> Borrower Miscellaneou�s Proceeds vr the part� against whom Borrower has a r�gh� of aciion�n regard �o <br /> Miscellaneous Praceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in defau��xf any action or proceeding,wh�ther civil or crimina�,is begun�hat,in Lender's <br /> judgmen#, could resu.It in farfei�ure of the Froperty or o�h�r materia�irnpairrnent of L�nder's interest in fhe <br /> Property or r�ghts under th�i.�Secur�ty Ynstru�ment.Borrower can cure such a defautlt and, �f acce�eraiion has <br /> vccurred, rei�nstate as provided in Section 19, b� Gausing the activn or proceedin�to be dismissed v�ith a <br /> ru�ing thafi, in Lender's judgment, precxudes farfe�iure af�.he Propert� ar afiher maferiaY Ympairment of <br /> Lender's interest in �he Property or rights under �ais Securi#y Znstrurnent. The proceeds of an� award or <br /> c�axm for damages tha� are attr�.butable to the impairrnent of Lender's �nterest in the Property are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> Al�Miscellaneous Proceeds that are nat applied to restoration or repa�r af the Property shall he applxed in <br /> �he order provided far in Sec#ion 2. <br /> 12. Borrower Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensfon of the lime for payment vr <br /> modi�ca�ion of amortizat�on of the surns secured by this Secwr�ity Insirument granted by Lender to <br /> Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Barrower shall not operate to release the��abi�ity of Bnrrower or <br /> any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Lender shall nat be required to commence proceed�ngs aga.uvst any <br /> Successor�n Interest of Borrow�r or to refuse to ex�end�me far paymen�or otherw�ise mod�ify amor�zation <br /> of the surns secured by#hxs Secur�ity Instrum�nt by reason of any demand rnade by the orig�na�Borro�ver or <br /> any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance b� Lender in e�cercising any right or rernedy <br /> �nc�uding,without�xmxtativi�,Lender's acceptance of payments from third persons,enti�ies or Successvrs�in <br /> Interest of Borrower or in amQunts less than�he arnount�hen due, shall nof be a waiver�f or preclude the <br /> exerc�se of an�r r�gh�ar remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Se�era�Lxa�ility;�a-5igners;Su�cessors and Assigns Bound.Borrower co�enants and agrees <br /> that Borrower's obligations and I�ab�ity shall be jo�nt and se�reral. Hav�ever, any Borrovver whn co--signs <br /> this Secur�ty Instrumen# but does not execute the IVote �a "co-signer"}: �a� i.s co-s� � Security <br /> Instrument only tv mortgage, grant and con�ey the co-signer's interest in the Properh,y under the terms of <br /> this Securi� Ins��; �b} x.s no# persanally ahliga�ed to pay �he sum� secured by #hxs Secur�it� <br /> Insirumenf; and �c} agrees that Lender and any o�her Borrower can agree �o ex�end, madify, forbear or <br /> rnake any accommodations with regard to the teMns of�his 5ecut�ity Lnstrument ar the Nofe w�ithout the <br /> co-si.gner's consent. <br /> 5ubject to the pra�isions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest af Borrower who assumes Borrov�rer's <br /> obXigaiions under th�s Security Inst�u�ment in writing, and is appro�ed h� Lender, shall abtaxn al� of <br /> Borrower's rights and hene�i ts under th�s Secur�t�r Insirumenfi. Barrower shall not be released from <br /> Sorrower's obligaiions and liabili#y under th�s Security Ynstruxnent unless Lender agrees�o such reYease in <br /> v�iting.The co�enants and agreements of#h�.s Security Instrumen�shall bind texcept as provided in Sec�ion <br /> 20}and benef�t the successors and assigns❑f Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge BorroWver fees for services performed in connection with Borro�ver's <br /> defau�t, f�r the purpose of pratec�ing Lender's interest in the Property and r�ghts under this Secur��y <br /> Instrument,�nclud�ng,bu#not Iimi�ed to,at#arneys'fees,proper�inspec�ion and vaYuation fees.In regard#o <br /> any other fees, the absence of express authority in #his Security Instruxnent to charge a spec�f�c fee to <br /> Borrvwer shall I�ot be constr�ued as a prohubxt�o��ot�the charguig of such fee. Lei�der may not charge fees <br /> that are expressly prohibited by th�s Secuxity�nstrument or by Applicable Law. <br /> Yf the Loan is subject to a lav�v wh3ich se�s maximum�oan charges, and�hat law�s�inally interpreted sa that <br /> the in�erest or ather xoan charges collected or to be collected in connection w7ith fhe Loan exceed the <br /> permiited Iimit.s, then: �a} any such loan charge shall be reduced by the arnvun# necessary �� reduce the <br /> charge to the permitted limit; and�b} any sums a�ready collected from Borrower wh�ich exceeded perm�tted <br /> lirnuts wxll be refunded to Borr�wer. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the priaacipa� <br /> owed under the Note or hy making a direct payment to B�rrower. If a refund reduces pri.ncipal, the <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fami�y--Fann�e MaelFreddie 1VIac UNfF�RM[NSTRUMENT Form 3028 '11D'i <br /> Deed of Trust�N E <br /> ZO�b--NE�481�3} Page 8 of�2 <br />