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<br /> Home Federal Sa�ings& Loan Assoc�ation af Ho�ne F�deraZ Sa��ngs& Loan Assv�iation of
<br /> �rand Is�and �rand Tsland
<br /> Z�1 �outh Locust Street Z�1 Sou�h Locust Stree�
<br /> GRAND �SLAND, NE 6884�. GRAND �SLAND, NE �88��
<br /> �Space Abave Tl�is Line For Recordin�Data}
<br /> L�AN �R�GiNAT�R NAME: Chris Kaskie
<br /> NMLS C�]MPAI�Y �DENTIFIER: 446443
<br /> ���I] �F TR1CTS�"
<br /> I3Y TI-�IS DEED �F TRUST}
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Security Instru���ent"� is z-nade �n Apri� �l, ZUI4. The �rantors a�-e KENT R DA'�VS
<br /> an� TAMMY S DAWS, Ht�SSAND AND �IFE, whose address is 4U19 ��LA LN, GRAND ISLAND,
<br /> �Iebraska GS8�3-1 a"21 �"B�rrower"}. Borrower is not necessari�y the sa�ne as the Persor� or Persons vvho sibn the
<br /> Hor�ne Equ��y L�ne of�redi�Agreemen�,dated Aprii 11, 2��4�"Con�rac�"�. The ob�i�ations of Borro�ers�vh�
<br /> did not si�n �he �ontract are expla�ned further �n �he sec�ion �i�led Succ�ssors and Assigns Bound; Join� and
<br /> Se►�erai Liab�l��y; Accommoda��on Signers. The �rus�ee is Arend R. Baack, A��orn�y whflse address is P.a.
<br /> Box 79U, Grand Island, Nebraska 6S80Z �"Trus�ee"}. The beneficiary is �Iame Federa� Sa�ings & Loan
<br /> A�sa�iatian of�rand Island,vvhich is or�ani�ed and existing under�he �aws of�he UnY�ed S�a�es of Amer�ca and
<br /> v�hose address is �Z� Sauth Locust Stree�, Grand Island, Nebraska �SBUI �"L�nder"}. �{ENT R DAW� and
<br /> TAM MY S DA�S have entered into a �ontrac� wi�h Lender as �f April 11, 2fl�4, under the terms of whzch
<br /> Borrav�er m�ay, from time tfl time, obtair� advances not �o exceed, a� any �ime, a ��*MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL
<br /> AM�UNT �E��LUDxNG PR�TECT�VE AD'''L�ANCES}�xx of Thir�y�-fiWe Thou�and and UUI�.QU DoZ�ars
<br /> �U.S. $35,U4U.U0� �"Credi�Lim�t"}. An�party interested in�he details rela�ed to Lender's �on�inuir�g obliga�ion�o
<br /> �-nake ad�ances to Borrov�er is ad��sed�o consult direct�y w��h Lender. �f nat paid earlier, �he sums ow�n�under
<br /> Sorro�er's �antra�� �ith Lender wi�� be due on Apr�l X 5, Z4�.�. Thxs Secur�ty Ins�rument secures to Lender: �a}
<br /> �he repaymen��f the debt under the �ont-t-ac�,with interest, inCluding future ad�ances,and a�l renewals,extens�ons
<br /> and modificatians of�he�ontract; �b�th�payment�f a�l o�her sums,with�nteres�,advanced to pro�ect the security
<br /> �f �h�s Se�urity �ns�rum�nt under �he pr�vis��ns of the sec�ion �i��ed Pro�ectivn of Lender's Rights in the
<br /> Proper�y;apd�c}the performance of Barrower's co�enants and a�reements under th�s Security�nstrument and the
<br /> �on�rac�. Far this purpose, Borrov�er, in cons�dera��an af��e deb� and �he trus�here�n crea�ed, irre�acab�y gran�s
<br /> and con�eys t� Trustee, in trus�, vvi�h povv�r of sa�e, the f�llovv�n�described praperty I�cated in�he C�UNTY af
<br /> HAIJL, State of Nebraslca:
<br /> Address: 4419��LA LN, GRAND �SLAND,N�braska�SS�3-I SZ�
<br /> Lega� Description: L�T THREE ���, �N R.� b St]�LDI'�IS��N, IN THE C�TY QF GRAND xSLAND,
<br /> , TQGETHER �1VITH ail the improvemen�s now or hereafter erec�ed �n the property, and al� easements,
<br /> appur�enances, and fixtures n�w ar he�-eafter a par� of�h� property. All rep�a�emen�s and addi�ians shall a�sa be
<br /> co�ered by th�s Securi�y Ipstru�nent. Al� of the f�re�oing is referred ta in �h�s Securi� �ns�rurnent as the
<br /> "Properry,"
<br /> B�RR�WER ��VENANTS tha� Borrov�er is �awfully seised af�he es�a�e hereby con�eyed and �as �he righ��a
<br /> bran� and convey the Praperty and �hat the Pr�per�y is unencumbered, excep� for encum�rances of recard.
<br /> Borravver warrants and v�ill d�fend benerally the tit�e �o the Proper�ty aga�nst a�l claims and demands, subject to
<br /> any en�umbrance�of record.
<br /> Borrower and Lender co�enant and agree as fflilo�vs:
<br /> Payment of Principal and In�eresty (]�her Charges. Borro�ver sha�] promptly pay when due the principal �f and
<br /> interest on t�e debt owed under�he�an�rac�a�d la�e charges ar any ot�er fees and charges due under the�ontrac�.
<br /> �2�a4-2�1;Compliance 5ystems,Inc.8ES3-FD14-20];L2.D.EI.712
<br /> Gons�r��er Real Estate-5ec�irity l��strurnent Dt�?D3G Pa�e 1 of 5 www,c�mpliancesystems,ca�z�
<br />