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��14��577 <br /> sec��on t�tied Tran�fer of�he Prnperty or a Benef�cia�In�erest in B�rrawer, un��ss Appiicable Law pro�ides <br /> ��herwise�, The n�t�ce shal� spec�fy: �a} the defau��; �b� the ac�ion requir�d to cure thQ defau��; �c} a date, <br /> n�t less than �he m�nimum numb�r of days es�ab��5hed by Applicab�e Law from the da��the noti�e�s g�v�n <br /> to I3orrawer, by wh�ch the default must be cured; and (d} �hat fa��ur� to cure the defau�� on �r before �h� <br /> da�e spe�if�ed �n the notice may re�u�t in acce�era�xon of the sums secured b� this Security Instrument and <br /> sa���f the Prflperty. T� the extent permit�ed by �aw, th� not�c�shati further �nform Borrawer�f the r�gh� <br /> to reins�ate after accelerat�on and th� right ta bring a caur� ac��on tfl assert the non--ex�sten�e af a defau�� <br /> or any other defense of B�rrow�r t� a�celerat�on and sa�e. If�hQ defau�t �s not cured fln or before ��ie dat� <br /> specifxed �n the notice, Lender a� �ts ap��on may requ�re �mmediate paymen� in fu�� of a�l sum5 secur�d �y <br /> �his Secur�ty Instrumen�w��hout fur�her demand and may�n���e the�Qwer af sa�e and any o�her rem�d�es <br /> perm�tted by A�pp��cable Law. To the e��ent permit�ed by �aw, Lender shai� be en�x��ed �a colleGt al� <br /> expenses �ncurred �n �ursu�ng the remedies prvvided �n �h�s Se�t��n, �n��udings bu� not lim��ed tn, <br /> reasonab�e attorn�ys' fees and Cos�s of title e��dence. <br /> If the power of sa�e is in�aked, Trustee shall recnrd a notice of defau�t in each coun�y in which any par�af <br /> �he Property is �oca�ed and shall mail cap��s of such no��ce in �he manner pre5�r�bed by Appl�ca�le Law ta <br /> �3orrower and t� the ather persons prescr�bed by App��cable Law. After the t�me reyu�red b� Appl�cable <br /> Law, Trustee sha�� gi�e publ�c no�ice of sa�e �� the p�rsons and in �h� manner prescribed by App�icable <br /> Law. Truste�, wi�haut demand on B�rrvwer, shall se�� the Proper�y at public auc�ion t� the h�ghest b�dder <br /> at thQ t�me and place and under the terms designated in the nfl��ce af saie�n anQ or mvre parcQls and�n any <br /> flrder Trustee determ�nes. Trus�ee may postpone sa�e vf a�� or any par�el of the Prap�rty by pu�l�c <br /> announ�emen�at�he tirne and p�ace of any prev�ousiy sch�du��d sale, Lender or��s designe�may purc�ase <br /> the.Praperty at any sale. <br /> Upnn receip� of�a�ment vf the pr�ce bid, Trus�ee shal� del���r to the purchas�r Trustee's deed c�nveying <br /> th�Proper�y. The recx�a�� in �he Trus�ee's deed shal� be �r�ma fac�e e�id�nce of the tru�h af the s�a�emen�s <br /> made there�n. Trus�ee shal� app�y �he praceeds af �h� sa�e in the fol�owing vrd�r: �a� t� a�� co�ts and <br /> expenses �f exerc�s�ng the power of sate, and th� saie, inc�uding thQ payment ❑f the Trustee's fees actua��y <br /> �ncurred and reasonab�e attarneys' fees a� permi��ed by App�icable Law; �b} �o al� sums secured by this <br /> Secur��y�nstrument; and�c}any Qxce�s t��he person ar persons�egaily ent��led to��. <br /> . Reeonveyanc�. Up�n paymen� af ail sums secured by �his Securi�y �nstrument, Lender shal� re�ues� Trustee �o <br /> recon�vey the Property and shal� surrender�h�s Securi�y �nsrrumen� and al� na�es e�idencing debt secured by�h�s <br /> Secur�fiy �ns�rumetat to Trus�ee. Trustee s�a�l re�onvey the Proper�y with�u� warran�y �o �he person or persons <br /> Iegally en��t�ed �a i�. �u�h person �r persons shall pay an� rec�rdat�an cas�s. Lender may charge su�h person �r <br /> persons a fee for reconveying �he Prnpert�, but on�y if the fee �� pai d to a th�rd party �such as �he Trus�ee} for <br /> ser�v�ces rendered and�he charging of�he fee is perm�t�ed und�r App�xcab�e Law. <br /> Substi�ute Trustee. Lender, a� its option, m.ay from t�me ta t�me rem�ve Trus�ee and appoin�a successar�rustee <br /> �o any Trustee appa�n�ed hereur�d�r by an ins�rumen� record�d �n the coun�y �n v�h�ch �his Securi� �nstrument �s <br /> recorded. Wi�hou�can�eyance�f the Pr�perty,�he succe�sor�rustee shal�succeed��a�l�he�i#I�,pavver and duties <br /> �anferred upon Trustee herein and b�App�icab�e LaW. <br /> Request far N��ices. B�rravver requests�ha�copies flf the notii�e�f defaul�and sale be sent�a Barro�cn�er's address <br /> vvhich is the Property Address. <br /> S� S�GN�NG BELQ�V, Borr�vver acce��s and agrees to the �erms and co�enan�s con�ained in al� pages of th�s <br /> Secur�ty Instrumen�and in any Rider exe�u�ed by Borrov�er and recarded���h zt. Sigr�ed and sea�ed by B�rrower: <br /> � �� <br /> �_ � � <br /> �-�'��'° � ' S�a� � r Sea� <br /> � � � <br /> R.ichard J S�rehie Date �� , H��en K Strehie Date �� _ <br /> � � � A � <br /> r <br /> INDIV�DUAL ACKNUWLEDGMENT <br /> STATE�F NEBRAS�A } � <br /> � + <br /> ��UNTY�F HALL � ` <br /> The faregaing xns�rumen� was acknowledged by R�ch�rd J �reh�e and He�en K Strehle, husband and wif�, <br /> before me�n Apri13�,241.4. �n witness whereof, I her�eu�n�� ��� �y hand�°�nd,,,a�ff� plicable�my aff cial sea�. <br /> '; � J� �' :;I � �� ' f� � f• <br /> � r: r ��, , �l�� �� <br /> My�amm�sszon exp�res: 511�12�I 5 � � �� ' � ._-- ,�� � ,,,� ';� :� � <br /> ; <br /> ; �-..�``�,isa May�er ` �` <br /> � <br /> ` No�ary Pub�xc 1:_�i�` <br /> ��fERA#..N�TAR�f-S�a�e n��ebraska Ha i 1�o unty, NE <br /> .�� �.iSA R.M�4YER Ident�f�catian Number <br /> ., �....... �y�amm,Exp.�la.y��,�a�5 <br /> ��ff cia�SeaI� <br /> � <br /> Q 2d04-2a13 Compliance Sys#ems,Inc.8EB3-4C8B-2413L2.�.E1.712 <br /> Consurr�er Rea]Estate-Secur�ty Instr�.�men�DL203� � Page 5 o�'S www.cvmpiiancesystems.corr� <br />