<br /> B. Al� fu�ure advances fr�m Benef�c�ary to Trus��r or o�her future o�ligati�ns af Trust�r to B�nef�czary und�r any
<br /> pramissary no�e, c�ntract, guaranty, or ather evidence of deb� ex�cuted by Tru�tor �n fav�r af Benef�ciary exe�u�ed
<br /> aft�r �h�s Securit�r �nstrum�nt whe�h�r or not this Securi�y �ns�rumen� zs specif�cai�y referenc�d, �f mor� �han ane
<br /> p�rson s��ns thzs Securzty �ns�rumen�, each Trustor agr�es that th�s S�curity �ns�rumen�w�il secure a1I fu�ur�advances
<br /> and future obligations �ha� are �i�ven �o or incurred b� any �ne or mare Trus�or, or any one or mor� Trus�ar and
<br /> o�hers. All futur� ad�anc�s and other future �bligat�ons are secured �� �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument e��n thou�h aIi or
<br /> par� may no� ye� b� advanced. A�� future ad�ances and other future ����gat�ons are secured as if made �n �he da�e of
<br /> �hzs Secur�t� �nstrument. No�hing in thxs S��urxt� Ins�rument sha�l canst��ut� a comm�tment �o make addz�zonai or
<br /> future�oan�or advances in any amount. Any su�h�o�nmitment must be agr�ed to in a separa�e wri�ing.
<br /> C. Aii ab�igations Trus�or owes �a B�nef��iar�r, whi�h may Ia��r aris�, to the extent no�pr�h�b�t�d b� Iaw, inciuding, but
<br /> no��imited t�, Iiabilities far overdraf�s re�at�n�to an depas��acc�un�agre�ment be�ween Trustor and Benef�ciary.
<br /> D. A�l add���ana� sums advanced and e� enses incurre�b Benefic�a far lnsurin reservin or other�ise ro�ec��n
<br /> s
<br /> d it �alue and an other sums advanced and ex enses incurred b Beneficia under�he t�rms of�h�s
<br /> �h� Proper�y an s y p y ry
<br /> Secur�t� �nstrument.
<br /> This 5ecurit� �ns�rument wi�� no� secure any other debt if Benefic�ary faz�s to g�ve any requ�red no�ice af the right of
<br /> rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYME�TS. Trus��r agrees that aIi payments under the SeGured Deb� vvill be pa�d �vhen due and in accardance with the
<br /> terms af�he Secured Debt a.nd�his Secur��� �nstrument.
<br /> 5. �VARRANTY �F TITLE. Trust�r warran�s tha� Trustor zs �r w��� he �awfu��y s��z�d of �he estate cflnveyed b� �his
<br /> Se�ur��y �ns�rumen�and has �he right to irre�ocab�y gran�, canvey, and sei� �he Pr�per�y to �rustee, in trust, vvith p�vver�f
<br /> sa��. Trustor als�u�arrants that th�Pr�per�y�s unen�um�ered, �x�ept for encum�rances of record.
<br /> 7. PRI�R SE�URITY INTER.�STS. Wz�h regard �o any other mor�gage, deed flf �rus�, securi��r agreemen� or o�her Iien
<br /> documen�that crea��d a pr�ar securi�y �n�eres��r�ncumbran�e ari the Proper��, Tru�tor agrees:
<br /> A. Ta make all payments vvhen due and to perform or c�mp�y v�ith aII covenants.
<br /> B. To pr�mp t�y de�z�er to Bene�c�ary an�no�zc�s that Trustor receives fr�m�h�holder.
<br /> �. �ot to a1lo�v an m�difica�ion or extens�on of n�r �o re uest aza fu�ur� advances under an no�e or a reement
<br /> Y s q Y �' g
<br /> secur�d by�he�z�n d�cument��thout Beneficiary's prior v�ritten cansen�.
<br /> S. �LAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Trustnr v�i�� pay ai� �axes, ass�ssments, ��en�, encumbrances, lease payments, gr�und rents,
<br /> utz����es, and Qther charges relating to the Praper�� when due. Bene�ciar� may re�uzre Trust�r t� pro��de to Benefz�zary
<br /> c�pzes of a�� n��xc�s xha� such amounts are due and �he receipts evidencing Trustor's paym�nt. Trus��r �ri�� defend �z�le �o
<br /> �h� Prop�r�� aga�ns� an� claims �hat wauld impair the Iien of this 5ecuri�� �ns�rument. Trustar agrees to ass�gn �o
<br /> Bene�c�ar�, as re�ues��d by B�nef�ciary, any ri�hts, claims or defens�s Trus��r may have aga�nst par�ies �crha suppl� �abor
<br /> nr mater�a����mazn�a�n�r�mpro�e th�Pr�per�y.
<br /> 9. DIT� �N SAL� �R ENCUNIBIiANCE. Benefzc�ary may, a� ��s op�zar�, dec�are �he �n�zre �a�ance �f�he Se�ured Debt �o
<br /> be�mmedza�e�y due and payab�e up�n th��reat�on af, transf�r or sal�of a�x flr any�ar�of the Pr�per�y. Thzs righ� is subject
<br /> �a th� res�rx��zans �mpas�d by f�derai �aw ��2 �.F.R. S9�}, as app�icable. This coWenant sha�� run wz�h �he Proper�y and
<br /> sha�� r�ma�n�n effe��unti� �he Secured D�b��s pa�d �n fu�� and th�s ���urz���nstrumen��s re��ased.
<br /> 14. PR�PERTY �4NDITI�N� AL�ERATI�NS AND INSPE�TIC]�. Trus��r wil� keep �he Proper�� in ga�d condztz�n and
<br /> make a�� r�pa�rs �ha�are reasanably necessary. Trus�or sha�� no�commit or all�w an�r wast�, �mpairment, or d��eriarati�n af
<br /> the Prflper�y. Trust�r �vil� keep the Praper�y free of n�xious weeds and �rass��. Trustor a�rees that the nature �f the
<br /> �ccupancy and use w�ll n�t substantia�ly chan�e withaut Beneficiary's pr�or writ�en consen�, Trustor wx�� n�t perm�t an�
<br /> chan�e in an� license, restric�ive cavenant or easem�nt vvith�ut Benefzczar�'s przor �rx��en consent. Trustor wi�l notify
<br /> Benefi�ia�-�r of aII demands, praceedin�s, ��aims, and ac�ions agazns�Tru�t�r, and of any l�ss or dama�e ta the Prnp�r�y.
<br /> Ben�f���ary or Bene�ciar�r's agen�s may, at Bene�c�ary's apt�on, enter�he Property at any r�asonable �zme for the purpase
<br /> of �nspec��ng th� Property. Benefr�iary shall �i�e Trus�or na��ce at the t�me �f or bef�re an i�sp����an spec�f�r�ng a
<br /> reasonable purpose for�he �ns��c���n. Any �nspection of the Proper�y sha11 b��n�ire��r far Bene�ciar� s benefit and Trus��r
<br /> �vi�� in na way rely on Benefzc�ary'� znspect��n.
<br /> 11. AiJTI��RITY TU PER.�t]RNI. �f Trustor fai�s ta perform any duty �r any of �he c�venants canta�ned �n this Securit�
<br /> Ins�rumenx, Ben�f�czary may, v�ithou� no��ce, perform or cause them t� be performed. Trustor a�pozn�s Bene�ciar� as
<br /> at�orney �n fa�t �n sign Trus�ar's nam� or pay any amount necessary for performanc�. Bene�ciary s right �o �rf�rm f�r
<br /> Trus�ar shal� na� create an obli ation �o erform and Benef���a 's fa��ure to erform wi�� no� reciude Bene�c�a fr�m
<br /> , , xY , P � �
<br /> �
<br /> exercising any af Benef��iary s o�her ri�h�s under�he Iaw or�hzs Secur��y �nstrument. �f any construc�ion on th� Proper�y is
<br /> discon�inued or no� carried �n in a reasonab�e manner, Bene�c�ary may take aII steps n�cessary to prat��� Benef��zary's
<br /> securit� in�erest in�h� Property, including compiet�on of the c�ns�ru��zon.
<br /> l�. ASSIGNM�NT []F LEASES AND R�NTS. Trus�ar irrev�cabl� assigns, gran.ts ar�d con�e�s, to Truste�, in �rus� far the
<br /> benefi� of Benef�ciary as addz�zonal security a�� �he right, title and inter�st in the f�llow�ng �a�� referred ta as Proper�y}:
<br /> e��s��ng or fu�ure leases, sub�eases, licenses, guarant�es and an� o�her vc�ritten or ��rba� agreemen�s far the us� and
<br /> occu�a.n�y of the Praper�y, znc�uding an� ex�enszons, renewals, n�.odifications �r r�p�acements �al� referred �o as L�as�s};
<br /> and rents, �ssues and pro��ts �all referred �a as Rents�. In the e�ent any ��em ��sted as Leases �r Ren�s is determzn�d �a be
<br /> persflnal praper�y, thzs Assignm�n��z�� a�sa be regarded as a securi�y agreem�n�. Trustvr wi��promp�ly provide Ben��c�ar�
<br /> �zth cop�es of�he Leas�s and v�ill cer�xf� these Leas�s are tru� and correct copzes. The existin� Leases vvill be prav�ded on
<br /> e�ecution of�h� Assz�nmen�, and a�l future Leases and any other informatzan vvz�h respect to �hese Leases vvill be pr�v�ded
<br /> immediate�� af�er �hey ar� execu�ed. Trustor ma� co��e��, recei�e, enjay az�d use �he Rents so �ong as Tru��or zs n�t in
<br /> defau�t.
<br /> Upon defaul�, Trustor wi�� recez�e any Rents in trust for Ben�fic�ary and wi11 not cammxngle �he Rents v�z�h any ath�r
<br /> funds. Trus�or agrees �hat th�s Securi�y Instrum�n�is immedzate�y effective betw�en Trustor and Benef�ciary and eff�ctiv�as
<br /> ta�hird�arties�n the rec�rding af this Ass�gnm�nt. As Iang as th�s Assi�nm�n��s �n effect, Trustor warrants and r�presen��
<br /> that no d�fauit ex�sts under the Leases, and the par�ies subje�t to the Leases hav� not �i�la��d an�r applicab�e �avv on leases,
<br /> ��censes and�and�nrds and tenan�s.
<br /> 13. L�ASE�I�LI]S; CC]ND[�MIN�IJMS; PLANNED iT�IT D�VEL�PM�NTS. Trus��r a�rees to camply w��h the
<br /> pr���s�ons of any �ease if this Securzty �nstrument �s on a ��asehold, If the Proper�y �neludes a un�t in a cond�m�n�um or a
<br /> pianned un�� dev�l�pment, Trus�or ��11 perform a�� af Trus�or's dut�es under �he c�v�nants, b�-�aws, or regu�atzons �f�he
<br /> ��ndominium ar plann�d unit develapmen�.
<br /> (pag
<br /> � i 994 Wolters Kluwer Financial S�rWices-Bankers 5ystems7M Fvrm RE-DT-NE 121i 5120�fi I
<br /> VMP�-C'�65�NE� �o�os�
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