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��14��351 <br /> �EE� �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: �7��5�555 <br /> ��ont��u[�d� - Page � <br /> computer sys�em r�ference� where this Deed o� Trust is r�corded, and �he name and address o� the success�r <br /> trustee, and the instrument�hal� be exe�uted and acknowledged E�y a[[the bene�iciaries under this Deed❑�Trust or <br /> their successors �n �n�eres�. The successor�rustee, vvithout canveyanee of th� Prope�-ty, shall suGceed to a[f �he <br /> fiit�e, po�rer, and du��es con-�e�red upon the Trustee in this Deed af Trust and i�y app��cable [aw. This prvicedure for <br /> substifi�tivn of Trustee sha�l g��ern�o fihe e�€c�usivn o�al�other provisions�ar substitu�ion. <br /> N�TICES. An� notice required to be g��en und�r-this Deed o-f Trust; inc�uding without limi-tation any notice o� default <br /> and any notice o�sale sha�! be gi�en in writing, and shall be e�fec�i�e when ac�ually de[ivered, when ac�ually r�ceived <br /> by te[efacsimife {un[ess otherwis�required by law}r when deposited�ith a natianally�ecogni�ed Q���night c�urier� or, if <br /> mailed, when depas�ted in the United Stat�s mail, as first class, certified or regis�ered mai[ postage prepaid, direc�ed to <br /> �he addresses shvwn near�he beg'r.nning v�this Deed of Trust. A�� copies of notices of foreclosure frvm the hoider o� <br /> any fien which has priority o�er this Deed o�Trust sha�! be sent t� Lender's address, as sh�wn near the b�g�nn�ng ofi <br /> �his Deed vf Trust. Any person may change his ar her address for no�ice,s under this Deed of Trust by gi�ing �or¢�r-�a� <br /> written notice �o the a�her pers�n ar persons, spec�i-ying that the purpose of the nvti�e is to change �he persvn's <br /> address. For no�ice purpvses,Trustor agrees�a keep Lender inform�d at all times of T�-us�vr's current address. Un�ess <br /> otherwise prvvided or required by �aw, if�here is more than ane Trus�or, any no�ice gi�en by Lender to any Trus�or is <br /> d�em�d to be no�ice gi�en to a[�Trustors. ��wi[� �e Trus�or's responsibili�y to teEl the��hers of�he n�tice�rom L�nder. <br /> MISCELLANE�US 1PR�V�SiDNS. The following m�scellaneous pravisions are a part v�this Deed v�Trust: <br /> A�nendments. What is wri�-�en in -�his Deed o-�Trust and in the F�elated Do�uments Es Trusfor°s entire a�reement <br /> with L�nd�r�vncerning the ma�ters co��red by�his Deed of Trust. �o be effeetive, any chang� or amendmenfi to <br /> this Deed vf Trust must be �n writing and must be signed by whoever v�ill �e bound or ob�igated by the change or <br /> amendmen-t. <br /> �aptivn HeacIings: Caption headings in this Deed af Trus� are �or conWenience purposes vnly and are not t� be <br /> used to rnterpr�t or de��ne the provisions o��his Deed o�Trus�. <br /> itlierger. There sha11 be no merger of the in�erest�r es�ate creafied by this Deed of Trust with any�ther interest or <br /> esta�e in�he Property at any time held by or for the bene��t�f Lender En any capacityr withau�t the writ�en consent <br /> o€Lender. <br /> Gove�ning Law. This Deed of Trust �nriII be go�erned by federaI law appIiCab�e to Lender and, to the exten� no� <br /> pree�rap�ed�y�ederal law,�he Ia►nrs vf the 5ta#e vf Nehraska wifihvut�e�ard tv i#s Gonflic�s v�law prv��sions. This <br /> �eed o�r Trust�as been�Gcep�ed by Lender�n the State of N�braska. <br /> Choice v�Venue. 1�ther� Es_� Iawsuit, T�-ustor agrees upvn Lender's requesfi to submit to the �urisdiction o�the <br /> cour�s af Ha[� Cvunty, State af Nehrasl�a, � <br /> Join� arid SeWerat Liab�Ii�y. A[f vt�[igations o-� Trustor under this Deed afi Trust sha11 be �oEn� �nd severa[, an� all <br /> references to Trus�or sha�� mean each and every Trustor. This means that each Trustor signing belaw is <br /> resp�nsibf�fo�-ai�obligations in�his Deed ofi Trust. <br /> Na VIlaiWe�by Lender. Trustor unders-�ands Lender wifi no�gi�� up any of Lender's rights under this Deed of Trust � <br /> unless Lender da�s �o in writing. The fact that Lender d��ays or omits t� exercise any righ� wi[C not mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. �f Lender does agree in wri�ing to gi�e up one of Lender's rightsr that do�s no� <br /> mean T�-ustor wi[[ not ha�e t� camply w��h �h� other pro�isi�ns vf this D�ed of Trust. Trustvr also understands <br /> that s-� Lender does consent �o a reques�; tha� daes na� m�an that Trus�vr vtrill not ha�e to get Lender's evnsent <br /> again i�the si�ua�ion happens again. Trus�or fur-�her unders-tands�hat just because Lender cansenfis to one or more <br /> of Tr�s�ror's req�€es�s� ��at does not mean Lender wilf �e required �o eonsent ta any of Trusto�-°s #�ture reques-�s. <br /> �rus�or rrv�ives presentrr�er��. demand€o�-�ayr�enz, protest, a�ad not�ce of dishon�r. <br /> 5e�era�iii�. I-�a �our�finds �hat any prov�s�on �f�his L�ee� a�T�-ust �s not �alid vr should not �e enforcec�, that <br /> fact by itsel�wi1� not mean that t�e �-esfi of�his Deed a�Trus�wi�� no�be Walid ❑r en�orced. There�Fore, a �vur�wi[f <br /> en�orce the res�of the provisivns vf this Deed��€Trust eWen i�a pro��sion o�this Deed flf Trus��nay�e faund to f�� <br /> in�a�id ar unen-�orceable. <br /> 5uc�essors and Assigns. 5ubject to any [imitati�ns s�ated in this Deed o�Trust on transfe�- of Trusto�r's inter�st, <br /> th�s Deed o�Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit o� the pa�-ties, �heir successors and assi-gns. [� <br /> vwn��-ship o�F the Praperty becomes �esfied in a persan �ther than Trus�or, Lender, wi�hout not�ce tv Trusfior, may <br /> deal�nrith Trus�or`s successors with reference to this Deed o�Trus�and the Indebtedriess by way�f�orbearance v�r <br /> e�tensian�rv�thvut re�eas�ng Trus�or frvm the obligat'rons o-�this Deed of Trust or liabi[ity unde�-fihe [ndeb�edness. <br /> Time�s��r th�Essenc�. T�r-ne is�f-the essence in the pe�formance of this Deed of Trust. <br /> V1�a��re Jur�. �4II pa��es�o this Deed o�f Trust hereb�wa��e�he �ight�a �ny�ury trial �n a�y a�c�ivn, proceeding, or <br /> cvun�erciair��rough�b���y par�y aga�nst any��her par�r�. <br /> �l�Taiver c�f ��rn�stead Exemp�ion. Trustor herebr� re[eases and wa��es all rights and bene�€ts o� tne hvmestead <br /> �xemptio��av+r�of the S�a�e vf Nebraska as�o a�� Indeb�edr�ess seoured by�his Deed o�Ta�ust. <br /> DEFiNIT�ONS. The follav�ring words sha�� ha�e the�oilowing mean�ngs uvhen used in this Deed of Trust: <br /> Bene�iciary, The wvrd "geneficiary" means Equ��able gank,and i�s successars and assigns. <br /> Bvrrv►nrer. The word n gorrovtirer" means Lyle F� VanCle�e and JoAnn S Van�leve and includes all co-s�gners and <br /> co-makers signing the Credit Agr�ement and all�heir successors and assigns. <br /> Credit Agreeanen�, The words "Credit Agreemen�" mean the credi�agreement dated Aprif 17, ���4,w�th cre�it <br /> �lmdt �f $�,���.�Q �Frvm Trus�or to Lender, together w�th al1 renewa�s of, ext�nsivns of, mvdif'rcativns a�� <br /> refinancings of, consolidations o-�, and substitutions ��r�he prom�ssory no�� or agreemen�, �fhe mafiurity dat� af <br /> �his Deed o�T�ust is A�aril '�7, 2Q'17. <br /> ❑eed �f T�ust, The �rvords °'Deed vf Trus�" mean �khgG Deed a� Trus� among Ti rus�tor� Lencfer, and Trus�ee, and <br /> gnc�udes wi�hau� l�mi�ateon a!6 assignment �nd se�urity in��rest prov�sions relating t� �€�e Persoraa� Prvperty anc� <br /> Rents. � <br /> Environmenta� Laws. �he vvo�ds "En�ironmental La�rvs" mean any and all state, federa[ and. loca[ s�atu�es, <br /> regulations and ordinances re[ating �o �he protecfiion o� human heal�h or �khe en�ironmentr inc�ud�ng without <br /> �imitafiion the Comprehens��e En���-onmenta[ Response, Compensa�ion, and Liab�f�ty A.ct af 19$�r as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. 5ec�ion 9E�1, et seq. {"CER�LA"�, the 5up�r-�und IAmendmen-ts and Reau�horiza-�ivn Ac�of 1956, PuE�. L. <br /> No. 99-4�9 �"SAl�A"�.the Hazardous Mat�ria�s Transportat�on Act,49 U.S.�. 5ection �l 8Q'i, e-�seq.,the Resource <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery Act, 4-2 L].S.C, Section �9��, et seq.� or vther appli�ab[e state or federal lav�rs, ruies, <br /> ar regu[ations adopted pursuant�hereta. <br /> Ev�n�o�Defaul#. The words "EWent of�e�aul�" �nean any vf the events�f defau��t set�or�h En this �eed of Trus�in <br /> the events�f defau��se�tiQn o��his Deed o�Trus�Q <br /> �xEs-��ng Inde�tednesse The words °�Existing [nd�b�edness� �nean the �:ndeb�edness descr�b�d �ra �he Existing Li�ns <br /> pror�isior�o��his�e�d�f Trust. <br /> Ha�ardous Subs#ancesF The words "HazardQus 5ubstances'° rr�e�n rr�a�eria�s �hat, because �� fihe�r a�Eaantity, <br />