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��14��5�9 <br /> If Lender exe�•cises�his option, Lender shall �i�e Forrower t�otic�af acce�eratian. The notice sl�all pravid�a <br /> periad of not less than 34 days from the date�he na�ice is given in accordance wi�h Sect�on l 5 wi�hin v�hich <br /> Borro�ver must pay all sums s�cured by�his Security ���st�•ume���. If Borrowe�-fails�o pay these sums prior�o <br /> the e�pira��on of this pet•iad, Lender may i���ro��any remed�es perm�tted by this Secur�ty�ns�rument vv�thou� <br /> fu�•thes•noti c�o�•demand on Bo�•r•owe�-. <br /> 'I 9. Borrawer's Right �o Reins�a�e After Acceleratton. If�o�-�•ov�e�•meets certaii�condi�ians, Bo�•rower <br /> shall have ti�e rig��t to 1-�a�e enforcemen�of�h��Secu�i�y�i�st�-ume���discan�inued at a��y time priar�o th� <br /> earlies�of: �a� five days befo�-e sale of��e Prope�-ty pursuan��o any povver of sale con�a�ned in�his Security <br /> �ns��-u�nent; (b� �uch athe�- period as Applicable iaaw m�ght�pec�fy far the termination of Bor�•o�e�•'s righ��o <br /> reinstat�; ar�c}�ntry of a judgme��t enforci���;thi� Secur�ty�nstrumen�. T��ase condi�tions are that Borrower: <br /> €a) pays Lender a11 sums which�hen would be due under this Security Tns�rumen�and�he Note as if no <br /> accelera�ian had ac�ur�•ed; (b}cu�•es any defau�t❑f any o�:her co�enants o�•agr-eemen�s; (c�pays alt expenses <br /> lI7CUt"t"�d 11��nf0�"C111€;�hlS SeCll�"1��1 IpS�I•umen�, i��c�ud�n�, but�-�ot lim�ted to, reasona��e at�orneys' fees, <br /> property inspectifln and�aluation fees, and other fees in�urred fo�•the purpose of pro�ecting Lender's i��terest <br /> �n the Pr'D�3��"f� apd 1"I�h�S L1nC���"�hx5 S�Curity�t�St�um�n�; and(d�takes such ac��on as Len er may <br /> reaso��a�ly requir�to assure that Le�adex•'s �n�e�es�ix� �he P�-operty a��d righ�s under�his Security Instrurn�n�, <br /> and Borrow�r's obligatio��to pay tl�e surns secured b�this Secu�•ity ins�rument, shali continue unchanged. <br /> L�nder rnay�•equ��-e that Bo�•�-��ve�• pay such�•einsta�ement sums and expenses in one�r mare of�he ffl�lo��ing <br /> forms, as selected b�r Lender. �a}cash; (b}mo��ey o�•der; �c}certif ed check, bank eheck, treasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check, pro�ided any suc�� check is drawx�upon an institu�ion whase deposits are ir�sured by a <br /> f�derai agency, ins��•um�nta��ty or en�i�y; or�d)Eiec���on�c Funds Transfer. Up�n reinstatement b�r Barrower, <br /> this��curi�y�ns�rument and obt��;atians secured he�•eby sha�l �•emain fuily effective as �f no accelera�ion had <br /> occurred. However, this�ight�o�•e�nstate shall ��ot a�ply in th�cas�of acc�lerat�on und�r 5ec�ion �8. <br /> 2 0. Sa�e of N ot�; Change �f Loan Serrri�er; N otice of �rievanc�. The Note or a partia� interes�in the <br /> Note��ogetihe�•v��th this Secu�-ity�nst�•umen�}can be s�ld one or more�imes without priar no�ice to <br /> Sarraw�r. A sale n�ight resul�in a c��ang��n��1e e�tity(knawn as the"Laa��5er�icer"}�hat callec�s Periodic <br /> Payme��ts due under the Note and this Securi�y i�s�rument az�d perfarms o�he�-mortgage�oan ser�r�cing <br /> obliga�ions unde�•the Nate, this Securit�Ins�rument, and Applicab�e La�w. The�•e alsn migh�be one a�•more <br /> . changes of�he Loan Servicer unre�a�ed�a a sale of the Note. If�here is a cha��ge of the L�an Servicer, <br /> Borrower wi 11 I�e gi�e��wr i�tet�noti ce�f th e cl�a��ge whi ch wi 1] ��a�e�1��name a�7d add�•�ss of�he new L.oan <br /> SerWice�-, the address#:o which paymen�s sh�uld be made and any othe�- informa�i�n RESPA�•equires in <br /> cannec�ion vv��h a notice of t��ansfer of s�r�icing. �f the Nate is s�ld a��d the�-eafter���e Laa1��s ser�iced by a <br /> Laan Serrricer otl�er thaT��he pur�hase� af the Note, the mort��a�e laan ser�icing obligations to Barrrra�ver�nrill <br /> remain�vith the Loan SerWicer or be�.ransferred��a successo�-Loan Sex-vicej•and at-e�1ot assumed by�he <br /> Nn�e purchaser unless o�herwise prav�ded by�he Na�e purchase�•. <br /> N'either Boxr�we�•nor Lender may�ommence,�a�n, ar b�jained ta any�udicia�actinn�as e��h��an <br /> indi��dual li�igant or�h�membe�of a class}�hat ar•ises from�he othe�party's actions pursuan��o thrs <br /> S�curity Instrunlent or that al��ges�ha��he fltl�er party 11as bx�eached any provision af, o�any duty�wed by <br /> reas�n of, this Secu���y Instrume�t, until such Borro�e�or Lender has natifed the a�her par�y�with such <br /> na�ice�;iven in campliance with the rea�uirements af 5ec�ion 15} of such alleged breach and affarded�he <br /> other pa�•ty hereto a reaso��aU�e period after the�;iving af sueh��otice�o tak�carrec�ive ac�ion. �f App�icab�e <br /> Lavtir pra�ides a time period which must ela�se before c�r�ain action can��taken, �hat t�me period vt�ill be <br /> deemed#o be reasonable for purposes of�his paragraph. T�-�e notice of acceleratia��a��d opportuni�y to cure <br /> �i�en to Borrower pursuai��#0 5ectiol�2� a��d��ze no��ce of ac�elerat�on given�o Barrow�r pursuant�� <br /> �e��j�� 1 S sha�I be deemed to satisfy th�notice and appartunity tn take correc�i�e ac��on provisians af th�s <br /> Section Z�. <br /> 884158�Q78 ��� 88�1 581�T8 <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie M a�l�reddie Ma�ll�II�ORM{NSTRUM�NT WITH M ERS Farm 3a28�10� <br /> VM�'U VMPfiA{N�)�1302} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finan�ial Services ��98��a��� <br />