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��14��351 <br /> DEE� �F �'RU�T <br /> L�an Na: S72fl5���5 �Gvnt��ued� Page 2 <br /> threatened [i�igation or c[aims of any kind by any persan re�ating to such marters; and {3} Except as previously <br /> discIosed to and acknowIedged by Lender in vvriting, �a} nei�her Trusfior nor any�enant, co�trac�or, agen��r ofher <br /> autho�ized user o��he Property sha[[ use, genera�e, manufiac�ure, s�ore,treat, dispose of or reIeas� any Hazardous <br /> 5uhstance an, under, abvu�ar fr�m the Proper�y; and �b� any such acti�ity shaf[ be conducted in campIiance with <br /> all app�icable -�ed�ra[, sfiate, and lo�al [alnrs, regulations and ardinancesl incI�ding virithaut [imitation aI[ <br /> EnWironmen�a[ Laws. Trustor authori�es Lender and its agen�s �o enter upon the Property to mai�e such <br /> inspectians and tests, at Trus�or's expense, as Lender may dsem appropria�e ta determine compliance of the <br /> Praperty wi�th this section of the D�ed of Trus�. Any inspections or tests mad� by Lender sha�� be �or Lender`s <br /> purposes only and shall not be construed tv create any responsibility❑r liabi3�ty ori the part of Lender�o Trustor or <br /> �o any other person. The rep�-esentat:ons and war�-ant�es con�ained here�n are based on Trustorrs due diIigence in <br /> in�est�gating the Prop�rty�or Hazardous 5ubstances. Trustor hereby {�} r�[�ases and wai�es any�uture c�aims <br /> against Lender�vr indemnity or cantri�ut�on in the event Trustvr becomes �iab�e for cleanup or other costs under <br /> any such [aws; and �2} agr�es to indemnify, defend; and ho[d harmless Lender aga;nst any and a[[ claims; �asses, <br /> liabFlities, damages, penalties, and expenses whiGh L�nder may dire���y vr indirectl�sustain o�suffe�resulting froi•t7 <br /> a br�ach vf this sec�ion of the Deed o��frust or as a c�ns�quence o� ar�y us�, generation, manu�acture, sto�age, <br /> dispasa�, reiease or�hreatene� re�ease occurrir�g prior�v�frus#or°s�wnership�r infe�est in�he Proper[�,whe�her or <br /> not the same was or shoufal have heen knowr� $� Trust�r. �h� provis�o�s o� �hds sec�i�n of �he Deed of Trust, <br /> inG�uding the�bliga-�ion to ;ndemni�y and de�end, sha[[surv�vs�he paymen-�of the lndebtedness and th�sat�sfac�ivn <br /> and reconveyance vf the [ien of this Deed of Trus�and shall not be affected by L�nder's acqu�sition o�any inter�st <br /> in-�he P�-oper�y,whether hy fo�eclasure or atherwise. <br /> Nuisan�e, Was#e. Trus�or shaii no� cause, conduct or permit any nuisanc� n�r commit, permi�, or suf�Fer any <br /> stripp�ng of or waste vn or �o �he Property or any portian vf�he Property. 1Nithvu� limiting �he genera[ity v€the <br /> foregoing,Trustor will no�rema�e, or grant�o any other party the righ-�tv remoWe, any timber, minera�ls {including <br /> ail and gas}, coa[, c[ay,scoria,soil, gra�el or rock prod�cts with�ut Lender's prinr v►rrit�en consent: <br /> RemoWa�vf tmprove�nen�Ys. T�-ustor shaC[ not demolish ar remo�e any lmprovements from�he F�ea1 Prvp�rty without <br /> Lender`s prior�rritten consent. As a condition�o fihe remvWa[o�any �mprovements, Lende�may require Trustor�o <br /> mak� arranger�ents satisfactory to Lender �o replace such fmp�-o�emen�s with lmpro�ements o� a� least equal <br /> �a[ue. <br /> Lender°s ��ght t� Enter. �ender and Lenderps agen�s and represenfatives may enter upon the Real Property at a[[ <br /> reasona.b�e �imes �v a�tend to Lender°s i�nteres�s and �o inspect the F�ea! Proper�y �or purposes o� Trustor's <br /> compliance wi�h�he terms and condi�ions of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> CompIiance wi�h �overnmenta! Requiremen�s. Trustor shall promptly cornp�y with all la�rvs, o�dinances, and <br /> regu3ations. no}rv vr hereafter in e��ecfi, of all governmenta[ authoriti�s applicable to the us.e or occupancy of�he <br /> Praperty. Trustar may cantest in good �aith any suGh law, ordinanc�, or regu[at�on and vvi�hhold comp[iance during <br /> any proceeding, in�luding appropriate appeals, so �ang as Trusfiar has notifie�d Lender in wri-�ing prior �o doing so <br /> and so long as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lende�'s interests in the Praperty are not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> �rus�or tv pvst adequa�e security or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory�v Lender,t� p�-vtect Lender's int�res�. <br /> Quty to F'��tect. T�us�or agrees nei�her �o abandon vr Eeave �nattended the Proper�y. Trustvr sha[l do a1� other <br /> ac�s, in �ddi�ion�o th�se ac�s se��o.rth ab��e ir�hgs sectiona �nrhich frorn-�he character and use�f$he Prop�rty are <br /> reasonab�y n�cessar��o pr�tec�and pr�ser���he Prope��. <br /> �L.�E�lV S�LiE-��N�ENT B�f LEIVDEI�. Len�er�raa�, at Le�der's �p�ion, d�c�ar� �mrrted�ate[�due an€� payable all sums <br /> secured by�his �e�d o-�Trus�t u�aon the sale or-�rans�er, �nri�hoa�-t Lender's prior vvritten consen�, v�a�f or any part o�the <br /> �eal Property, a�any in�eres�in the Rea[ F'roperty. �4 "saie or�rans�er" means the conveyance of F�eal Prvper�y ar any <br /> r�gh�, �i�le or interest in the Rea[ Property; whether [egal, �en�ficiai vr equitab[�; whether valun�kary ar in�oluntary; <br /> whether by outr�ght sa[e, deed, instaf[rnent sa[e �on�tract, �and contract, c�ntract for deedF leasehold �nterest with a <br /> term g�eater than thre� �3� years, [ease-vpti�n contract, �r[e, assignment, or transfer o�any benefi�ial interest in <br /> �r to any iand trus� holding tit�e�o th� Rea[ Proper�y, or by any�ther method �� conWeyan�e o� an interes� in�he Real <br /> Property. Ha�nreWer, this �pti�n sha1N no� be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibified by federa[ [aw vr by <br /> Ne�raska[aw. <br /> TA�CES eAIIID LIENS. The follovtiiing pro�isions relating to the taxes anci [iens on �he Praper�ky are part o�this De�d of <br /> �s-ust: <br /> P�yrr�era�e-�rustmr shall pay�hen due $and in�.[E e�en�s �riar�o delinguer�cy} ����axes, specia!taxes, assessrnents, <br /> �ha�ges �ir�clud��g �a�er�nd sew�rjR �:n�s anc� irnpositi�ns �e�ied �gainst ar on accoun�o�the Property, and sha[� <br /> pa� wh�n due al� �f�i�s fvr r�vo�k done �r� ��f�� servic�s �endered or m��erial ��rnis�ed �� �h� Prop��y. Yrus�or <br /> s.ha[� rnain�a�r��he Property free��a[l [iens haW�ng p�iorit}�o�er or equal �o the in�k�rest of Lender under�his Deed of <br /> T�ust, excep� �o�- the �ien �-� taxes and assessr��nts no� due, except �o� �h� Existing lndebtedness referred �o <br /> ���ow, arid excep�as otherwise prv�ided in�his Deed❑f Trus�, <br /> Right�o �vntes�. Trustor may witF�hofd paymenf o�any�ax, assessment, v�claim in connectian with a good faith <br /> dispute over the ob�igation to pay, so �ong as Lender's in�erest in th� Pr�perty is not Ieopardized. �f a �ien arises or <br /> �s f�fed as a resu[t of nonpayment, Trus�ar[ within �i�teen �'�5� days affier th� lien arises ar, if a �ien is fi�ed, <br /> with�n fi-�een {15} days aft�r Trustor has notice o�the �Filing, seCure the ciischarge of the lien, or i� requested by <br /> Lende�, deposi�w�fih Lender cash or a s.uff'rcient corporate s�_rety bond vr o�her secur�ty satisfactary to Lender in an <br /> am�un�suffici�n��o discharg��he �Eer� plus any cos�s and atrorneys° �ees, ar other charges that eould a-�crue as� <br /> resu�t�f a�areclosure or sale under the [ien, l-�ar��con$es�o Trus�or shall de�end itself and Lender and shali satis� <br /> �n�ad�ers�judgrre�fi be�r�re enforcerr�ent agai�st��e Proper��n �"�ustor shall nar�e �.�nder as ar� add€tional ab[�gee <br /> under any s�r�t���nd�urn�sh�d in the cantes�proceedi�gso <br /> E���enc� ��P��men�e T�us��r s1�a11 u,pvn �eman� ����iis��a Lender satis€actory ev�d�nce �f�ayrnen�af the taxes <br /> or assessr��n�s �nd sha��.authari�e�he appr�p��ate gvvernmenta� official�o deli�er�o Lender a�a�y�irne a wri�ten <br /> statement o��he taxes anc� assessments against�he �r�per�y. <br /> NotE�e vf Consfi�ructior�, Trustor sha[[ noti�y Lender at [east fifteen ��5} days befare any wo:rk is comm�nced, any <br /> se�r��ces are �u�n�shed, ar any materia�s are supplied to �he Praperty, �f any mechanic's lien; materia�men`s [ien, or <br /> o�he� lien cauld be asserted on account of�he rfvvrk, ser�ices, or materia[s, Trustor will up�n request o� Lender <br /> furnish to Lender advance assurances sa�isfactory �o Lender �hat Trustor can and will �aay the cost o� such <br /> improWements. � <br /> PR�I'IERTY DA�1l�AGE iNSUR�N�E. T'he fo[[owing pro�isi.ons re�ating to insuring the Property are a par�of this Deed o# <br /> Trust. + <br /> �l[aintenar�c� o� la�suranc�. �rus��r sha[[ procure ar�d rx�aintair� pvli�i�s o-� �€ire insurance w�th s�a�dard ex�ended� <br /> car�erage end€�rs�mer��s �n a rep�acern�rit bas�s �ar �he �ul� snsurab[e va9ue c���ring all �rr�provemenfis vn �he �eal <br /> Propert� �n an arr�aunt su�€icien� �o a�oid ap�9icativn �� �n� co�nsu�anc� �iause, and vvith a s�andard morfigagee <br /> c9ause in#a�or o���r�de�-,�oge�her wi�h su�h ofihe�hazard and liabi:lity insurance as Lerader may reas�nab�y�equire. <br /> P�[icies shal`1 be w�:tten in farm, amoun�s, co�erages and bas�s reasonably acceptab�e ta Lende�- and issued by a <br /> company or cvmpanies reasonably accep�ab�e �o Lender. Trus�or, upon request of Lender, will-de[iver �o Lender <br /> �rom fiime to time the policies or certificates o�insurance in fvrm satisfactory to Lender, includ"ing sfipu�ations that <br /> coverages wi�l n�� be cancelled o�- diminished without at [east ten ���} days prior virritten no�ice �o Lender. Each <br />