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<br /> Home Federal Sa��ngs&L�ar�Association of �iome Federal Sa��ngs&Loan Associa�i�n�f
<br /> Grand Is�and �rand Is�and
<br /> 22� South Locust Stree� Z�1 South Locust S�reet
<br /> �RAND ISLAND,NE�$$41 �RAND ISLAND,NE f$8��.
<br /> �Space 1�bo�e This Li��e Far�ecardi��g Data}.
<br /> Th�s ��]MMERC�AL REAL ESTATE DEED �F TRUST �"Security �ns�rumen�") �s made an Apri� 9, �414 by
<br /> �he grantar�s� Raymond P. Van Boskirk, and Lxnda D. Van Baskxrk., Husband and �V�fe, wh�se address is
<br /> 44 S�nja Dr., D�niphan,Nebras�a f Sg3� �"�rantor"�. The�rustee �s Arend R. Baack,Att�rney�vhose address
<br /> �s P.O. Box 79U, Grand Island, Nebraska G8S�2 �"�'rus��e"3. The benefic�ary �s�Home Federa� Savxngs &
<br /> Lvan Ass�c�at�on af Grand Is�and v�rhose address is �21 Sau�h Locust S�reet, �rand I�land,Nebraska 5�$U1
<br /> �"Lender"}, �vhich �� organi�ed and exis��ng under the laws flf the Unx�ed S�ates of Ameri�a. Cran�o�- in
<br /> considerat�an of lQans ex�ended by Lender up �� a ma�imum pr�n�ipal am�unt of Une Hundred Th�usand and
<br /> �UI�U4 Do�lars �U.S. $�D��DDO.UO� �"Max�mum Pr�ncipa� �ndeb�edness"�, and far o�her va�uable c�nsidera��on,
<br /> the rec��p� of which �s acknowledged, irrevocab�y gran�s, c�n��ys and assigns �a Trustee, in �rus�, w��h p�wer�f
<br /> sale,�he f���ow�ng descr�bed property�ocated in the�flun�y of Hal�, State flf N�braska:
<br /> Address: 44 Sonja Dr.,Doniphan,Nebraska 55832
<br /> Legal Descrip�io�n: Lat F�rty Four�44}Am�ck Acres Eas�Subdx��sx�n,Hal��ounty,Nebraska
<br /> Together vvi�h all easements, appur�enances abu�t�ng s�ree�s and a�ieys, �mpro�em�en�s, buiidin�s, f xtures,
<br /> �enemen�s, heredi�arnents, equ�pmen�, ren�s, 1nC�ITI�, profits and roya�ties; personai g�ods of whatever des�r�p��an.
<br /> and al� ot�er r�gh�s and pri�iieges �ncluding ail minera�s, aii, gas, vva�er (vWhe�her groundwater, su�terranean or
<br /> o�herwise�, wa�er righ�s �whe�her riparian, apprapria�e or�therwise, and whether or nut appur�enant tn the above-
<br /> described rea� property}, we�1s, �e�� permits, d�tches, d���h righ�s, reser�o�rs, reser���r rig���s, reser�oir si�es,
<br /> s�orage rights, dams and �vater stflc� t1�at may n�v�, or a� an� t�me �n the fu�ure, be located on andl�r used �n
<br /> ��nne���on vvith �he a�a�e�described real pr�perty, payment a�vards, arnaun�s recei�ed fi�om em�n�nt domain,
<br /> am�unts rec��v�d fr�m any and all insurance paymen�s, and�imber wh�ch may navv or later be la�ated, si�uat�d,or
<br /> aff xed ap and used�n�annectian�herew��h�hereinafter ca�led�he"Property"}.
<br /> RELATED Dt]�UMENT�. The wards "Re�ated D�cuments" mean a�l promissory no�es, securi�y agreements,
<br /> prior mortgages, prior deeds af trust, prior d�eds �a se�ure deh�, business Ioan agreemen�s, �onstru���Qn �oan
<br /> agreemen�s, reso�u���ns, gu�.ran�ies, en�ironmenta� agreements, subard�nation agree�men�s, ass�gnmen�s flf leases
<br /> and rents and any ather documen�s or abreemen�s execu�ed �p c�nnectifln v��th this �ndebtedness and Se�urity
<br /> zns�run�en�,whe�her now or h�reafter e��sting, inc�uding any modif ca�ions,ex�ensions, subs�i�ut�ons or renewa�s of
<br /> any of the for�go�ng. The Re�a�ed Documents are hereby made a part �f this Secur�ty �ns�rumen� by reference
<br /> �here��,�uith�he same farce and effect as if fu�l�set f�rt�here�n. :
<br /> �NDEBTEDNESS.This Security Instru�nent se�ures the pr�ncipal am�un�sho�vn ab�ve as may be e�idenced by a
<br /> prom�ss4ry no�e flr notes �f��ren, prior or subsequen� date hereta, �nc�uding fu�ure advances and e�ery o�her
<br /> �ndebtedness�f any and e�ery kind nov�or hereafter owing from VAN B[]S��RK AND ASS�C�ATES,�N�.�o
<br /> H�me Federal Sa��ngs c� �oan Association af Grand Island, hov�soever crea�ed �r ar�sing, vvhe�her primary,
<br /> secandary ar c�n��ngen�, tagether v���h atay in�erest ar�harges pro�ided in or arising aut of such indebtedness, as
<br /> v�el� as �he agreemen�s and covenants af�his Se�uri�y �ns�rument and al� Re�a��d DQ�umen�s �here�naft�r a�l
<br /> referred ta as�he "�ndebtedness"}.
<br /> FUTURE ADVAN�ES. Ta�he ex�en�permi�ted by�aw,th�s Secur��y�nstrument vvi�l se�ure future ad�ances as if
<br /> such ad�ances�vere made on�he date of�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�regard�ess of�he fa�t fhat from�ime�a time�here
<br /> may be n��alance due under the nate and regardless af v�he�her Lender�s obl�ga��d to rnake such fu�ure advances.
<br /> �R�SS ��LLATERALIZATI�N. �� �s �he expressed a�nt�nx of �rantor �o cross co�lateral�ze al� of �ts
<br /> �ndeb�edness and ob�igat�ans to Lender,�howsaever aris�ng and whenso�ver �ncurred, exc�p� any abliga�ian
<br /> exist�ng nr arisin�aga�nst the pr�nc�pa�dv�e��xng af any�rantar.
<br /> �VARRANT�ES. Gran�ar, for itse�f, its heirs, pers�na� representa��ves, success�rs, and ass�gns, represen�s,
<br /> warrants,covenan�s and agrees vvi�h Lender,its success�rs and assigns, as fo�lows:
<br /> �20D4-2fl13 CampIiance Systerns,Inc.CBAE-F�FS-2D13L2.a.EI.G55
<br /> Cvmrrtercial Rea�Estate Sec�rity Instrument-DL40�� Page 1 af 5 www.com�Iiancesystems.corn
<br />