<br /> 14. DE�`A�UL'�. Trustar v����be in default if any par�y ab�xgated an�he Secur�d Debt fa��s �o make paym�nt�hen due. Trus��r
<br /> will be �n defau�t �f a br�ach occurs under �he terxns of th�s Secur�ty �nstrument �r any oth�r docum,en� executed for the
<br /> purpose of�rea��n�, securing or guarantying the Secur�d Deb�, A.g�ad fa�th bel�ef�b�r B.eneficiary �ha� Benef�czar� a� any
<br /> ��me �s �nsecure wzth respect �� any persfln ar en��ty �b��gated an the Secured Deb� �r that the prospec� af any payment or
<br /> the value of the Property �s �mparred sha�� also canst�tu�e an event�f defau��.
<br /> 15. l�NI�D�ES Cl�I D�FAI�LT. �n son�e zns�ances, federa� and sta�e Iaw �vi�I require Benef�ciar� to pro�id� Trustar with
<br /> n�tice of �h� rzght t� cur� or ��her not��es and may estab��sh t�n�z� schedules far f�r��lasure �ctions, Subjec� to �hes�
<br /> Iimi�a�ions, �f any, Benefi�iary may acce�erate the Secured De��and foreclose this Security �nstrument�n a manner pr��id�d
<br /> by�aw if Trust�r is in defau�t. �
<br /> A� the op���n of Benefic�ary, al� �r any part of �he agr�ed fees and charges, accrued znteres� �nd principa� shal� become
<br /> �mmed�a�e�y due and payable, af��r giuing notice if requ�r�d by Iaw, upon th�nccurrence of a default ar anyt�m�ther�af�er.
<br /> �n add���on, Benefi��ary shali be ent�tled �o aII the remedies�ro�id�d �y �a,cnr, �he �erms �f the Secured Debt, th�s Security
<br /> �nstrumen�and any r��a�ed docum�n��, inc�uding vwi�h�ut Iima�atzan, th�pow�r to se�l the Proper�y.
<br /> �f th�re �s a defaul�, Trustee sha1.�, �n addition to any oth�r permi.tt�d remed�r, a� the request ❑f�he B�neficiary, adver�ise
<br /> and se�� the Praper�y as a who�� or in se�arate par��ls at puhlic auc�ion �o �h� hzghest ��dder far �ash and convey abs��ute
<br /> t���e free and c�ear of a�� right, tztle and �nter�st of Trust�r a� such tzme and p�ace as Trustee designa�es. 'Tru�tee sha�� gzve
<br /> nat�ce �f sa�e �n��uding the t�me, terms and place af sa�e and a descr�pt��n �f the property to be sold as requzred �y �he
<br /> appl��ab��Iaw �n eff�cx a�the t�me of�he praposed sal.�.
<br /> Upon sale of th� proper�y and �a the extent not prohz�ited b� �aw, Trustee sha�� make and del�ver a deed to the Prnper�y
<br /> sold w�.ich cvn�eys abs�Iu�e ti�le to�he purchaser, and aft�r f�rs�pay�ng a11 fees, charg�s and cos�s, sha�� pay�o Ben��c�ary
<br /> alI moneys advanc�d for repa�r�, �axes, �nsurance, lzens, a�sessments axzd pr��r encunzbranGes and �nterest �her�on, and �he
<br /> pr�ncipa� ar�d interest �n the Secured Debt, paying �h� surplus, �f an�, to Trustor. Bene�ciary may pur�hase the Prop�r��.
<br /> The rec��a�s�n any deed of canve�a�a�e sha�x be pr�ma fac�e ev�dence of th�facts set fvr�h�here�n,
<br /> A�� remedzes ar� d�sti�.ct, cumu�a�ive and not e�.c�us�ve, and the Ben�fic�ary zs entit�ed �o a�� remedie� �ro�ided a� �aw or
<br /> e uit whet.h.er or na� ex ressl se� forth. Th� acce �anc�b Benef�c�a of an sum in a men r a
<br /> � Y� � Y , P Y �' Y , p � � � p r��al paymen� on the
<br /> Secured Debt af�er the balance �s due ar�s acce�erated or af�er fore�Iosure proceedings are f���d shal� not cons���u�e a wazver
<br /> of Benefzc�ary s rzgh� t� re uzr� comp�ete �ure of an� e��s��ng default. By n�� exerc�s�ng any r�medy on Trus��r s d�fau��,
<br /> Ben�ficiary does na�wai�e ene�ciary's right to Iater cansider�he event a d�fau�t if i�Con��nu.es ar happ�ns aga�n.
<br /> 1�. EXP��SE�; AI]VAI�C�S C]N C��V`ENAN'TS; ATTC]RNEYS' FEES; CflLL��'�'I�N C�STS. Except wh�n
<br /> prohibited by law, Trust�r agrees �o pay al� �f Bene��iar�`s �xp�nses if Trus��r breaches any covenan� in this Securit�
<br /> rnstrument. Trustor wzl� a�sa pay vn d�mand,any am.�un� �ncurred �y Ben����ary for insurin�, �nspec�ing, res�rving ar
<br /> e e �c�a ecur�t �nt�rest. These ex enses �z1I be �n erest from t�e date of he
<br /> atherw�se protect�ng �h� Proper�y and B n f" ry s s. Y . . p az t t
<br /> pa�ment un�i l pai d zn f u�� a� t he h�g hes t �n��res t ra�e xn e f fe�t as provz de d �n �he t�rms �f t he Secure d D�b�. Trus tor agrees
<br /> to pay a�l costs and �xp�nses �ncurre d by �3ene ficiary �n �a�lec��ng, en farcing �r pro�e�t�ng Bene f�c�ary's r�g hts an d
<br /> remedzes under �his S�cur��� Znstrument. Th�s arnount ma�r �nc�udey but �s no� ��m�.t�d ��, a�tarneys' fee�, court cos�s, and
<br /> other �ega� exp�nses, Th�s Secur�ty �nstruzr�en� shal� remain �n �ffec� unt�� r�Ieased, Trus�or agre�s to pay far an�
<br /> r�corda�i�n cos�s of such re�ease.
<br /> 1'7. EN�IRC]NIV�NTAL LAWS A,N� I�AZARD�US �UBSTANC�S. A� used in th�s s�c�ion, ��� Envxranmental Law
<br /> means, without l�mit�t�an, the Campreh�nsive En�ironmenta� Res�o�.se, Com�ensa�ian and Liab�iity A�t �CER�LA, 4�
<br /> U.5,�. 9�a� et seq.}, and a�� oth�r federa�, sta�e and �vca� Iaws, regu�atxans, ordinances, �ourt ordezs, attarn�y genera�
<br /> opin�ons �r interpre�iv� �etters c�ncernzng �he puhlic health, safe�ys w�lfare, enviranm�nt or a hazardous substance; and �2}
<br /> �azardous Subs�anc� means any t�xzc, rad��acti�e or hazardous mater�a�, waste, pa��utant or cantam�.nan� whi�h has
<br /> charac�eristics wh�ch render the su�stance dangerous or �o�en�zally dangerous t� the public h�a��h, safe��, �c�v�Ifare or
<br /> �nviro�m�nt. The term �nc�udes, withau� �imi�at�an, any su�s�ances def�ned as "hazard�us ma�erial," "�oxzc substances,"
<br /> "ha2ardaus vva�te" or "hazardous substanc�" under an�Env�ronm�nta� Law.
<br /> Trus��r represents, �arrants and agree��hat:
<br /> A. �xcep� as previously disc�osed and a�knawledg�d in wr�ting t� Benefic�ar�, no Iiazardaus Su�stance is �r vvi�� be
<br /> Ioca�ed, s�ored or re�eas�d on or �n the Praper��. Thzs restr�ctzon daes not app�y to sma�l quan�ztzes af Hazardaus
<br /> Substances that are genera�Iy recagn��ed�o be appropria�e for th�normal use and mazntenanc�of the Proper�y.
<br /> B, E�cept as previflus�� disclosed and acknov���dged �n wrzt�ng �� Benef�c�ary, Trustor and every tena.nt have been,
<br /> are, and sha�� r�main 1n fu�I compliance w�th an�r appl�cable�nv�ronmental Lav�.
<br /> �. Trus��r shal� �mmediat�Iy natif�r Beneficiar� if a release ar threatened releas� �f a Hazardaus Subs�ance accurs on,
<br /> under or abou� the Proper�y or there �s a��ola��on of any Env�ronm.enta� La� concerning the Proper�y, �n �uch an
<br /> event, Trustor�hall�ake a1�necessary remed�a� actzan�n accordance w��h any Env�ranmen�al La�a.
<br /> D. Trustor�hal� �mmediate�y not�fy Bene�c�ary �n vc�rzting a� so�n as Trust�r has reason��be��eve�her� �s an�p�nding
<br /> or thr�atened �nvestzgat�on, c�a�m, or �ro�eed�ng re�a�zng �o the r���ase ar threa��ned reiease of any �azardaus
<br /> Subs�ance or the vi��atian of any Environmental Lav�.
<br /> 1$. �aNDENIl�TATIt�N. Trus�or w�ll g��e Benefi��ar�r promp� notice of an�pending or threatened action, by pri�ate ar publ�c
<br /> II e Pr ert hr u h � nd�mnat�an enunen�d ma�n r an er mean T�-ru
<br /> ent�ties �o purchase or take ar�y or a of�h �p y t o g � , a , � y oth s. st�r
<br /> author�zes Beneficiary to zn�ervene �n Trus�flr's name �n any of the aba�e des�ribed act�ons or claims. Trus��r as���ns ta
<br /> Beneficiary the pro�eeds of an� a�vard �r �Iaim f�r damag�s connect�d vw��h a �onden�nati�n or ot�her t�k�ng of aIl or an�r
<br /> par� of the Praperty. Such pro�eeds sha�l be c�nsider�� payrnents and v�i�I �� app�ied as pr�wided in this Security
<br /> �ns�rument. Th�s assignmen� �f proceeds is subject to �h� t�rms of an� pr�ar mor�gage, d�ed af trust, security agr�ement or
<br /> a�her li�n docu�nent,
<br /> 19. INSURAN��. Tru�tor sha�� ke�p Pr�p�r�y insured aga�ns� �ass �� �re, flood, thef� ar�d other hazards ar�d risk� reas�nably
<br /> assoc�a�ed wi�h �he Praper�y due to ��s �ype and �o�at�on. Th�s �nsurance shal� be mainta�ned �n �h� amounts and for �h�
<br /> per�ods that Beneficiary requires. '�ha� Benef�ciaz� requzres pursuant �a th� receding s�nter�Ge can change during �he��rm
<br /> af the Secured Debt. �`he �nsurance carr�er prov�d�ng �he znsurax�ce shall. e chosen b�r Trustvr subje�t to B�ne�ciaryts
<br /> approva�, which shal� ria� be unreasana��� �cii�hheld, If Trustar fails �� main�ain �he cover�ge des�r�bed a�ove, Beneficiary
<br /> may, at Benefi�iary's flpti�n, ab�a�n ca�erage to protect Beneficiary's rights in the Property ac��rd�rig �o the terms af this
<br /> Secur�ty �ns�rumen�.
<br /> A�i insurance poiicies an� renev�ra�s shal� be acceptabie ta B�nefzc�ary,and shall inc�ud� a s�andard "mor�gage G�ause" and,
<br /> wh�re a licab�e "1os� a ee claus�." Trus��r s�ia�l invmediatel not�f Benefici �f can�e��at��n ar t�z�m�na���n of th�
<br /> �n cep e e ici � � �e e i h ld h� lic e and ren�vvai .�If Ben�f�ci r� u�res �'rust�r shall
<br /> . suran . B n f ary sha 1 ha th .r g t ta ho t, po � s , s ary q ,
<br /> �mmediate�y ��ve t� Benef�ciary al.� rece��ts of a�d prem�.ur�ns and renewal no��ces. Upan loss, Trustor sha�I give�mmed�a�e
<br /> natice t��he�nsurance carr�er and Ben�f�c�ary. ene�c�ary�nay make proaf�f Ioss �f not made immed�ate�y b�'Trus�or.
<br /> � age o
<br /> � �994 Woltsrs Kluwer�inanciaf Sar�ices-gank�rs Systems�M �arm F�E-QT-N� �21151���6
<br /> VMP�-C'165�NE� �o�osa
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