<br /> Froperty Condition, Alterations and Inspection. Trustvr wi11 keep the Property �n goad �vndition and
<br /> mak� all repairs that are reasanably nec�ssary. TrusC�r sha11 n�t commit or allow any wast�, impairment, or
<br /> deterioratian of the Prop�rty. Trustor agr�es tha� the nature of the occupan�y and use w�ll not subs�antially
<br /> �hange without Beneficiary's prior written cons�nt, Trustar will n�t permit any �hange in any Iicense,
<br /> restricti�e �ov�nant or easement withvut Beneficiary's prior written cansent. Trustor will notify Beneficiary
<br /> �f a11 demands, proceedings, claims, and actians against Trus�ar, and of any loss ar damage to the Property.
<br /> Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent5 may, at Bene�ciary's option, enter th�Proper�y a� any r�as�nable time for
<br /> the purpose of inspecting the Property. Ben�ficiary sha11 gi�e Trustor notice at the time af ar before an
<br /> inspection specifying a reasonable purpose for the insp�ction. Any inspectian�f th� Property sha11 be entirely
<br /> for Ben�ficiary's benef�t and Trustar will in na way rely ❑n Benefic�ary's inspec�ian.
<br /> Autharity t�Perfarm. �f Trustar fai�s �o perform any duty or any of the �a�enants �ontained in this Security
<br /> Ins�rument, �enefzciary may, without natice, perform or cause �hem tn be performe�. Trustar appoints
<br /> Ben�ficiary as attorney in fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any am�unt necessary for performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's right t� perfarm for Trustor shall not �reate an obligation to perform, and �eneficiary's fa�lure
<br /> to perform will nat preclude B�neficiary from ex�rcising any of Ben�ficiary's other rights under the law or
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> Leaseholds; Condominiums; Plann�d Unit De►v+e��pments. Trustor agrees to comply with th�pro�isions of
<br /> any lease if this Security �nstrument is on a leaseh�ld. If th� Property includes a unit in a cond�minium or a
<br /> planned unit de�elapm�nt, Trustor w�ll perfarm all of Tru�tor's duties und�r the co�enan�s, byW�aws, or
<br /> regul atic�ns o f the candaminium flr pl anned unit de�e�apm�nt.
<br /> Condemnation. Trus�or will gi�e Beneficiary prompt natice of any pending or threatened action, by private
<br /> or publiG entities �� purchas� or tak� any �r aIl �f the Pr�perty through Condemnation, eminen� damain, ar
<br /> any ather means. Trustor autharizes Beneficiary ta inter�ene �n Trustor's nam� in any nf the ab�ve described
<br /> actions or claims. Trustor assigns to Ben�ficiary the proceeds of any award or claim fvr damages connected
<br /> with a ��ndemna�ian ar other talcing of all or any part af the Praper�y. Such praceeds shall be considered
<br /> payments and will be applied as pro�ided in this S��urity Instrum�nt. This assignment �f proceeds is subject
<br /> ta�he terms of any prior martgage, deed af trust, security agr�ement or flther lien document.
<br /> Insurance. Trustar sha11 keep Proper�y insured agains� lass by fire, flood, th�ft and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably assacia�ed with the Property due to i�s�ype and locatian. This �nsurance shall be maintained in th�
<br /> amounts and far the periods that Ben�ficiary r�quires. 'L�V�hat Benefi�iary requires pursuant to the pr�ceding
<br /> two sentences �an�hange during the term of the Secured Deb�. The �nsurance carrier prQ�iding the insuranc�
<br /> shall be chosen by Trustor subject to Beneficiary's appr��al, whi�h shal� not be unreasonably withheld. If
<br /> Trustor fails to maintain the coverage described above, Seneficiary may, at Benefi�iary's opt�on, �btain
<br /> co�era�e to pro�e�t Beneficiary's rights in th� Praperty according to the terms of this Security Xnstrument.
<br /> A1� insuran�e pvlicies and renewa�s shall be acceptable to Ber��fi�iary and shai� includ� a s�andard "martgage
<br /> clause" and, where appl��able, "loss payee Gla�se." Trustor sha�� immediat�ly notify Benefi�iary of
<br /> cance��ation or terminatian of the insurance, Beneficiary shall ha�e �he right ta hold rhe polici�s and
<br /> renewa�s. Yf Benefi�iary requires, Trustor sha�1 immediately give to Beneficiary all receipts of pa�d premiums
<br /> and renewal natices. Upon 1ass, Trustor shal� gi�e immediate notice ta the insurance carrier and Beneficiary.
<br /> Beneficiary may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Trus�or.
<br /> Un�ess otherw�se agreed in writing, a1l insurance prQc�eds sha11 be appiied to the res�oratian or repair of the
<br /> Property or to the S�cured Debt, wheth�r ar nat then due, at Beneficiary's optinn. Any appli�ation of
<br /> proceeds to principal shall nat extend ar postpnn� the due date of the scheduled payment nar chang� the
<br /> amaunt of any payment, Any excess wi11 be paid to the Trustar. �f the Property is acquired by Benef�ciary,
<br /> Trustor's right to any insuran�e policies and proGeeds resulting from damage ta the Prnperty befare the
<br /> a�quisition sha11 pass t❑ Benef�ciary �a the extent af the Secured l]��t immediately hefore the acquisitifln.
<br /> Financ�al Reports and Additiona� Document,s. Trustor wi�l prav�de ta Benef���ary upon request, any
<br /> financial statement or information Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Trustor agrees to sign,
<br /> de�i��r, and fil�any additic�nal documents or certificatians that B�neficiary may cansider necessary to perfect,
<br /> cantinue, and preserve Trustar's �bligatians under this Security Instrument and Bene�ciary's lien status on
<br /> th� Property.
<br /> fi. W TY []F TITLE. Trustor warrants that Trustor is ar wi11 be lawfully seized af the estate con�eyed
<br /> by this SeGurity Instrument and has the right to irre�ocably grant, con�ey, and se1� the Prnperty to Trustee, in
<br /> trus�, with pavver of sale. Trustor a�sa warrants tha� the Property is unen�umbered, e�c�pt f�r encum�rances
<br /> of re�ord.
<br /> 7. D[TE aN SALE, Benefi�iary may, at its op�ian, declare the entire �a�ance of the Secured I7ebt t� be
<br /> immediately due and payable upon the �rea��an of, or �antract for the creation af, a transfer or sale af a11 or
<br /> any part af the Praper�y. This righ� is subje�t t� th� restricti�ns imposed by federal law �1 Z �.F.R, 591}, as
<br /> app�icable.
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument-�pen-�nd-Cansumer-NE �CP-REDT-NE 71212fl17
<br /> VMPO Bankers 5ystems�"" VMP-C4B5RN�} �i�p71,OQ
<br /> Woiters K�uwer Financial Services C�1994,2Q1 1 Page 3 af fi
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