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j . . : . I <br /> i ' . . ' <br /> - . =. � . rn <br /> - - , � . . m � �� � <br /> . - . . � � ` : � r�nm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o . . . . - , �� � � z r�n I�] rn <br /> � � � � . � . �o rn , � �� � o <br /> � . . . . : : oz � � �� � � <br /> c.�, � . � - � � C� <br /> o _ . . f zy � � �1Z � — <br /> w , .�4 � . � � G7� � � =ornv � �zl] <br /> . � . �� rn �° �� W � <br /> . . . . � � � rn m rn y r� � �[] <br /> . . � : .- - � �� � � � � C <br /> � � <br /> W� rn <br /> � . � � � � �� � .�.� z <br /> . : , �� . . � � <br /> � � ��� � � -� . � � cn <br /> - , . :. . � . . . � z <br /> � . . �� ' � <br /> f � �� � � r� � <br /> F . . . <br /> i <br /> � THIS �ISTRUMENT Pf�EPA.ftED BY: AFTER RE � � � <br /> Home Federal Savin s& Laa � .��RD��G�TURN T�: <br /> g �� Assvcia�ion af Home Federa�Sav�x�gs& Loan Associaxia�� of -. . <br /> Grand �s�and . . Grand Is�a��d <br /> 2�� S��i�l� Locust S���e�� : 221 Sou��i Locus�S��-e�t � <br /> ; GI�A�ID ISLAI�D, NE�88�� GI�A�ND�SLA�N� NE <br /> , _ , �8$01 <br /> . (Space Abvve This Lia�e For�ecording Data) <br /> � � ��IV�����I.AL�EAL E { <br /> ' ; S�".A�T.� DEED UF T�UST . <br /> � <br /> ; FUTUR�ADVA,NCES AND �U'�'U�tE QBLIGATIaNS ARE SE � <br /> ; . C[JREI3 B�T�-I�S REAL E�T'ATE l3EED <br /> � �, a F T�UST � � <br /> � This Ca1V��E���,�.L.�AL ESTATE DEED � <br /> ��TRUST�"Secur��y Instru��.�e���"� is.�nade o�� APr�i 1�, 2�1� b <br /> �he gran�ar�s} �dmund R. ��ershaw, als����now�� as �d �er5�iaw and N1ic�i � <br /> 'VYife, w���se address is 415� Masor� Ave� - ' e�Z� �• Kers��a��, H��sband and <br /> ��re, GRAND IS�AND, Nebraska �88�3 �"Gran�or"�. The tirus�ee �s <br /> . ' A�•end I�.. Baack, A��orney �hose address is P.�. Bo� 79D Gra��d �s�and <br /> ; benefciary is Home Federal Savin s & � ' ' ' ���t�aska 6$$42 �"Trus�ee"}. The <br /> g Loan Assocza�io�� of Grand Islanc� v�hose address is �2I So����� <br /> ' Lacust Stree�, Grand Is�aYid,.Nebrasl�a 688D� �"Lender" �uvh�ch xs ar¢ ' <br /> Uni�ed S�aties of Amer'c � �� .��ntzed a��d exrs��ng ui�d�r#��e laws of t��� <br /> ' . . z a. �ran�or zx� .considera�i�n of �nans ex�endec� b� Lender �� �❑ a ���a�imum r� ' <br /> ; amoun� af ��ne Hundred, T��o�r�sand � and U�I�U4� Doilars U� . p p,nc�pa� <br /> ; Indebtedness"�, and far otl�er �ra � .� $14�,���•��� �"Maxi�iau��-� Pri��cipal <br /> . l�iab�� c�nszdez-a�ian, t��e recerp� �f�r���c�l is a�ka�o.v�Zedged, i�-r��ocab� �ran�� <br /> conveys and assigns ta Trustee, in �rust, v�i�h�pav�er of sale �he fol�owin de - � � ' <br /> ; Co�inty of Hall, State�f Nebraska: � � . � �� ' g �C2�bed px�perty �ocated �n ��le <br /> . . . � <br /> ; A.ddress:3�1 'W. �onner�'ar��Rd.,�RA.ND ISLAND � <br /> � ,Nebras tca�S S U� <br /> Lega� Descrip�ion: T��e Nor��i F�ft� Two�ee� and E�g��� Ynches N5�'S't of�he <br /> � � � Wes� HaIf�'�112} �f Blac�� <br /> � �'�vo�2�,Pl�asan�Home Sr�bd�v�5�an, ix�t������y of Grand I��and Ha���ou <br /> , n�y,�ebras��a . <br /> � Toge�her with a�i easements, a ur�enances ab�it�v <br /> pp �g st�ee�s and a�Ieys, �mpro�em����s, bu��dings, fi�tures, <br /> i ��nements, h�red��amen�s, eq:u�pmep�, ren�s, income, profits and rvya��ies ersonal oods <br /> and ai� other righ�s and pr�vile es includ�n a�l ' � g ❑f w��atevex d�s�r�p�to�a <br /> � � ,g min.erals; oil, gas, �vater- ��h��her gr�«nd�va�er, sub�eri-at�eaY� ar <br /> ; otherwise), v�ra�er righ�s �whe�her ripar�a��, apprvpria�e or ofihervv�se and v�he�her or <br /> . � , n��appur�e��an��a tlae above- <br /> described real property�, �e��s, �vel� pernl��s, ditches, d��ch ri �afis reservoirs rese � ' ' <br /> s�orage righ�s, dams and vvat�r stack �hat ma n��v g � ' � r ❑�r rzgh�s, �eservaxr s��es, <br /> ' y , ar at any time �n t��e fu�ure, �e �ocated on andlor L�sed �n <br /> ; connectian with the abfl�re�described real�propei-�y, pa men� �.vvax-ds a��i�un <br /> Y , �s rece�ved fra��1 em�nent dv���ain, <br /> ' az-n�unts received frvm any and all i�asura��ce payx��ents,and timber which ma n�w o�-�la�er be <br /> ' Y , �aca�ed, situa�ed, or <br /> affi�ed on and used in connect�on therewith�hereiu�after ca��ed t1Ye"pro er " <br /> � . � �' �• <br /> � RELATED D�CUM�NTS. The �rords "Related Do�u�nents" mean all rom' <br /> ; pr�or m�r�gages, pr�or deeds of��us�, rxar d eeds to secu� � �sso�� ��v�es, security agree���.en�s, <br /> � �e debt, busYness Ioan agreemez�ts, co��s�ruct�on laan <br /> ' agr�emen�s, reso�ut��ns, guaranties, env�rozamenta� agreemen�s, subordina�i�n a eem� <br /> and ren#s and an� ��her do�uxnen�s �r a reemen�s execu � n�s, assxgnlnents vf teases <br /> � . <br /> � �e d �n c o n n e c�i o n v�i t}� t��i s I n d e b t e d��e s s a n d �e c t lli�.y <br /> i instrument,�vh��her n��o r h e r e a f�e r e�i s��n g,i n c i u d i n g a n y m a d i f�ca t�ons e��ex�si <br /> � a n y v f t h e f�regoing. T he Re�a�ed Do�umen�s - � . _ ❑�1 s,s u b s t��u�t o x�s a r r e n e�a l s o f <br /> a X e h e r e b}� x n a d e a p a r� o f t��x s S e c u r��y �n s t�-u�n en� by �-e fe�-ence <br /> ; �hei-eto,wi�h�h e s a Y n e f o r�e a n d e f f e c�a s�f f��i l y s e�f a r€h l�ere�n. � �. . <br /> � �Nx]EBTE�NES�.Th�s Se�uri�y�Ynstrument secures the rin�' � <br /> � . p �pai amount shown abo�re as may be e�iden�ed by a <br /> � promissory note flr notes of eve��, prior or su�sequen� date hereto, i���l��d�n fi��zi�-e advanc <br /> � g es and e�eiy �tl�er <br /> ind�b�edness �f any and every kind. n�� or hereafte�: av�in fi•o�n Edmun� . � <br /> g R :�ers��aw to Hom� F�deraz <br /> Sa���ngs & Loan Assvcia��on of Grand I.s�and, howsoe�er c�-ea�ed ar aris�n wI e <br /> ' g, � ���eY- pri.i��ary, secflndar� or <br /> � �antingent, �age�her �ri�h any in�erest or charges pro��ded �ra or arisin ou� �f such �nde � <br /> ; agreemenfs and c�venan�s af t���s Secur� �Y�s�l-�i � ��ed��ess, as well as t��e <br /> �y men�and at��Rela�ed D�cu�nen�s ��leze�naf�er aIr re��n�ed�o as tlie <br /> � "�ndeb�edness"�. . � � � <br /> � . � <br /> , FU'�`URE ADVANCES.To the ex�en�perm�tted by�aw, ihis�Sec�irxf. �r�stru�nen�vwi�1 <br /> ; such advances��re made�n�he da�e�f�h�s Securi Ins��-ume y s����re fi�ture adva��ces as Yf <br /> �Y n�regazd�ess vf t�ae fac��ha�from t�me to�i���e�here, <br /> ; Yna�r be n��a�ance due under�he no�e az�d regardless of w��ether Lender,is o�Ii a�ed � <br /> . - - , g �o m���e sL��h fu�ure advan�es. <br /> � <br /> �20D�-?0 i 3 Comptian�e 5ystems,inc.CBAE-�4 8�-20 i 3L?:�.E 1.fi55 " ' <br /> � Commercia]Real Estate Security InStntment-DL4�07 <br /> � pa���°F$ �vww.carn�[ian�esy� <br /> . . , - <br />