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� <br /> ��14��577 <br /> Natic��. Any notice t� B�rrawer pra�ided for �n �h�s Se�urity �nstrumen� shall �e given b� de��v�ring it or by <br /> mai�ing it by f�rst c�ass mai��.nless Appl�cable Law requires use of ano�her method. The n�tice shal�be directed t� <br /> the Propert�y Address �r any other address B�rro�ver designa�es �y nat�ce to Lender. Borrov�rer agrees �� provide <br /> Lender w�th Borrov�er's rnost current mail�ng address, as i�x�ay change fiflm time-to-time. Any notice �o Le�der <br /> shall be given by�rs��1ass mail t�Lend�r's address sta�ed he�reir��r any o�her address Lender designates by not��e <br /> tfl Barrower. Any noti��pro�ided for���his Secur�ty�nstrument sha�l be deemed to ha��be�n given�o B�rrower <br /> or Lender when gi�en as pr�vided ir�this paragraph. <br /> Gov�rning Law; Se��rabi�ity.This Security Ins�rument shall be g��erned�y federalla�and�he Iav�s af�he state <br /> af Ne�braska. �n the e�ent �hat any provision ar c�ause �f�his Security Instrument or the N�te c�nf�icts w��h <br /> App�icabXe Law,such�onf�ict shall not affe�t o�her provisi�ns of this Securi�y�nstrumen�ar�he N��e wh�ch can be <br /> gi�en effect with�ut the �onflicting pr�visiori. T�this end�he pra�ri��ans �f this Securi�y �nstrument and the Note <br /> are dec�ared to be s��erab�e. <br /> , <br /> B�rrower's�op�.Borrower sha��be g�ven one�opy of this Securi�Instrument. <br /> TranSfer of th�Prop�rty or a Be�ef�cia�In�erQs�in S�rrower.If a��ar any part of�he Praperty or any�nterest <br /> in �� is so�d or transferred �or if a beneficia� �n�eres� i� B�rr��er �s ��ld or transferred and Barrower �s na� a <br /> na�ural person� unless �he Nate shaws tha� Borrovsr�r's �oan is assumable, Lender may, a� �ts optian, requ�re <br /> �mmed�ate payment �� full �f a�� sums secured l�y �his Security �nstrumen�. However, this op�ion shali nat he <br /> exercised by Lender �f e�ercise �s proh�bited b�federal �aw as of the date of th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�. Tf�he Note <br /> shovvs�hat Barr�wer's�oan is assumab�e,Borrower must ob�ain Lender's v�r�tten pern-�ission for an assumptian and <br /> follaw any�ther requ�rements of Lender rela�ed�a an assu�npl��on. �f Borrav�er does no�do sa,Len�er ma�require <br /> immediate payment in fu�l of all sums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrume�t. <br /> �f Lender exer��ses t��s apti�n, Lender shall give Barrflwer notice ��accelera��on. The notice shal� pro�ide a <br /> period of n�t �ess than the �in�mum number Qf days established by App��cab�e Law from the date the n�t�ce is <br /> de�ivered or ma�led vv��h�n wh�ch Borrovver� pay al� sums secured by �his Secur�fiy �nstrumen�. If Borrovsrer <br /> fa�Is �� pay �h�se sums pr�or to the expiration of this peri�d, Lender may in�oke any remedies perm�t�ed by this <br /> Security�nstrument with�ut fur�her natice or demand on Borrower. <br /> Borrower's Right to ReinS�ate. �f Bvrrawer mee�s cer�ain c�nditiflns, Borr�wer sha�l have �he right �fl have <br /> enforcemen�flf this Security�nstrument discon��nued a�any time�ri�r�o�he earl�er�f: �a� 5 days �ar such ather <br /> per�od as Appiicab�e Law may specif�for�reinstatement}before sa�e of th�Proper�y pursuant to any power�f sale <br /> ��n�ained in �his Security Ins�rumen�; or �b} entry of a judgmen� enfar�ing �his Security Instrumen�. Th�se <br /> �onditians are �hat Borrower: �a� pays Lender al� sums which �hen�rould be due under th�s Securi�y �nstrument <br /> � <br /> and�he No�e as if n� acce�erati�n had occurred; �b� cures any defau����f any fl�her covenan�s or agreements; �c� <br /> pays a�l e�penses in�urred in enforcing#his Securi�y��strumen�, �ncluding,but not�irrii�ed�o,reasanab]e at�orneys' <br /> fees ta#he ex�ent permit�ed�y law; and�d}takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasona��y require to assure�ha��he <br /> �ien of�his Secur��ty�nstrumen�, Lender's rights �n�he Pr�perty and Barrov`rer's ob�iga�ian to pa��he sums secured <br /> by th�s Security �nstrument s��all continue unchanged. Upon reinsta�e�nen�by Borrower, �his Security 7nstrumen� <br /> and the obl�gati�ns secured hereby sha�� rema�n fi�11y eff�c�i�re as if na acc�Iera��on had accurred. Hovve�er, th�s <br /> right tv r�instate shall n��apply�n the case of acceleration under�he sec��on titled Transfer af th�Praperty or a <br /> B�nef�cia�Interes�in Borrawer. <br /> Sa�e of Not� Chang� of Loan Ser►vicer. The �ot� or a partia� interes� in �he No�e ���ge�her v�ith �his Securi� <br /> �nstrument}may be sold one �r more tirnes wi�hvut prior noti�e to B�rro�nrer. A sale may result in a change in�he <br /> ent�ty �known as �he "Loan Ser�icer"} �hat co�lec�s periad�c paymen�s due under �h� Note and th�s Security <br /> Instruxnen�t.There als�ma�be one or m�re changes of the L�an Ser��cer unre�a�ed t�a sale af th�No�e.�f there is <br /> a change of the Loan Ser�icer,B�rrower�uill he gi�en wr�tten no�i�e af�he change in accardance�ith the s�ctian <br /> ����ed�otic�5 a�nd App�iCable Law. The no#ice v�r�ll state�h�name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the <br /> address �a �hich pa�men�s should be made. The no�ice v`ri�l a�s� contain any other informa�ion requir�d by <br /> App�icable Law. <br /> Ilazardous Substan�es.Barrawer shall na�cause or permit the presence,use, disposai, s��rage, or release�f any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in�he Prap�rCy.Bor�awer sha�l n�t do,nor,a�laW an}��ne e�se to dv,anything affec�ing <br /> �he Praperty that is in �iala�i�n �f any En�iran�nental Lav�. The preceding tvvo sen�ences sha�t no� apply �o the <br /> pres�n�e,use,or starage�n�he Properry of srnall quar�tities of Ha�ardous Substances�hat are generally re��gmized <br /> ta be appropr�ate tQ norma�residential uses and to maintenance�f�he Proper�y. <br /> Barrower shal�promp��y give Lender v�ritten notice�f any invest�gatzon,��a�m,demand, lawsui�or ather act�on by <br /> any goWernmenta� or regula�ory agency �r priva�e party invo��ing �he Proper�y and any Hazard�us Subs�ance or <br /> En�ironrnen�al Law of v�h�ch Borr�wer has ac�ua� knawledge. �f�Borr�wer �ea�-ns, �r is no�i�ed l�y any <br /> go�ernmental ar regula�or�author��y,tha�any removal ar other remediation af any Hazardous Suhstanc�affecting <br /> the Prfl�erry �s necessary, Borrov�er shal� prornp��y �ake aii necessary remedial actions in accardance v�ith <br /> En�ironmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are�h�se substances defined as�o�ic ar ha�ardous substances <br /> by En��ronmental Lavv and �he foll�w�ng subs�ances: gas�l�ne, kervsene, flther flammable ar tox�c petro�eum <br /> products, tvx�c pes�ic�des and herbic�des, vola��le s��ve��s, ma�eriais`containing asbes��s.or formaldehyde, and <br /> radiaa��ive materials. As used in this paragraph, "En�ironmen�al Lav�"m.eans federal�avvs and laws of the s�ate of <br /> Ne�raska that r�la�e to health,safety or en�ironmenta�pratec��on. <br /> AcceleratiQn; Remedies. Lender shal� give notice ta �orrower �r�o� ta acceleration following Barrow�r's <br /> breach of any cavenant or agreement in this Se�urity Instrument �but not prior ta accelerat�on under the <br /> C�20a4-�D 13 Cvmplian�e Systerns,In�.8EB3-�CBS-2�13L2.0.E 1.712 <br /> C�r�sumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DLZ435 Page 4 of 5 w� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br />