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��14��5�9 <br /> The Funds sha�l b�he[d in an ins���u�ion whose deposits a��e�nsured by a federa� agency, instrumenta�it�, or <br /> entity�includin�Lender, if Lende�• is an ins�i�u�ion vvhase deposits are so insu�•ed�or in any Federal Home <br /> Loan Bank. L�nder sha�1 apply�he Fui�ds�a pay th�Escrov���e���s no la�e�•than�he time spec�f ed under <br /> RESPA. Lender shal� not charge�3o�•�av�er for i��ldix�g and app�y�ng�he Funds, annually analyzing�he <br /> � esc�-ovv account, o�•�e�-ifyin��he Esci-ow It�rns, unless Lender pays Bo�•�•�vver interest on�he Funds and <br /> App�icable Lav�perrni�s Lender to make such a charg�. U��les�an a�;reemer-��is made in writin�or <br /> Applicable La�rec�u�res interest�o b�partd an the Fu��d�, Lender sha�l �at be�•equired to pay BorrQwer any <br /> interest a� earnings on �he Funds. Borrowe�•and Lender can agre� �n writing, hovvever, �hat interes�shall be <br /> pa�d on�he Funds. Lender shaii give��Borravver, w��h�ut charg�, an annual a�cou��ting of�he Funds as <br /> re�uired by RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Fu��ds��eld it�esc�ov�, as def ned under RESPA, L,ender shal� accoun��o Borrov�rer fnr <br /> the excess funds in accaj•dance with RESPA. If there is a sho�•ta�e or Funds he[d in escravv, as defined under <br /> RESPA, Lend�r sha�� no�ify Borr ov�re�as required by RESPA, and Borrovver shall pay�a Lender the amount <br /> necessary�a make up tla�shar�age in accordance v�rith RESPA, but in no more���an 12 rn�n���y paymen�s. �f <br /> �here is a defici ency of Funds he�d i n es�row, as def�ned unde�•RESPA, Lender shall notify Barr�wer a.s <br /> required by RESPA, artd Borrawer sl�a�t pay�o Lender�he amou��t necessary to rnake up the def�cie�icy in <br /> ac�ordance v�i�h 1�ESPA, but in no r��ore�han 1 Z ma��thly paym�n�s. <br /> Upon payrnen����fu�l of all sums s�cured by�h�s Security Yt�strumen�, Lender sl�a�� promptly refund to <br /> Borrawer any Funds he�d by Lende�•. <br /> 4. C h arges; Liens. Borrawez•sha)l pay al l taxes, assessments, cha�•ges, f nes, and impositians a�tri bu�abl e�o <br /> the Property which�an at�ain p�i�ri�y��rer this Security�nstrument, leaseho�d payn►ents or�r�und rents on <br /> the Property, if a��y, and Community Association Dues, Fees, and Ass�ssmen�s, if any. To�he exten�tha� <br /> �hese items are Escraw�terns, B�rrower shall pay them�r�t�he manne�•pi-avided in Sectinn 3. <br /> Barroure�'s�all prompt�y discha�ge any lien u�hich has prio�•i�y o�r��•this Secut-ity l�nstt�ument unless <br /> Borrawer: �a} agrees in v�rriting ta the paytnen�af the obli�;ati�n secured b��he lien in a manner acc�p�able <br /> to Lender, bu�.onl�so lon�as Borrawer is perfarining such agreemen�; �b}con�es�s�he�ien�n go�d faith by, <br /> or defends against enforcement of the lien in, lega� proce�dings vvhi�h in Lender's opinio� ope�ate ta pre�en� <br /> �he enforceme��t of th�tien while�hase proc�edings a�-e pending, 1�u�only un�il such proceedings are <br /> c�ncluded; or(c�secures fro�n the holder af�he lxen ah agreement satisfactory ta Lender subord�nating the <br /> 1 i en�o th i s Security�nst�•urn en�. �f Len der deterrn i nes�hat any par�of the P�•operty i s subj ect to a I i en whi ch <br /> can atta�n pr��rit� o��r this 5ecurity�nstrument, Lender�na�gi��Bor�owerr a no�ice identify�n�;�he Iien. <br /> 'L]V�ithin 1 D days of�he dat�on which�hat notice �s gi�e�, Barr�v�rer shail satisfy the�ien or�ake one�r mo�-e <br /> � of���e ac��ans se�fa�-th above Yn�h�s Sec�ion 4. <br /> Lender rnay�-equi�-e Bor-rower-tia pay a one-time charge fo�-a��eal estate tax verificati�an an�lor�-epar-ting <br /> service used by Lender in connec�ian with this L�an. <br /> 5. Prop�r�y �nsurance. �3orrower shal� �eep the irnprnv�men�s now existing o�hereaf�er erec�ed on t1�e <br /> Praperty���sured a�;ainst lass vy fre, haza.rds inc�uded,within�he�erm "extended coverage," and any other <br /> haza�ds including, bu�not l�mi�ed to, eai•t��quakes and f�oods, far vvl�i�h Lender�equ��•es insuxance. This <br /> insurat�ce shall be main�ained in the a�n�un�;s(inc�u�ing deduc�ible l�vels}ax�d fo�the periads�hat Lende�• <br /> requ�r�s. �That Lender requires pursuan��o�he preceding set�tences can chan��du�-�ng the�erm t�f#�he Loan. <br /> The insu�•ance carrier pra�iding�h� �nsurance sha{� be chflsen by Ro�•rovver sub�ec��o Lender's��ight�a <br /> disappro��Borrov�r�r's choice, vvhich right shall nat be exercis�d unreasa�ably. Lender r��ay requ��e <br /> $orrawer to pay, in connection with�his Loan, eithe�•: �a� a one-�ime chaz•�e for flood zone de�errnina�ion, <br /> . cer�if ca��on and�.racl��pg services; o�•�b�a one�-time chargc faz• f�oad zane deter�nination and cert�fi�atian <br /> sso��s�o�s �-���� s�ol�s�a�s <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannia Mael�reddie Mac 11NI��RM 1N5TRUMENT WITH MERS Fa�m 3�28�10� <br /> VM P� VM P�A�fV�}{13�2] <br /> VIlolters Kiuw er Financial 5ervices i�age 6 of�7 <br />