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��14��5�9 <br /> 21. Hazardaus Subs�ances. As used in t��is Sec�ion 2I: �a} "I�aza��d�us Sub.stances" are�hose substances <br /> defined as toxi�or ha2a�•dous subs�ances, poliutants, o��wastes by Enviranrnental Lav��and the fo�iawing <br /> subs�a��ces; gaso�ine, kerasez�e, other flammaliie or tox�c p��r�leu�n products, �ox�c pes�icides and her�icid�s, <br /> �ola�iie solven�s, ma�e�iais containi�zg a�bestos or formaldeh�d�, and radioac�i�e�nater�als; �b� <br /> "�nvi�a��r�e��tc�l Law" j��eans fede�-a� �aurs and �aws of the�u��isd�ction wh��•e the P�-ape�-t�r is�ocated t�at <br /> � rela�e to heaith, safety ar en�ironrnen�al prn�ection; �c} "En�aiYonme��tal C'lea�up" includ�s any respanse <br /> ac�ion, remedia� ac��ot�, or removal actio�l, as defined in Envi�•o��tmen�al Law; a�1d �d}an ".��>>i�anme�rtal <br /> Cona�ition"means a condi�ion tha�can cause, caritribu�e�o, ar othervvise tri�ger an En�ironrn.ental Cl�anup. <br /> Barrower s�all not cause a�• permit the presenc�, use, disposa�, s�o�•age, or �-elease of any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or threa�e��to r•elease a��y Hazardous Substances, on ort• in�he Prapexty. Borrovv�r shall not do, <br /> nor ai�aw anyone eise to do, any�hi��g affec�in��he Praper�:y�a�that is i�violation of any Environmen�al <br /> Lavv, �b}which c�•ea�es an Envii-onmen�al Condi�ian, or�c�v�rhich, due�o�he p�•esence, use, ar releas�of a <br /> Hazardous Substance, create�a conditian tl�a�adversely affec�s tl�e�a�ue of the Pr�pe�•ty. The preceding two <br /> sentences sha11 not app�y�o the presence, use, o�•storage ari�l�e�'roperty af sma�1 quantiti es af H azardous <br /> Substances�ha�are�ene�•al�y �•ecognized ta be appr�p�•ia�e�a no�•ma� �•es�den��a1 uses and ta rnain�enance o <br /> the P�ope�ty(�ncludin�;, bu�not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products}. <br /> Barrower shall pramp��y give Lender vvritt�n no�ice of�a} aY�y in�esti�;ation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> actiion by any�avern��en�ai or regula�ary a�;ency or pr�iva�e p�rty in�olWing the Proper�y and any Hazardous <br /> Substance o�•Environmental La�nr of vvh�ch Bot•�•ov�re�•has actual knav�r�edge, �b}any En�rironmental <br /> C�nC�i�IDp, inc�udin�but not Ii�nit�d �o, any spilling, �ea�ing, discha�•ge, release or�hrea�of re�eas�af an�r <br /> Hazardaus Subs�a��ce, and ��}ai�y condi�i��� caused by the presence, use or re�ease af a Hazardous Substance <br /> which ad�e�•s��y affects�he value of�he P�•ope�•ty. If Borrovver�earns, o�• is notified by any go�re��nmental o�- <br /> reguiatory au���arity, or any priWate party, that any �•ernaval or o�he�•remedia�ian af any Hazardous Substance <br /> affec�.ing�he Prape��� is necessary, Borro�ver shall pramptly�ake al[ necessary rernedial ac�ions in <br /> acca�•dance�vith En�rironme��tal La�. No�hing herein sha11 �reate any obl�gat�on on Lende�•for an <br /> Env�ronme��tal Cleanup. <br /> NonWUnifv�m Co�enants. Borro�nre�• a��d Le��d�r co��nan�a�-�d agree as fallovvs: <br /> ��. Accelerat�on; Rem�d�es. Lender sha��g��e no��ce�a Borrower prior to aCce�era�ion following <br /> Svrrower's breach of any ca�enan�or agre�ment xn this Se�urity Instrument�bu# no� prior to <br /> accelerat�on under Section 1$ unless App�xcab�e Law provides a�he�v�5e}. The n�tice shal�spec�f�: �a} <br /> the defaul�; �b�the action required to cure th�defau�t; �c�a date, not �ess�han 3U days from the date <br /> th�natice�s�;��en to Borrawer, by wh�ch the default must be�ured; and �d}that faxlure ta cure the <br /> defauit an or before the dat�specif�ed rn the notice may result in ae�eleratinn�f�he surns secured �y <br /> this Security �nstrument and sa�e of�he Proper�y. The natice sha�t further�nform �3orr�wer of the <br /> righ� t❑ re�nstate af�er acce�eration and the right�o �ring a cour�a�tion�o assert the non-ex�stence of a <br /> defau�t or any ather defense�f BorrQwer to ae�eleration and sale. �f�he defaul� is nat cured�n or <br /> �before�he date spec�fied �n the natiCe, Lender at its option may require immedia�e paym�nt in full�f <br /> a��sums secur�d by th�s Securi�y Ins�rument withau�further demand and may�n►�oke the p�wer of sa�e <br /> and an�ather remedies permitted hy A�p�i�able Law. Lender shall be ent���ed to collect all ex�ense� <br /> incu rred in �aursuing�he remedies proWided �n th�s Se�#ion 22, in�luding, but not l�mited to, reasonable <br /> attarneys' fees and costs of t�tle evidence. <br /> 88fl9581�78 ���� 88U�581�78 <br /> N�BRASKA-Sing�e Fami�y-Fannie M aelFreddie M a�UNIF�RM INSTRUM ENT W ITH M�RS Form 342 8�10� <br /> VM�'U VM p6A�NE���302) <br /> WoEters Kluw er Financia�Services Aage�4❑f 17 <br />