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� <br /> , ��14��59� <br /> noc zD #; *******�448108013 <br /> [D} "Trustee"�.s <br /> REG�N TRUST ��MPANY� NA <br /> lSQQ TAPQ CANYQN RDr SIMI VALLEY, CA 936D3 • <br /> �E) "Note" means the promissary n��e sxgned by Borrower and dated �UGU s T 3 0, 2 0 l 3 . The <br /> Note sta#es that Borrower owes Lender <br /> SEVENTY SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED and �4/100 <br /> I]ollars �U.S. $ 7 6,3 0 0.0 0 ) plus interest. Borrower has prom�.sed to pay this debt�n regular <br /> Periodxc Pa�xnents and tv pay�ae debt in full nat la#er�han S E P T EMB E R �l, �D 4 3 . <br /> (F} "Property" means the praper#y that is descr�bed be�ow under the headxng "Transfer of Rxghts in the <br /> Proper�y." <br /> �G} "Loan" means the deb#evidenced by�he No�e,plus interest,any prepa�rment charges and late charges due <br /> under the Note,and all sums due under this Securit,y Insfirument,plus in�erest. <br /> tH} "Riders"means a1X R�ders�o this 5ecur�ty�ns�rwment that are executed by Borrower.The foilowir►g Riders <br /> are ta be executed hy�orrovt�er[check box as appli�cable�: <br /> ❑ Adjus�ab�e Rate Rider ❑ Condom�n�um R�der ❑ Secvnd Home Rid�r <br /> ❑ Balla�n Rider ❑ P�anned Utut De�elopment Rider ❑ 1-4 Famil.�r Rider <br /> ❑ VA Rider ❑ Biweekl�Pa�ment Rider ❑ O�her�s} �specif�� <br /> �I) "Applicable Law"means aXl c�ntroXling applicable federal,s�ate and local statutes,regu�ations,ardinances <br /> and admu�istrat��e a�id orders �tha� have the effect of law} as well as all applicable �inal, i�on-- <br /> appealable judiciax opinions. <br /> �J} "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessmen�s" means all dues, fees, assessment� and other <br /> charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a candoxnxnium association, homeowners <br /> assaciatian vr sxmxlar vrgaruza�ion. <br /> tI�} "Etec�ranic Funds Transfer" means an�iransfer of funds, other than a tiransactian�rig�nated by check, <br /> draft, or sirni�.ar paper u�strurnent, �vh�ch is uvitia�ed through an el�ctronic�errninaY, telephonic uLstruxnent, <br /> cvrnputer, ❑r magne#�c tape sv as�o order, instruct, or authorize a f�nanc�al Ynstitutian ta debit or credit an <br /> account. Such terrn �i.ncludes, bu� is not limaited to, point--of sale tarransfers, automated teller rnach�ne <br /> transacti.ons,transfers ix�itiated by telephane,wire tiransfers,and autorna�ed clearinghouse�ransfers. <br /> (L} T'EScrow Items"rneans those items that are described Yn 5ection 3. <br /> (M} "Miscel�aneous Proceeds" means any campensaiion, sett�ement, award af damages, or proceeds pa�d by <br /> any third party �other #han insurance proceeds p�i.d under the co�erages described �n Secti�n 5} for: �i} <br /> darnage �a, or desfruction of, the Property; �ii} condemnat�on or o#her taking of all or any part af�he <br /> Prvperty; �iix} canveyance in lieu af condemnatio�n; ❑r �rv} m�srepresenta�.ons af, �r omissivns as to, the <br /> �alue a��dJor conditioi�vf�he Propert�. <br /> (N} '�Mortgage Insurance" rneans insurance prate�#�ng Lender agains�th�nonpa�ment of, or default vn, the <br /> Loan. <br /> t�} "Periodic Paymen�" means the regular�y s�heduled am�unt due far t�� pruicipa� and interest under the <br /> Note,p�.u� (u}any amaunts under Sect�on 3 of this Securi.�y Instr�ument. <br /> �P} "RESPA" means the Rea� Es�ate 5eitlemen# Pracedures Act �12 U.S.C. Section �601 et seq.} and i�s <br /> imp�ementing regulati.on,Regulation X�12 C.F.R.Part 1 U24},as they might be arnended from time to time, <br /> or any additxonal or successor legis�ation or regtil.ati.on tha�gaWerns the same sub,�ect maiter.As u�ed in this <br /> Security �nstru�meiit, "RESPA" refers to all requirements and restrictians that are impos�d in regard to a <br /> "federally related mortgage Ioan" even�f the Loan does not qualify as a "federally related mor�gage lflan" <br /> ur�der RESPA. <br /> (Q} "Successor in Interes#of Borrower" mea��s any part�r that has taken t�tle to the Property, vrrhe#her or not <br /> that par�y has assumed Borrovver's obligafivi�s under the Note andlor fhis Security Ins#rument. <br /> TRANSFER(]F R�GHTS IN THE PR�PERTY <br /> Thi� Securii� �nstrument secures ta Lender: �i} the repa�ment of the Loan, and all renewaLs, ex#ensions and <br /> m�difical�ons of the 1Vote;and�ii}fhe perfvrmance of Borrower's covenan#s and agreements under this Security <br /> Ynstr�u�nent and fhe N�fe. Fvr thxs purpose, Borrvwer u�reWocably grants and con�eys to Trustee, xn fru,st, w�.th <br /> power of sa�e,the following described property Iocated in thQ <br /> C�UNTY of HALL � <br /> [Type vf Recording J'urlsdict�oY�� [Name of Recar+diug Jw�sdic#ion] <br /> SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETD �ND MADE � PART HEREOF. <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family-�Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac UN1F�Rf111 INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 'll�'I <br /> Deed af Trust-N E <br /> ZQ06--N E��8113} Page 2 of 12 <br />