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��14��435 <br /> The praperty �s aocated in Ha 11 ................... . ,..... at .. . ..... <br /> ... ..... ... .... ... .............. ................. ... ... ...... <br /> ��ounty} <br /> .,4�3.8..S..No rth�Rd........................... ..�rand,Z s 1 and.................., Nebraska ..6,8 S�3-.9 619, <br /> (Addr�ss} �C ity} �Z�P Code} <br /> Toge�her with a�� rights, easements, appurtenances, rflyalties, mineral rights, oil and gas r�ghts, all water and <br /> riparian rights, ditches, and wa�er stock and all existing and future �mprt��em�nts, structures, fixtures, and <br /> repla��ments that may novv, or at any time in�he fu�ure, he part of the real estate des�r�bed abo�e �all ref�rred <br /> t� as "Property"}, <br /> 3. MA�IMUM C�BLI�ATIC]N LIMIT. Th� total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any <br /> one time shall nvt exceed $ �5�.���..�.�................................... . This limitatian of amount dnes not <br /> in��ude in��res� and ather fees and �harges �alidly made pursuant to this Secur�ty �nstrument. A1so, th�s <br /> limitatian does not apply ta ad�ances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect <br /> B�neficiary's s�curity anc�to��rform any of the�a�enants contained in this Se�urity Instrument. <br /> 4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVAN�ES. The term "Secured Debt" is def�ned as fol�ows; <br /> A.Debt incurred under the terms of a�l promi�sory note�s}, con�ract�s}, guaranty��e�} �r o�her evidence of <br /> debt d�scribed bel�w ar�d a�� th�ir ext�nsions, renewals, modificati�ns �r substitutions. {�ou mus� <br /> speci�cally identi�y the debt�s� secured and you should include the�n�cZ maturit-y date af such de�t�s}.} <br /> Nate Dated A ril l� ��14 In The Amount af $�5� 44�.44 <br /> Ac�ruing At � Varia�le Rate With A Maturity Date 4f April �5� 2�19 <br /> Said Loan In The Name{s} �f Donald F Carlin <br /> And Melodi� J �arlin <br /> B. A�1 future ad�ances from B�nef�c�ary t� Trustor or other future obl�gat�ons af Trust�r tn Berieficiary <br /> under any prdmissory nate, contract, guarant�, or other eWidence of debt ex�cuted by Trus�or in fa�or <br /> af Beneficiary after this Se�uri�y Instrument whether or nat this Security �nstrument �s specifica��y <br /> r�feren�ed. If mor� than one person 5igns this Se�urity Instrum�nt, each Trustor agrees that this <br /> Se�ur�ty Ir�stru7m.ent wi�� se�ure �:l fu�ure ad�anc�� ar�d fu�ure �bligations tha� are given to ar incurred <br /> by any one or mor� Trustor, or ar�.y on� or m.ore Trust�r and others. All future ad�ances ar�d other <br /> future abligatians are se�ured hy this 5ecurity I�5�rurrier�t e�en thaugh aI� ar part may not ye� be <br /> ad�an�ed. All future ad�ances and ath�r future o�ligations are se�ured as if made on the date of �his <br /> Security �nstrum�n�. Nothing in this Securit� instrument sha11 c�ns�itute a cammttmerit to make <br /> addi�ional vr futur� loans �r ad�ances in any amount. Any su�h �amm�tmen� must be agr�ed ta in a <br /> separate wr�ting. <br /> �.Al� ather obligations Trustar owes to Beneficiary, which may �ater arise, to th� extent nat prnhibit�d by <br /> �aw, �nc�uding, but not ��m�t�d to, liabil�t��s far o�erdrafts relat�ng to ax�y depvsit account agr�ement <br /> be�w�en Trustor and Beneficiary. <br /> D.Ali additional sums a��an�ed and expenses inCurr�d by B�nefi�iary for 1I7511rIri�, preserving or <br /> otherwise prat�ctzng the Property and its �alue and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by <br /> B�neficiary under the terms of this Security Inst�ument. <br /> In the e�ent that B�n�fic�ary fails �o pro�id� any required no�ice of�h� right of rescission, Beneficiary waives <br /> any subsequent security int�rest in th�Trus�or's princ�pal dw��ling that is created�y this Security Instrument. <br /> 5. DEED UF TRUST C(]VENANTS, Trust�r agrees that the co�enants in this section are mater�aa ob��gat�ons <br /> und�r the Secured Debt and thxs Security �nstrum�nt. If Trustor breaches any cn�enant in this section, <br /> Beneficiary may r�fus� to make additional extensians of�r�dit and reduce the cred�t ��mit. By not �xercising <br /> either remedy on Trustor's hreach, B�nefi�iary do�s not wai�e Ben�fi�iary's right to later co�s�der the e�ezat a <br /> breach if it happens again. <br /> Payments. Trustor agrees that al1 payments under the Secured Debt wi�l be pa�d when due and in accordance <br /> with the terms nf the Se�ured D�bt and this Se�urity �nstrumerit. <br /> Prior Security InterQsts. With regard t� any other mortgagey de�d �f trust, security agreement or ather li�n <br /> documer�t that created a prior s�curity interest �r �ncumbranc� on the Property, Trustar agr�es �o mak� aI1 <br /> payments wh�n due and tv perform �r comply with all co�enants. Trustor also agrees n�t to a��ow any <br /> mod��cat�an or exten5�on of, nor to request any futur� ad�an�es under ar�y not� �r agreement secured hy the <br /> �ien document without Beneficiary's prior written approva�. <br /> �laims Aga�nst Tit��. Trustar wi�� pay all taxes (including any tax a�sessed Ca th�s I]eed �f Trust}, <br /> assessments, liens, en�umbrances, l�ase payments, ground rerits, ut�l�ties, and other charges reiating ta the <br /> Property when due. Beneficiary may require Trustor to pro��d� to Benef�c�ary capies of a11 no�ices that such <br /> amounts are du� and the receipts e��dencing Trustor's payment. Trus�or will def�nd ���Ie �o th� Praperty <br /> aga�nst any claims �hat wauld impair the lien of this Secur�ty �ns�rument. Trus�or agr�es �a assign to <br /> Beneficxary, as r�quested by Beneficiary, any rights, c�aims or defenses 7'rustor may ha�e against partx�s who <br /> supply labor�r materials to mainta�n or impra�e the Pr�p�rty. <br /> Security Instrument-flpen-End-Cvnsumer-NE ❑CP-REDT-NE 7121��11 <br /> VMPO ganicers SystemsT"� VMP-C4S5tN�) �1�D7).OD <br /> Wolters Kluwer�ir�ancial 5ervices C�7 994,201 1 Page���fi <br />