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��14��334 <br /> 2. Appli�ationof Paym+�nts vr Proceeds.Except as oth�rrvv�s�describ��ua th�s Section 2, a�l payments <br /> acce�ted a.nd ap��ied��r Lender shall be�gplied in the�o�la�ving order o�p�iority: (a�in�e�ces�due��der t�e <br /> Nate;�b)principal due under�he N�te;�c]amounts due under Sect�on 3. Such payments sha11�e app�ied to <br /> �ach Periodic Payment in the order in which it became due.Any re�naining amounts sha.11 be ap���ed fust to <br /> late charg�s,seco�d to a�ay ather amounts du�unde�r this Securit�instx�u�nent,an�.then to reduce the <br /> principa�baiance of the Nate. <br /> If Le�der recei�es a payment fr�m Borrower for a de��nc�uent Periodic Payn�ent�rh��h�ncludes a suff'�cient <br /> amount to pay any�ate cha,rge due,the payment m�y be�.pplied to the delinquen�payment and the late <br /> charge. If m�re than one Periodic Payment is ou�standin�,Lender may app�y any payment rec�i�ed f�rom <br /> Borr�v�er�o�he repaym�nt of t�e�erifldic Pa�y�ents i�,and�a�he exten�t�hat,�ach�aym�nt can be paid in <br /> fu1�. To the e�tent�hat any�xcess exists after th�payrnent is applied to the fu11 payment of one or more <br /> Periodic Payments,such excess may be applied to any late charges due.Voluntary prepaymen�s shall be <br /> apglied fir�t to any prepa�ment cha,rge�and t]��a as cl�scrib�d in the l�ote. <br /> Any application of paym�n�ts, insurance proceeds,dr M�sce��aneous Proc�eds to princ�pa�du�under the Note <br /> �hall not extend or�ostp+ane the du�date,or change the arr�ount,of th�Periadic Paym�nts, <br /> 3. Fundsfor Escrow Items.Borrflv�er shall pay t�L�nder�n the d�y Periodic Payments are due under the <br /> Note,until�he Note�s paid in ful�,a sum(the "Funds"}to provide far payment of amounts due for: (a)tax�s <br /> and assessments and ather items which can.attain priority vver thi��e�urity Instrument as a lien or <br /> encumbranGe on�he Pr�perty;(b}leaseho�d payme�ts or ground rents�n the Property, if any;�c}premiums <br /> for any and a��rnsuranCe r�quired by Lender under Sect�on 5;and(d)Mortgage Insurance premiums, if an�, <br /> or any sums payable by Borrow�r ta Lender in l�eu of th�payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in <br /> accordance with�he provis�ons�f Sec�ion 1�.These items are called"Escr��Items."At origination or at <br /> any tim�during the term�f the Laan,Lender m�ay require�hat Com�munity�ssvciatian Dues,Fees,a�d <br /> Assessments, if an�,b�escroured by Borrower,and such dues, fees and assessments sha�l b�an Escrow <br /> Item. F.�orrower sha��promptly furnish to Lender a�l notices of amounts to be paid under this Secti��. <br /> Borro�er s�.a��1 pa�Ler�der the F��.ds for�scrov�Ite�ms unt�s�Lende�r v���ves Borra�er's ob�igation to gay <br /> the Funds for any or a1�Es�row Items.Lender may�aive Borrow�r's obligati�n to pay to L��der Funds for <br /> any ar a�l Escrot�Items at any time,An�such waiver may only be in wr�ting. In the event of such waiver, <br /> Borrower shall pay directly,wh�n and�rher�payable,�h�amounts du�for any Escrow Items for which <br /> payment�f Funds has been�vaived by L�nder and, if Lender requues�sha11 furnish to Lender receipt� <br /> evidenc�ng such�ayment�ithin such time period as Lender may require. Borro�er's obligation ta make <br /> such payments and to provide receipts sha��for all purpose$be deemed to be a co�e�.a�nt and agreement <br /> c�ntain�d in this Securi�y Instrument,as the phrase"covenant and agreement" i�us�d in Section 9.If <br /> Borro�ver�s�bligated ta pay Escr�w Items direct�y,pursuant to a�vaiv�r,and Borr�wer fails to pay the <br /> am�unt due for an Escraw Item,I�end�r ma�exercise its r�ghts under Sect�on 4 and�a�such amount and <br /> Borr�w�r�hall then be a�ligated under S�ction g ta repay to Lender any such amount. Lender ma�re�roke <br /> the wa�ver as to any or a11 Escrow Item�at any tirne b�a notic�g��ren in accordance�vith Sectian 15 and, <br /> upon such re�rocation.,Borrov�er sha��pay to Lender a��Funds,and�n such amounts,that are then r�quired <br /> under this Se�tion 3, <br /> Lender ma�,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount�a}sufficient ta permit Lender to app1�the <br /> Funds at the time specif ed under I�ESPA,and(b)not to exceed the maximum amount a�ender can requue <br /> . und�r R.ESPA. Lender shal�estimate the amount�f Funds due on the basis of cu.�rent data and reasonable <br /> estirnates af exp�nditur�s of Escro�v Items�r�therw�se in accordance w�th Applicable Law. <br /> NEBRASKA�i�g�e Farnily-Fanni�MaefFr�:ddie Mac tJNIF4RM�NS�RUMENT WI�H MERS Fornn 34281f41 <br /> VMP� VMRBA�NE)('i 302}.pQ <br /> Wolters I{l�wer Financial Sen►ic�s P`age 5 ot�'� <br /> q�33z50D33fU U233 3�6 �517 <br />