<br /> Applicab�� Law, .A.s used � �his Secur�ty ins�rument, the term "App�zcable Law" shall mean a�� con�ro��in�
<br /> applicab�e federal, s�a�e and locai statutes, re�uiat�ons, ardinances and adm�nistrative ru�es and orders �that ha�e
<br /> the effect�f�aw�as vvell as al� applicable fna�,non�ap�ealable�ud�cral apin�ans.
<br /> Charbes; Lxens. B�rravver sha�l pay a1� taxes, assessments, char�es, fines and impfls�ti�ns a�tribu�ab�e �a the
<br /> Pr�per�y vWh�ch may attain priority fl�er this Securi�y Instru�ner��, and leasehold payme�ts or �round ren�s, if any.
<br /> A��he requ�s�af Lender, Barrower shal�promptly furz�.zsh�o Lender receip�s ev�dencinb the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrower shall pra�mptly d�scharge an� I�en which has prior��y over�his Secur�ty �ns�ruzr�en� unIess Barr�wer: �a}
<br /> a�rees in writin� �o the payment of the oblibatxon secured by the 1�en in a manner acceptable �o Lender; �b}
<br /> con�es�s �n �oad faxth the l��n by, or defends a�ainst enforcemen� of the l�en in, �egal proce�din�s which in the
<br /> Le�der's opin�an operate to pre�ent the enforcement of th� lien; or �c� secures from the halder af the lien an
<br /> a�reement sa�isfac��ry tfl Lender sub�xdinatin�the l�en to this Security �r�strument. If Lender d��ermines �hat apy
<br /> pa�� af�he Property is subjec� �o a l��n �hrch may at�ain priority o��� this Secur�ty Ins�rumen�, Lende� ma� ��We
<br /> Borrower a no�ice identifyi�g the lien. Bar�-awer sha�� satisfy �h� Iien ar take one or more of�he a���ans set for�h
<br /> above w�th�n I�days of the g�vin�af notice.
<br /> Ha�ard �r Proper�y I nsu rance. Borr�wer sha�1 keep �he impravemen�s now existing ar hereaf�er erected an �he
<br /> Praperty insured a��.ins� lflss by fire, hazards inc�uded w�th�n�he�erm "e�tended cavera�e" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> inc�udin� f�aads o�- flaod�n�, for whi�h Lender requ�res insurance. Thi� insurance shal� be mainta�ned in �he
<br /> arnoun�s and for th�periods tha�Lender requ�res. The insurance�arrier provzding�he �nsurance sha�i be chosen by
<br /> Sorrower subjec� to Lender's appra�al wh��h sha�l n�t be unreasnnably w��hheld. If Borrawer fai�s �o maintain
<br /> cavera�e described ab�ve, Lender may, at L�nder's op�ion, ab�ain covera�e to pro���t Lender's righ�s �n �he
<br /> Prflpe�rty in accordar�ce vv�th section trtled Protec�ion of Lender's�tigh�s ��the Prop�r�y.
<br /> Ail insurance p��icies and renewa�s shal� be accep�able �o Lender and shali inc�ude a standard rnort�a�e ��ause.
<br /> Lender shal�have�he r��h�ta h�ld�he palicies and renewals. If Lender requires, Barrflwer shali pro�nptly�ive�a
<br /> Lender a�l recexp�s �f paid prem�ums and r�newa�no�ices. In the event of loss, Borrower shall���e pr�rnp�notice
<br /> t�the insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if no�made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower ntherwise a�ree �n vvriting, insurance proceeds sha�l be applied ta r�stora��on or
<br /> repa�r �f the Praper�y dama�ed, if, in Lender's sol� discre�ion, th� restara�ion ar repair is ecanorn�icalI� feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is no� lessened. If, �n L�nder's sv�e discret�on, the res��rat�an or repai� is nat ecanom�cal�y
<br /> feasible or Lender's securr�y would b��essened,the insurance pro�eeds shalI be appl�ed t�the sums s��ured by�his
<br /> Security �ns�rumen�, whe�her or not then due, vvi�th any excess pazd to Borrower. �f Borrov�er abandans �he
<br /> Property,or d�es no�answer within the number of days pres�r�bed by Appl�cab�e Law as set forth �n a not�ce from
<br /> Lender�o Borr�wer tha��he insurance carrier has offered�fl set��e a c�a�m, th�n Lender may c��lect�he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �a repair or res�ore th� Proper�y or�a pay sums se�ured by th�s Security
<br /> �ns�ru�ent,vvhether�r na�then due. The pe�ri�d�f��me for Borrower�o answer as se�far�h in�he no�ice vvill be�in
<br /> v�h�n�he no�ice �s�iWen.
<br /> Un Iess Lender and Borrowe��therwise a�ree in vvri�ing,any a�p���ation of proceeds to pr�nc�pai shal i not extend
<br /> or pfls�pone�he due date of�h� payments due under�he Contract or change the amount of the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the sec�ion �itled ,A,c�eleration; Remedies, �he Proper�y is acquired by Lender, Borrawer's r��ht t� any insurance
<br /> palicies and pr�ceeds resultin� from dama�e to �he Proper�y prior �o th� acquisition shail pass ta Lender to the
<br /> ex�ent of the sums secured by this Se�ur�ty Instrument irnmediat�ly priaz-�o the acauis���on.
<br /> Pr��er�a�xon, Main�enance and Pr���c��on a�' �he Proper�y; Borrower's Luan Appl�cation; Leaseh�IdS.
<br /> F3orrower shali no�d�stroy, damage �r impa�r the Praperry, al�aw�he Property�o de�er�o�-ate, ar comm��waste o�
<br /> �he Property. Borrower sha�l b� rn defaui�if ar�y forfe�ture ac�i�n or proceed�ng,whether c�vil or criminal, is b��un
<br /> tha� �n Lender's good fai�h judgment could resu�t in fnrfeiture �f�he Property or otherw�se materiaZ�y im.pair the
<br /> ��en created by thXs Se�urity Instrumen� or Lender's securi� zn�erest. Barrower may cure such a defauZt and
<br /> re instate, as pro��ded in section���ied Borrower's Ri�h� to Refns�a�e, by caus�n�the acti�n or proc�eding�a be
<br /> d�smissed�i�h a ruli���hat, in Lender's�ood faith determinatian,precludes forfe��ure af�he Borrower's �nterest in
<br /> �he �'roper�y or o�her mat�rial impairment of th� �i�n crea�ed by th�s Secur��y Instrum�nt or Lender's security
<br /> interest. Borr�wer shal�a�sa be in defau�t�f Borrawer,durin��h�Iaan appli�atxan process,�a�e materially false or
<br /> inac�urate Inf�rri7�.t�Qn or statemen�s t� Lender �or failed �o pra�ide Lender with any ma�eria� infarrna�ion� xn
<br /> connection v�ith the �aan evidenced by �he �antrac�. If this Securi�y Instrument is �n a leasehold, Barrower shal�
<br /> com�l�with all the pro�isions of�he Iease. �f Borrower acqu�res fee title t��he Property,�he leasehold and the fee
<br /> ��tie shaIl no�mer�e unless Lender a�rees�a the mer�er In writing. ,
<br /> Pr��ection of Lender's Rzbhts in th� Proper�y. �f Barrower fa�is t� perfarm �he cavenan�s and a�reements
<br /> contazned in�h�s Security Instru�nent, or there �s a legal proceeding that n�ay s�gnxfcantly affect Lender's rx�h�s in
<br /> �he Propet�y �such as a prflceedin� xn bankrup�cy, probate, for condemnation or farfe�ture or�o enforce lavvs ar
<br /> re�ulations�, then Lender may do and pay f�r wha�eWer �s necessary ta pr�tec� the �a�ue of the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�bhts �n�he Property. Lender's actians rnay �nclude payin�any sums secured by a lien which has priority
<br /> o�er this Securi�y I�strument, appearing�n cour�,pay�n�reasonable at��rneys'fees and enterin�on th� Proper�y to
<br /> ma1�e repairs. Al�hflu�h Lender ma�take ac�ian ux�der this section,Lender does not ha�e ta d�sa.
<br /> Any am�oun�s d�sburs�d by Lender und�r this sect�an shal� hecame add��z�na� deb� af Borrawer secured by this
<br /> 5ecurifiy Ins�rument. Unless Borrflwer and Lender agree t� ��her �er�ns af paymen�, these a�r�aun�s s�all bear
<br /> �nteres� fram the date of d�sbursem�nt at �he same ra�e assessed fln ad�ances under the �ontrac� and shaIl be
<br /> payable,with in�erest, upon notice fr�m Lender to Borrower request�n�paymen�.
<br /> GQ 2�Q4-?01�Complian�e Systems,[nc.8E�3s'-FD14-20!3L7.4.E f.712
<br /> Consumer Real Estat�-Security lnstrument DL2Q36 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.c�mplian�esystems.cam
<br />