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��14��351 <br /> i�EED �F TRU�� <br /> Laan �Vo: �7���9�55 ��ot�tlt�u�d� Page a <br /> law upan the occurrence�of any e�en�o-�default, including-�he right�o exercise the power of sa�e; <br /> �b� Commence an action�o�oree[ose this Deed af Trust as a mortgage, appo�nt a recei�er ar sp��ifica�Iy <br /> enforce any of th�co�enants hereof; and <br /> �c} Del��er tv Trustee a writ-ten declara�ion of de�au�t and demand�For sa�e and a writ�en natice v�default <br /> and ��ection to cause Trus�or=s interest in the Property�o be sold;which notice Trustee shaIi cause to he <br /> duIy�Fi[ed�vr record in�he appropriate of�ices o�the County in�nrhich the Property is lvcated;and <br /> 4d} VIIi�h respect t� a[[ or any part of�he Persona[ Prvper-ty, L�nder shall ha�e all�he rights and remedies <br /> of a secured par-�y under the [Vebraska LJni�Form �ommercia� �ode. <br /> Foreclos�re by Power of 5aie. If Lender e[ects�o forec[ose by exercise of the Pov+rer of Sa[e h�rein canfiained, <br /> Lender� shall noti�y Trustee and sha1� deposit viri�h T�ustee this D�ed of Trust and the �redit Agreement and <br /> such receipts and ev€dence of e�€pendi-�ures made and seeured by this Deed of Trus�as Trusfiee may require. <br /> �a} Upon rece�pt o#such notice�rom Lender, Trustee shall cause tv be reco�-ded, published and deli�ered <br /> �o Tr-ustvr such Notice of Defau�t and Not�ce o�5a1� as then r�qu�red by law and by�his Deed o�Trus�t. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trusfor, afte-r such time as may then be required by [av�r and after <br /> r�corda�ion v�such Nv�ice of De�au�t and after No�ice of Sale ha�ing been given as required by�aw, sel� <br /> the Prop�rty at fihe time and place v�r sa[e �Fixed by i-� �n such Notice of Sa[e, �ither as a whole, or in <br /> separate [o�s ar parcels or items�s Trustee shai[ deern expedien�, and in such vrder as it may determin�, <br /> at public auct�on ta the highes� k�idder for cash in �awfiul mon�y of-�h� United Stat�s payabie at the�ime <br /> vf sale. Trustee sha�� d�1��er to such purchas�r or pu�chase�s thereof its good and su��icEent deed or <br /> deeds �on�eying the praperty s� so[d, 4�u� wi�hoUt any covenant �r warran�y, express Qr implied. The <br /> rec�fals in such deed o� any rna��ers or fa��s sha�[ be cvnc�usive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any <br /> person, inc�ud�n�w�thaut limita�ion Trustor,Trustee. or Lender, may purchase a�such sa�e, <br /> {�} As may he permit�ed by law, af�er d�ducting all cos-�s, -�ees and expenses af Trustee and of �his <br /> Trust, including costs of e�idence af title in connection with sale,Trus�ee shafi app�y the proceeds❑�sa�� <br /> �o payment o�F {�} a�� sums expended under the �erms of this Deed o�F Trust or unde� �he terms of the <br /> �redit Agreement not then r�paid, inc�uding but nat limi�ed to accrued interest and [a�e charg�s, {ii} al� <br /> other sums then secured hereby, and �iii} the remainder, ��any, to �h� p�rson or pe�-sans legaIly�ntit�ed <br /> �hereto. <br /> {c} Truste�may!n the manner provided by law postpone sa�e of all or any port�on of the Proper�y. <br /> lRemedies Not E�c�jus��re. ��-ustee and L�nder, and each of them, shall be entitled ta enfor�e payment and <br /> per�ormance❑�F any indeb�edness or obli�ations secured by th�s Deed of Trust and tv exercise a�! rights and po�rvers <br /> under this De�d of Trustr under �he C�edit Agre�men�, under any of�he Rela�ed Dacuments, vr �nder any vther <br /> agr�ernent or any [aws n�w �r herea€-tar �n �orce; notwi�hstanding, some or al� o� suGh inde�tedness and <br /> �b�iga��ons secured by�rhis Deed o�T�ust may naw vr hereafter-be oth�rvuise secur�d, whe�her by mortgage, deed <br /> o�trust, pledge, fien, assignmen� vr atherwise. Neither the acceptan�e ���his Deed Q�Trust nor i�s�nforcement, <br /> whe�her by court ac�ion or pursuant �o �he pawer of sale br v#her powers cvntained �n this Deed of Trus�, shall <br /> prejudice or in any manner afFec�Trustee`s or Lender's right to reali�e upon ar enfvrce any othe�security naw or <br /> hereafter held by Trustee or Lender, i�being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each of-�hem, sha[[ be entit�ed�o <br /> enforce this ❑eed o�Trus-� and any other securi�y naw or herea-�er he�d by Lender vr Trustee in such order and <br /> manner as they Qr �ither o� them may in their absolu-�e discre�ion dete�-mine. No remedy conferred upon or <br /> reserved �o Trus�ee vr Lender, is in�ended ta be e�cclusi�e of any other remedy in thEs Deed o� Trust or by law <br /> pro�ided or permi�ted, but eaCh sha[f be cumulati�e and sha[f he in addition t� every other remedy given in this <br /> Deed a�Trus�or now or her�after ex�sting at [aw or in ecguity or by sfiatut�. E�ery power vr remedy gi�en by`the <br /> �redi� Agreemer�t o�- any o� the Rela�ed D��urr��nts to T�-ustee or Lender �r �v which either of �h�r-r-a ma� be <br /> otherw�se enfii-�led; may be exercised! concurren�Iy �r �ndepend�nt�y, �Frorr� �ime �a �ime and as �ften as rr�ay I�� <br /> d�emeo[ ex�pedien�t by Trustee �r Lender, and either of �hem �nay pursue inconsis�en� rer��d�es. ��-�hing �n �his <br /> Deed o��rus�shall f�e const�ued as prohibi��ng Lender fr�t� seeking a deticiency�udgment aga�nst�he Trustor�ro <br /> �he ex�en�such ac�ion i.s permitted by la�nr. <br /> E�ec�ion of F�emedies. A[f of Lender�s righ�s and remedies wi[[ be cumula�i�e and may be exercised alone �r <br /> together, 1-� Lender decides t� sp�nd money ar �o perform any of Trustor`s ob[Egations under �his Deed of Trust, <br /> after Trustor's fa�lure to do so, that d�cision by Lender viri[� no� a���ct Lender's right to dec�are Trustor in defaul� <br /> and�to exercise Lenc{er`s r�medies. <br /> �equest for No�iGe. Trustor, an behalf o�Trust�r and Lender, her�by requests that a copy of any Notice of De�ault <br /> and a copy o�any Not�ce o�5ale under�this �eed o�Trus� be mailed ta�hem at�he addresses se��oa-th in the first <br /> paragraph ofi this Deeci o�Trust. <br /> A�vr�e�rs' F��s� �xpans�s. I� L�nde� ins�itu��s �ny sui� �r a�t�on �o �nfae-c� any o� �he ��rms o� �his Deed o� <br /> Trus�g Lender shal[ be en�itled �to ¢�ecc����su�h su€� ����� cou�€s�ay ad�udg� r�as��a�ie as ���orneys' �ees a��ts�aa� <br /> a�d upon aray ap�e��a 01+llllh�the� �r �at an� c��r� a��ion �s i�a��[�ed, a�td �� �h� e�ten� n�� prc�h���ted f�y la�. af� <br /> �easona��� exp�nses �ertder �nc�rs �ha� in �ender's �pinEo� a�� r�ecessary a� ar�y tirr�e �o� ��e p�ot�c�ion �� ¢ts <br /> �nterest or�he en-�rorcernen�����s righ�s sh�[[ becorpe a pa��of the lndebtedness paya�le on demand and sha�l hear <br /> interest a� the Cred�t Agreement ra�e from -�he da�e o���he expend'iture until repaid. Exp�nses �v�ered by �his <br /> paragraph in�Iude, vtirithout iimitation, howe�er subject to any fimi�s under applicahle [aw, L�nder's attQrneys' fees <br /> and Lend�r's legal expenses, viiheth�� ar no� the�re is a lawsuit, including at�orneys' fees and expenses for <br /> bankruptcy proceedings �including ���or-�ts to modify or Wacate any au�t�mat�c stay or in�unction�, appeals, and any <br /> anticipated post judgment �o[[ection serWices, �he �os� of searching records, ohtainin� tit[e �-eporrs {Encluding <br /> fareclosure r�p�rfs�, sur�eyors' rep�rts; and app�aisal�e�s, titl� �nsurance, and �ees for the Truste�, to �he ex-�ent <br /> permitked hy applicable law. Trus�kor alsv will pay any�vurt cvsts, in addi�ion to all othe�-sums prav�ded by[a�nr. <br /> Righ#s vf Trustee. Truste�shal[ have all�f the�igh�s and dutie�of Lender as s�fi�orth En this section. <br /> P�1IVERS A1VD �BL�C�IT��N� �F 1"RUSTEE. �he��llowirag �r��isior�s relat'rng to �h� p�w��s �nd obliga�ions of Trust�e <br /> are�ar�vf�h�s �eed v�Trus�o <br /> P�wers of Trus�ee. In addi�i�n to aC[ pvwers��Tr�s�e� aris4ng as a rna�ter��la►r�,Trus�ee sha8� ha�re�he �m�nrer�� <br /> �a��the�oilowin� actions with respe���� �the Praper�e� upon the wr�tten reques���Lender�nd Trus�vr: ��}jm�n in <br /> pr�paring and �iling a nnap ar pla� vf the �ea[ Prope��y, including �he dedication o� s�reets �r righ�s �� �he <br /> pub�ic; ��� join in granting any easement o�- �reat�ng any res�rictian on the Real Property; and �c} �oi.n in any <br /> subardina�ion or o�her agreemen-�af�ecting this Deed of Trust or the inter�st a�Lender under this Deed of Trust. <br /> Trust�e. Trust�e shall mee� all qua�i�rications required for Trus�ee unde�r applicable �aw. !n addition to the rights <br /> and remed'res se� -�orth abave, wifih respect�o all �r any part of the Property. the Trus�ee shall have the right to <br /> �oreelase by no�ice and sa[�. and Lender v�rill have �he right �o �o��clos� by judi�ial �oreclvs�ure, in either case in <br /> acco�-dance v+rith and to the�ull ex�en�prv�ided br�a�pp-Ii�able law. <br /> �uccessvr`�rus�ee. Lender, a�Lender`��pt��n, r���-�rar��ii��tQ�tirr�e ag��point� success�r Trustee to an�T�usfiee <br /> aippoi�nted �nd�r �h�s D�ed ��Trust by a;n ins�rur�en� e���u�ea anc� ack�.ov�r�edgec� �y L�r�de� ar�d �����ded i� ��e <br /> �#face o�F�he ��c�rder o� �NALL �au.n�y, 5ta�e o� �Vebraska� The ar�s�rurx�en-� s�a[� ��nta;inE in addi�ion rto a1� �the� <br /> m�t�ers requ6red by state law, th� �ames �� �he �r�g��a� ��rader� �T'r�rs�ee, a�d Trus�or� �h� ba�k and ��ge ��r <br />