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��14��351 <br /> �E�D �� �RLJS�` <br /> L�an No: �7��5�555 {�ot�tinu�d� Page � <br /> �nsurance palicy a�so shall include an endorsement pro�iding that coverage in fa�or o� Lender wil� not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act; omissivn or d��au�t o�F Trustor or any ot1-�er person. Shvu[d the Reai Property be [oca�ed in <br /> an area designa�ed by the Administratvr of the Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency as a special f�o�d hazard <br /> area, Trusfior agrees ta abtain and rnaira�ain Federa[ Flflod �nsurance, �� a�ai[�f�[e, �or �he maximum amount af <br /> Trusto�'s credit �€�e and �he �uF� unpaid pr�nc�p�1 ba[ance��any prior lieras an the pr�per�y s�curing�he �oan, up ta <br /> the ma�eirr�urn po�icy 1�mits se�under the Nationa� Fivod [nsurance Pr-ogram, or as atherwise required by Lend�rr and <br /> to maintain such insurance�For�h�term o�th���an. <br /> App�ication vf Prviceeds. Trustor shafi pramptly nati�y Lend�r of any [oss or damage tv the Prop�rty. Lender may <br /> mak� proof of loss if T�-usto�- fai[s �o do sa with�n fifteen {15} days o� the casuaf-�y. 111lhether or n�-t L�nder's <br /> secur�ty�s impaired, Lender may, at Lender's e�ectian, r�c�iv� and retain th� proceeds of any insurance and app�y <br /> the proceeds �o the r�duction v�th� lndebtedness, payment of any lien affec-�ing the Property, or �he r�storatEon <br /> and repair�-�the Praperty. lf Lender e�ec�s to apply�the,proc��ds to restoration and repair, Trustor sha�I repair or <br /> replace �he damaged or des��oyed [mprovements in a manner sat�sfac�kory to L�nder. Lender sha��, upon <br /> sa�isfactory proof of such expenditure, pay or reimhurse Trust�r from the proceeds for the reasonab�e cast o�F <br /> repair or res�vra�ion if Trustor is nat �n de�au[t unaier this Deed ❑f Trust. Any proceeds v�rhich ha�e not been <br /> disbursed within �8a days after the'rr r�ceipt and which Lend�r has not committed tv �he repair or resto�ation o� <br /> �he P�-aperty shall be used first to pay any amoun�owEng to Lander under this Deed of TrustT th�n fia pay accrued <br /> interest, and the r�mainder, if any, sha1� be applied to the principa� ba�anc� o�r�he �ndebtedness. lf Lender hofds <br /> any proceeds �fter payrnent in #u[� o� the [ndebtedness, such proceeds sha[I be paid to Trustor as Trustor's <br /> in�erests may appear. <br /> �ompliance with Ex�sting Indebtedness. During the pe��od in v�hieh any Exis�ing lndeb�edness des�ribed b��ow is <br /> in eftect, compiiance wi-�h the insurance provisions contained in the instrument evidencing such Ex�sting <br /> f ndebtedness sha[I consti-�ute compliance with -�he insurance provisions under this D�ed of Trust, ta the extent <br /> compliance with �he fierms of�his Deed o�Trust would cons-�itu�e a duplica�"r�n �f insu�-ance requirement, lf any <br /> proceeds from the insurance become payah�e on loss, the pro�isibns in th�s Deed o�Trust for divisi�n o�proceeds <br /> shal[app[y�nly�o tha�partian of th�proceeds nofi payable to�he hv[der o�the Existing lndebtedness. <br /> LENDER'S F�CREND[TURES. �f Trustor �ails {A� to keep �he Property �ree o� a�f taxes, liens, security interests, <br /> encumbrances, and other c[aims, {B} �o provide any required insurance on the prvperty, {C) fo make repairs to the <br /> Prope.rty or io comp[y with any obliga�ion to maintain Exis�ting [ndebtedness in gvod standing �s required beiow, then <br /> Lender may do so. If any a��ivn or proceeding is comrrienced tha� would materially a�ect Lender's interes�s in �he <br /> Property, then L�nder an YrustarYs behalf mayy but is no� required to, take any act�on �tha� Lender be[ieves to f�e <br /> apprvpriate to pro�e�t Lender's interes�s. �i� expenses incurred or paid b� Lender Tor such purposes wi�� fhen bear <br /> in�eres� at the ra�e �h�rged under �he Credi� Agreemenfi trvm the date in.curred or paid by Lender to the date of <br /> repayment by Trustor. Af[ such expenses will become a part vf the lndebtedness and, at Lender's option, will {A} be <br /> payable on demand; {B} he added t� the ba�ance o-�the C�edit Agreement and be apportioned among and be payab[e <br /> w3fih any ins�a�lment paymen�s�o hecome due during ei-�her {'1) �he te�m of any applicahle insurance po��cy; or ��} �he <br /> remain�ng term of the Gredit Agr�ement; vr {�} be�reated as a ba�Ioan payment which wi�� be due and payable at the <br /> Credit Agreement's maturity. The Deed of Trus�alsa w��� secure payment of-�hese amounts. The rights pra�ided for in <br /> tFlCS paragraph shal� be in addi�kion to any ather righ�s or any remedi�s to which Lender may be en�i�fed on account of <br /> any defau[-�. Any such action by Lender sha[[ nat he construed as curing the de�faul� so as to bar Lender from any <br /> remedy�hat i�ofiherViiise would ha�e had. . <br /> �lIJ'Aff�RAN�fY; DEFENSE�F T�T'LE. The followen� prv�isions re�a�ing#a ownership of the P�-�perty are a par���this Deed <br /> �f Trust: <br /> T'E�le, T�ustor warrants tha�: ta� Trus��r ho[ds �ood �nd rrtarke����e �i�le �f record to �he P�oper�y in �Fee simplep <br /> fre� and cCear ��F a�� l�ens and encum�ar�nces ��her th�n those se� #orth in -�he Rea� Proper�ty description or in th� <br /> ExQs�ing lndebfedr�ess sectiar� be[o�nr or in any�it1� ins�rance poIicy,titfe rep�rt, or final titl�opinion issued in fa�or <br /> of, ana accep�ed by, Lender in �onnection �vitti this ��ed of Trust, and �b} Trustor has th� �ull right, power, and <br /> authari�y to execute and deliver th'rs �eed of Trust tv Lender. <br /> �efense vf Title. Subjec� to the e�ecepti�n in the paragraph abov�, Trustar warrants and will �ore�er defend the <br /> title to�he Prop�rty against�he �awful claims o�al[ persans. f n the even�any action or pracesding �s commenced <br /> �hat questions Trustor's title vr�he interest o�Trustee or Lender under this Deed of Trust,Trustor shal[ d�fend the <br /> action at Trust�r's expense. Trustor may be the n�minal party in suCh proceeding, bu�Lender sha[[ he entit��d �o <br /> part�cipat� �n the proceeding and �a be represented in �he proceedin� by couns�! o� Lender's vwn choice, and <br /> Trustar�vill del��erd or cause i� be deli�eredr �o Lender such ins�rurr�e.n�s as Lender may�-equest from ti.�e to �ime <br /> to per�E�su�h part�cipa�ion. <br /> �ompf�anc� �V��� Lav��o Trus�or r���ras��s tha� �he Prv�e�� a�d Trust�r°s ��e ��F �he �'ro�er�y coirr��lies with al1 <br /> ��cis�ins� a�pi�cabl��av�s,�rdi�a��es, and r�graia�dora����over�r�ental ��€�h�rities. <br /> �urv�va9 �� IPa�o�aas�so A�i pr�rnises, agreernen�s, a�d sta�tements Trustor has �ac�e ir� �his Deed �f �i rust shall <br /> sur�s���he execu�ior� and delir�ery of this Deed �f��=us�, sha[[ be continuir�g in nature ar�d sha[[ remain in �u�[ force <br /> and e��ec�unti[such�ime as Trustor's lnd�btedness is paid in fufl, <br /> E�lST�NG�NDEB�EDNESS. The follov�ring pro�isions cvnc�rning Existing �ndeb�edness are a par�of th�s Deed o�Trust: <br /> �xisting Lien. The [ien o� this De�d of Trust securing the �ndebtedness may be secondary and in€erior to an <br /> e�isting lien. Trus�tvr expressly co�enants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, the Exis�ing lndebtedness <br /> and to pre�en-�any defaul�on such indebtedness. any defaul�u.nd�r�he instruments e�idenc�ng such indebtedness, <br /> or any de�au�t und�r ar�y securi-ty d�cuments�or such indebfiedn�ss. <br /> N� fl111�di�a�afior�� �'�-us�o� sha[[ n�t en�er in�o ar�y agr�e�ra�n$ vvi-�h the ho[d�r of any martgage, deed o� �rust, �r <br /> a�her s�c�r�-��� a�reerr��n� �hich has �riori�� vver �his �eed �f Trus� by vvhich �hat agree�rt�n�t is �nodifieda <br /> �r-r�ended, �x��nded, ❑r �-eraew�c� v�r�t�ou� th� pr�o� w�i�er� c�nsen� �� Les�der. �rus��� shal� �ei�her reques� r�or <br /> a�cep�c any futur�ad�arices�nde�-an�such security�gree�ent�r����he�r�or wri�tera consen���Lendere <br /> C�iVDE�lIN1��1��. The���lvwing �€-��is�ons rela�ing�r��onderr�nation proceedings are� part a�this Deed o��frust: <br /> Proceedings, 1f any proceeding in �ondemnation is fi[ed, Trustar shal'I prvrnptfy no�ify Lender in lrvriting, and <br /> Trustor sha[[ prompt[y tak� such steps as may be necessa�-y tv defend the aGtion and ob�ain th� award. T�-ustv�- <br /> may be�the nomina[ party�.n such praceeding, but Lender shal[ be en����ed to parti�ipafie in�rhe praceeding and to be <br /> represen�ed in -�he proceeding by counsef o� Ets own choice, and Trustor wi[[ defi�er or cause tv be de�i�ered to <br /> Lender such ins�rumen�s and documentafiion as may be requested by Lender from fiime to time �o permi-� such <br /> par�icipatian. <br /> Applic���on o�F Net Praceeds. If al[ or any part��fhe P�-opert�as cancierr�ned by em�nent domain prviceedings vr by <br /> any proceeding or purchase in]iea��f conder�.�a$��r�, L�nde�-�ay a�sts elecfi��n �equere�ha�a19 ❑r any pa��on a�th� <br /> net praceed� �� th�e award b� �PPlied �to �he In�ebt�d�ness ��- �he repair o�- res�vrat�or� �f �f�e �'r��er�y4 `fh� ne� <br /> pr€�c�pds ��the ��nr��-d sha[[ mea� �he a���rd ���er ��a����t���[� reasonalale c�s�s, �xper�ses, �r�c� a�ar�eys`fees <br /> �ncurr�d b�Trus�e�ar L�nder ira�onnec-�eon�nrsth fih����d�rnna��or�e <br /> I�P�S�`T��1� �F TA?CE�, FEES AND �Hi4��GE� �3Y G�11E�iViVIEiV�'�L�U�'H��ITIE�e i h� follow�n� pr��is�or�s re����ng <br /> to g���rnrnen�al ta�€es, �fees and charges�re a p�r-�o��hEs �e�d�f�'rus�: <br />