<br /> Perfarmance af �bliga�inns. Grantor pram�ses t� perf�rm a�� terms, c�nd��ions, and c�venants flf�h�s
<br /> Securi��ns�rument and Related Documents�n accordanc�w��h the terms contained ther��n.
<br /> I)efens�and Ti��e t�Pr�pQrty. At the t�me of e�ecu��on and del��ery of th�s instrument, Grantor�s Ia�fu�ly
<br /> seis�d af�he es�at� hereby co�veyed and has the exc�usive right to mortgage, gran�, convey and assign the
<br /> Prflp�rty.�ran�or co�enants that�he Proper�y is unencu�nbered ancl free of a���iens,exc�pt f�r encumbrances
<br /> of recvrd a�ceptab�e �o Lender. F`ur�her, Gran��r co�enan�s that �rant�r wi�I warran� and defend genera�ly
<br /> the �it1e �fl the Property agains� any and al� cla�ms and demands wha�s�ever, sub�ect ta �he easements,
<br /> restrictians, or ��her encumbranc�s of record ac�ep�able �o Lender, a� may be �is�ed in �he schedu�e �f
<br /> except��ns to co�era�e, in any abs�ract of�it�e or ti�le insuran�e poiicy insuring Lender's �nteres� i� the
<br /> Praper�y.
<br /> Cond�txon vf Property. Grantor promises at a�l ��me� t� preser�re and �Q ma�n�ain the Property and e�ery
<br /> par�thereof in gvod repair,.working �rder, and c�ndi�ion and v�r��1 from ��me �� time, make ail needful and
<br /> praper repairs s��hat the valu�of the pr�pe��ty sha11 nat in any way be impaired.
<br /> ��mo�al of any Part Qf the ProPer�y. Grantor pr�mises no��o rem��e any par� af�he Property frorn i�s
<br /> present lacatifln,except for rep�acement,m.aintenance a�d relaca�i�n in�he ordinary c�urse of bus�ness.
<br /> Al�erat�ons to �h� Property. �rantor promises t� abst��n fra�n the commission �f any v�aste an or in
<br /> connec��on wit�the Property.Further, Grantor sha�l m�ke no material al�erat�ons, add���ons or impra�ements
<br /> �f any type vvhatsoe�er �o the Property, regardless of whe�her such al�eratians, add�tions flr imprflvements
<br /> vvau�d incr�ase �he value af��e Pr�per�y, nor perrnit any�ne to da so ex�ept fur ten�.nt impro�em�nts and
<br /> comp�e�i�� of items pursuant t� approved plans and spec�f ca�ions, v�ithou� Lender's pr�ar v�ritt�n cansent,
<br /> which cansen� may b� wi�hhe�d by Lender in its so�� discretion. �ran�or wi�� c�mply with alI �aws and
<br /> regu�ations of al1 public auth�rities hav�ng�urisdict��n�v�r�he Prflperty znclud�ng� W�th��.l� I1ml.t�7.�1DI7y th�se
<br /> re�ating t� the use, occupancy and maint�nance �here�f and sha�I upon request promp��y submit ta Lender
<br /> ev�dence�f such compliance.
<br /> Due an Sa�e-Lender's Consent. Grantar shal�nat se��,fur�her encumber or other�nrise disp�se of,e�cep�as
<br /> her�in prov�ded, an� or alI of i�s interes� in any pa�� of�r al� of the Proper�y wi�haut f�rs� ob�aining th�
<br /> writ�en cflnsent tif Lender. �f. any encumbrance, 1��n, transf�r ar sale �r agreement for �hese as crea�ed,
<br /> Lender ma�dec�are immedia�ely due and payable,�he entire balance of�he�ndebtedness.
<br /> Insuranc�. Gran�or pro�nises t�l�eep�h�Properry�nsured aga�nst such risks and in such form as may within
<br /> �he sole dis�reti�n af Lender be accep�abie, �ausing Lender �a be named as loss pay�e or �f reques�ed by
<br /> Lende�, as m�r�gagee. T��e insurance compan� shall be chosen by �ran�or sub�ec� �o Lender's approval,
<br /> v�hich shall n�� be unreasonab�y withheld. A�I insurance policies must pr�v�de tha� Lender vv��l get a
<br /> minimum of 1 U days notice�rior��cancellati�n. At L�nder's d�scretion,C rantor may be required to produce
<br /> receip�s of pa�d premiums and renev�al p��icies. If�ran�or fa�ls to obta�n the requ�red co�erage,Lender�may
<br /> da so a�Grantor's exper�se.Gran�ar hereby direc�s each and ever�r insurer�f�he Property t�make paymen�of
<br /> loss to Lender vv�xth the pr�ceeds�o be appl�ed, only a�Lender's opt�an,���he repa�r and rep�acement of the
<br /> damage or loss or�a he appl�ed t��he�ndeb�edness w��h�he surplus,if any,t��e paid by Lender to�iran�or.
<br /> Paymen� af T�xes and �t�er Applicable Ch�rges. Gran�or pronl�ses ta pay amd tfl d�scharge liens,
<br /> encumbrances,�a�es,assessmen�s,lease payments and any other charges relat�ng�o the Pr�per�y when�eWied
<br /> ar assessed against�rantor or�he Property.
<br /> En�iranm�ntal Laws and �-Iazardous nr TQx�c Materiats. Gran�ar and every �enant ha�e been, are
<br /> presen��y and sha�1 contiinue t� be 1I7 stric� co.�mp�iance v�i�h any appl�cab�e local, state and federal
<br /> en�ir�n�nenta�laws and regu�ations. Fur�her,ne��her Gran�or��r any tenan�sha�l manufacture, s�ore,hand�e,
<br /> discharge or d�sp�se of hazard�us or�oxi� rna�erials as �nay be defined by any s�ate or federal 1av� an the
<br /> Proper�y, �xcept �a �he ex�ent �he e��s�ence of su�h ma�er�a�s has been presen��y disc��sed in writ�ng �a
<br /> Lender. Gran�or w�l��mmedia�ely notify Lender in�vri��ng�f any assertion ar claim rr�ade by an�party as to
<br /> the p�ssib�e �iola�ion of appl��able state and federa� enW�ronmen�al �avs�s inc�uding �he l�ca��on of any
<br /> hazardous �r�axi�ma�er�a�s�n or ab�ut�he Proper�y. �ra�tor�ndemnifies and holds Lender har�nless frflm,
<br /> withou� �imitation, an� �ia�bili�y or �x�ens� af wha�s�e�er na�ure incurred direc�l� or ind�rec�ly out of or �n
<br /> connec�ion with: �a}any en��ronmental�avvs affec�ing all or any part of the Praperty or Gran�or;�b}the pas�,
<br /> present or fu�ure existence of any hazard�us materiais in, o�, under, ab�ut, or emanating from �r passing
<br /> �hrough �he Properfiy or any part �hereof�r any proper�y adj acent �hereto; ��} any past, presen� or futur�
<br /> hazardous ac�ivity at ar in connection v�i�h�he Properfiy or any par��hereaf; and �d} the nonc�mplianc� by
<br /> �ran�or or Grantor's failure�o comply fu��y and�imely�i�h en�ir�nmen�al 1a�s.
<br /> Financiai Infarmation.Gran�ar agrees�o supply Lender such financ�ai and o�her informat�on concerning�ts
<br /> affairs and �he s�a�us of any af�ts asse�s as Lender, from time ta �i.me, m�.a� reasonably reques�. Gran��r
<br /> further agrees to permf.�� Lender �a �erif.y accounts as w��l as �� in�pect, co�y and �o examine �he books,
<br /> records and files of Grant�r.
<br /> C�Z�D4-24�3�ompliance Systems,Inc.CEAE-FOFB-2a I3L2.O.E 1.655
<br /> Commerciai Reai Estate Security Ir�strument-DL4007 Pa�e 2 af 5 wwtir+.complian�esysterrts.car�
<br />