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��14��33� <br /> �a� An�such�greements will n�t�f�ect the amounts that Borr�wer has agreed ta pay f�r Mvrtgage <br /> In�urance,ar any other terms of the Loan.SuGh agreements vWill n�t in�rease the am�un� <br /> B�rra�ver will o�ve for Mortgage Insurance,and the��vill not entitte Barrawer tv any�efund. <br /> �b} Any su�h agre�ments will not affect the r�ghts Barro�er has-if any-with respect t�the <br /> Mortg�ge In�urance under the H�me�wn.ers Prvte�tion Act�f 1998 or any�ther law.These rightS <br /> may include the right to reGeive certain disclosures,to request�nd abtain canc�llat�on of the <br /> Mvrtgage Insurance,to ha�e the Martgage Insura�ce terminated�utomatica�ly,andl�r t¢receive <br /> a refund flf any Mortg�ge In�uran�e premiums that v�ere unearned at the time af such <br /> can���l�t�on ar termination. <br /> '11. Assignmentvf#IA�sc�allanevusPraceeds;Farfeiture.���Miscellane�us Proceeds are hereb�r assigned to <br /> and sha��be paid to L�nder. <br /> If the property i�damaged, such Miscellaneaus Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair af the <br /> Proper�y, if the restora.tion or repair is econvm�cally feas�b�e and Lender's security is n�t�ess�ned, During <br /> such repair and restoration period,Lender shall ha��the r�ght to hold su�h Miscellaneous Proceeds until <br /> Lender has had an apportunity to inspect such T'roperty ta ensure the work has b��n cnmp�eted to Lender's <br /> satisfact�on,provided that such inspectian sha�l�e undertak�n pr�mptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and <br /> restorativn�n a single disbursement or in a series of�rogress payments�s the wark is completed.Unless an <br /> agreement�s made i.n writing or Applicable La�v requir�s�nterest ta be p�.id on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, <br /> Lender sha�l not be re�uu'ed to pay Borrower any inter�st or earniags o�.such Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the <br /> restoration or repair is not economical�y f�asibl�or Lend�r's s�curity would be lessened,the Miscellan��us <br /> Praceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thi�Security Instrument,wh�ther or not then due,w�th the <br /> excess, if any,paid to Borrower. Such Misc�llaneous ProGeeds sha11 be applied in the order provided for in <br /> Sectian 2, <br /> In the e�ent of a tota�takin�,destruct�on,or loss in va�ue of the Praper�y,the Misce�lane�u�Pr�ceeds shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security In.�trument,whether or nat th�n due,w�th the excess, if any, <br /> paid to B�rrower. <br /> In the e�ent vf a partial,destruction,or��s�in value of the Property in�vhich th�fair market value of <br /> the Praperty�mmed�ately befor�the partial tak�ng,destruction,or loss in value is equal to�r greater than the <br /> amount of the sums s�cure�by this Security Instru�nent immedia�ely befor�the gartial taking,destruct�c�n,or <br /> loss in value,unless�orra�ver and Lender�therw�se agree in writing,the sums s�cured by thi�Se�u.r�ty <br /> Instrument sha11 be reduced by th�amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds rnultiplied by the fo�l�v�ing <br /> fracti�n: �a)the total am�unt of th�sums secur�d irnmediately bef�re the p�rtial�aking,destruction,ar�oss <br /> in value divided by�b�the fair market value of the Proper�y immediate�y before the partial#�k�ng, <br /> destructi�n,ar loss in�alue.Any ba�ance shall b�paid to Borrovver, <br /> In the event Qf a partial taking,destruction,or l�ss in�ra�ue of th�Property in which the fair maa�ke�value af <br /> the Prop�rty immediate�y befare the pa.rtial t.�.king,destruGtion,or loss in value�s less than t�.e amount af the <br /> surns secured irnmediate�y b�f�re the partial ta,k�ng,destruction,ar loss in�alue,uniess Borrc�wer and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing,the Miscellaneou�Froceeds sha�i be applied to the sums secur�d by this <br /> �ecurity In.�trument whether�r not the s�ms are th�n due. <br /> If the Fr�perty is abandvned by Borrow�r,or if,a�er n�tice by Lender tv Borro�er that th��ppasing Pa,rty <br /> [as defin�d in the next sent�nce}aff�rs to make an avva,rd tv settle a c�a�m for�lamages,Borrower fails to <br /> respond ta Lender within 3�days af�er the date the notice��given,Lend�r�s authorized to collect and app�y <br /> the Miscellaneous Froc��ds e�ther ta restoration�r repau of the F'roperty�r to the sums�ecured b�th�s <br /> NEBRA,SKA�ingl�Family-Fannie A►la�lF�ddie Mac LJNIF�RM�PVSTR�MENT WITH MERS � Farm 3a�81141 <br /> VMP� VMP6AtNE)�13�2}.Q� <br /> Vllokters Kluwer Financia!Services Page 1U of 17 <br /> qq332576z�51 �233 3�9 1417 <br />