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��14��5�9 <br /> �. Application af Payments or Proceeds. Except as t�th�rr�vise described in�his Se�t�on�, all pay�nents <br /> ac�ep�ed a��d applied by�_,ender shal� be app�ied ����he f��lo�vi��g o�-de�-of p�•io�•i�y: �a}inte�•est due under the <br /> �Note; tb�principa� due under�he N�te; (c) amout�ts du�u�ader Sectio�a 3. Such�ayments shall be applied ta <br /> each Periad�c Paymet��in t��e order in which it becan�e duc. Any�•emaining amounts shal� be applied f��s��o <br /> late chat•�es, secflnd�o a��}�a���e�-amounts due unde�•this Securi�.y�nst��umen�, and then�o r�duc��he <br /> �rin�ipa� balance of the l�ote. <br /> If Lender recei�es a payme���from Borrower foz-a deii��quent Periodic Paymet�t which includes a suff cien� <br /> arn�un�to pay any late charge due, the payrnen�may be a�pp�ied to the delinqu�n�paym�nt ar�d�he 1a�.e <br /> charge. �f rn�re than on�Pe�iadic Pa�men�is outs�andin�, Lende�•may apply any payrnen����cei�ed from <br /> Borrowe�•to the repayr��e��t�f the Pe�•�adic Payrnent��f, and�o the exten�that, each payrne���caj�be paid in <br /> . full. To the ex�ent tha�any excess exists af�er tl-�e paymen�is a�p�ied�o�h�full pay�nent oi'one or more <br /> Periodic Paymen�s, such excess�nay be app�ied�o any late char�es due. �oluntary p��epayments shall be <br /> applied�rst ta any prepayri��nt cl�ar�es and then as dese�-ibed in���e Note. <br /> A��y applicatior�of payme���s, insurance proceeds; or Miscella��eous Proce�ds to principal due under the Na�e <br /> shall rn�t extend or postpo��e�he due da�e, or cha��ge the a�noutat, of the Peri�di�Payrnet�ts. <br /> 3. Funds far Escrow ttems. Borrower shall pay ta Lender on�he day Periodic Paym�n�s are due under�he <br /> No�e, until the No�e�s paid in fuli, a sum�th�"Funds"}�o p��o�ide for pa�rment of arn�unts due f�i-: (a�taxes <br /> and assessrnen�s and o�her ��e�ms wh�eh can at�a�n pri�rity��ver�his Securi�y instrumen�as a�ien�r <br /> encumbxance o�1�he Property; �b� leas�ho�d payrnents a�-grau��d �•er�ts an the Proper�y, if any; �c�p�•emiums <br /> fo�any and aI� insu�•ance�•equi�-ed by I�ende�•unde�•Sec�ion S; and(ci}Mo�•tgage Insur�ance prem�ums, if any, <br /> or any sums payabie by�3��ro��r tfl Lender in lieu of the payrnen�of Morfiga�;e��suranc�premxums in <br /> accordance witl�tl�e provisions of 5ec�ion 1�. These items are called"Escrow Items." At ori�ina�ion ar at <br /> any�tme dux•ing�he term of t��e Loan, Lender�nay�•equ��•e tha�Community Ass�ciatian Dues, Fees, and <br /> ASS�SSI71EYt�5, �f any, be escrowed by Borro,u�re�-, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Es�row <br /> Itern. Bor�'ower �hal l prQlnp�ciy fu�-ni sh to Lender al l noti ces of amounts�o be paid und�r�his Sectian. <br /> B�rrflv�e�shall pay Le�der the Funds fo�•Escraw��ei�ns unless�..ende�-wa��res�3orrovv'er's ob�agatic�n to pay <br /> the Funds fa�an�r or all Escravv Items. Lend�r ma�wai�e B�r�-ower's obi�ga�iot�t�o pay�o Lender Funds for <br /> any or ali Escrow T�ems a�a��y�ime. Any such waiver may n��ly�e in writing. In the even�af such vvai�er, <br /> Bo�-rower shall pay directly, when and whe�•e payab�e, the arnaunts due fox•any Escrow Items for which <br /> paynlent of Funds l�as been�aived Uy Lender and, if Lender re�uires, shall furx�ish to L�nder receipts <br /> evidencing such paymenti wi�hin�u�h�i�ne period as Lender may require. Barrnwer's ob�iga�ion to make <br /> such pa}�m�nts and�o pro�ide receip�s sha�� fo�•all purposes be deemed to be a co�enan�and agr•eemen� <br /> c����a�nec�in th�s Secu�•i� �ns�rume��t, as the phrase"covenant and agr�ement" is us�d i�1 S�c#:ion 9. If <br /> B�rrovwer is obl i�ated to pay Escrow�tems direct�y, pursua��t�o a wai�er, a��� �3orrower fails to pay the <br /> amoun�due fo�•an Ese�•aw�tern, Lender ma�exercise i�:s r�ghts under 5ection 9 and pa�such amoun�and <br /> Bor�ow��sha�l then be Qbligated under Sectio��9 to t-epay ta Le��der a��y such amount. Lender ma��•evake <br /> �I�e wa��er as to a��y or a�l Escrov�r���ms a�any time liy a��otice given in accordance vvi�h Sec�ion I S and, <br /> upon such revacati�n, Bo�-rov�er sha�I pay to Lender al�Fund.s, and�n such amaunts, �hat are�hen�equired <br /> ui�der�h i s Secti oi� 3. <br /> Le��der may, at a��y�ime, collec�and hold Fu��ds it� an amount�a}sufficie��t to permit Lender to apply the <br /> Funds a�the time specified u��der RESPA, a��d�b���o�to ex��ed�he n�ax�mum amounC a�ender can rrequire <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estimate�he amount of Funds due on the basis af cui•i-en�data and�•easonable <br /> est�ri�ates of expendi�ures of future Escrow I�ems��•Q�herv�ise in accordance wi��1 Applicable Law. <br /> s$�������s <br /> �..-��,,..� s�a�ss�n�s <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie M aelFreddie M ac UHIF�RM�NSTRUM�NT W 17H M�RS ���m���$�l�� <br /> VfVI P C� VM P6A{N�}(1302} <br /> Wo�ters ICfuwer�ir�anGial Servi�es Page 5 of 17 <br />