<br /> ful� of a�l sums secured by �his Secur�ty �nstrun�ent. Hov�e��r, this op�ion sha�� nflt be exercised hy Lender if
<br /> ex�r�ise is prohibited by federal law as�f the date�f this Security�nstrumen�.
<br /> �f Lender ��ercises t�.is �ption, Lender shall give Borrav�er notice flf acce�eratian. The notxce sha�l pro�ide a
<br /> peri�d of not less �han the �minimum number of days es�abl�shed by Applicable Law from �he date �he no�lce �s
<br /> del�vered �r mai��d �ithin vvh�ch Borr�we� �nust pay a�1 sums se�ured by th�s Se�urity �nstrumen�. �f B�rrower
<br /> fai�s t� pay�hese sums pr�or t� the expira��om of�h�s period, Lender may �nvoke any remedies permit�ed �y �his
<br /> Security�nstrument v�ithout fur�her n��i�e or demand on Borrov�er.
<br /> Bnrrow�r's Ri ht �o Reinstate. �f Borrovver aneets certa�n �andi�ions, B�rrower shall have the right to have
<br /> �
<br /> enforc�men�of�his Securi�y �nstrument discon�inued at any time prior to the earlier �f �a� 5 days ��r such o�her
<br /> period as Appl�cab�e Lav�may spe�ify for re�nsta�cemen�}bef�re sa�e af��he Froperty pursuant#o any p�wer af sale
<br /> �on�ained �.n this Securi�.y �nstrument; �r �b} en�ry of a j udgmen� enforcing th�s Security �ns�rumen�. Those
<br /> conditions are �hat Borrower: �a� pays Lender ai� sums vvhich then would be due under this Se�urity Instrument
<br /> and�he�ontrac�as if na acce�lera�ion had���urred;�h�cures any defau��of any o�her covenants or agreemen�s;���
<br /> pays al�expenses incurred�n enf�rc�ng�his Se�urity�nstrument, inciud��g,bu�n�t�imited to,reas�nable a�tarneys`
<br /> fees�a�he extent per�-�it��d by law; and�d}�akes such action as Lender may reas�nably require�� assure that�he
<br /> �ien of�his Security�nstrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borr�wer's obliga�ion to pay the sums secured
<br /> by �h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument s�a�1 con�inu� unchanged. IJpon reinstatement by Barrower, �his Sec�r�ty Ins�rumen�
<br /> and the obiibations se�ured hereby sha�� rema�n ful�y effec�ive as if no acceleration�aad occurre�. Ho�ever, th�s
<br /> righ�to reinstate sha11 n��a�p�y in the case of ac�e�era��on under the section����ed Transfer�f the Proper�y nr a
<br /> Benef�cia�I�terest in Barrower. .
<br /> Hazardaus Su�stan�e�.Borr��er sha1�na��ause ar permit the presence,use, disp�sal, storage, flr release�f any
<br /> Hazardaus Substances on or in the Prop�r�y.B�rrov�er shal�not do,nor all�vrl a�yone else to do,anything affec��ng
<br /> the Property tha� �s ir� viola�ion af any Environmental Law. Th.e preced�ng tw� sentences sha�I nfl� apply to the
<br /> presence,use,�r st�rage on the Propert�y of sma11 q�anti�ies�f I�azardous Substances�hat are g�nera��y rec�gni�ed
<br /> to b�appropriate�o n�rmal residential uses and�o maintenance of the Prapert}�.
<br /> Borrawer sha�l promptl�g�ve Lender�ritten no�ice of a�y inves��gati�n,�laim,demand, la�su�t or other ac�ifln by
<br /> any g���rnmental or regula�ary agency or pri�ate party invol�ing�he Prop�rry and any Hazardous Substance �r
<br /> En�iron�men�al Law of �hich Barrovver has actua� kn�wiedge. �f'B�rrovver learns, �r is r�Q��fi�d by any
<br /> gavernnle��a1�r reg��a�or�authar�ty,�ha�any remflval or o�her remed�ation of an�Hazardous Substance affecting
<br /> �he PrQper�:y is riecessary, B�rrower shal� promptl� �ake a11 rnecessary remedia� ac��flns 1n accordance with
<br /> En�iranmenta�Law. �
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Su�stances" are those subs�ances defined as t��ic �r hazardous subs�an�es
<br /> by EnW�ronmental Law and �he fa�lowing substances: gasol�ne, ��rosene, �t�er f�amm.ab�e or �oxic petroleum
<br /> pr�duc�s, �oxic pesticides arid herb�cides, �a�atile S��V�1`1�5, materials containing asbestos ar f�rmalc�ehyde, and
<br /> radioacti�e materials. As used in this paragraph, "En�riranm�ntal Law"means federal Iaws and laws of�he state�f
<br /> Nebraska that rela�e�o hea�th, safety�r en��ronmen�al pro�ecti�n.
<br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lend�r shall gi�e n�tice tv Borruw�r prior to acc�lerat�nn follawing Borrower{s
<br /> breach of an�co�er�ant nr agreement in th�s Se�uri��Ins�rumen�or the Contra�t under�vhich a�celeration
<br /> is permitt�d �but not pr�ar ta acceleration und�r the sec�ian ti��ed Transfer of the Proper�y o�r a Benefcial
<br /> Intere5� �n �3arrawer, unless Applicab�e Law prov�des atherwise}. Th� no�ice shall specify: �a} �he defau�t;
<br /> (b� the action required ta cure the default; �c� a da�e, not less than the minimum number of days
<br /> estab�ish�d by App�icabie Lavv from the date the natice is g��e�t�Barr�wer, �y wh�ch the d�fault r�ust be
<br /> cured; and (d� that failure to curQ the default an or b�fore �h� date speci�'i�d in the natice may result in
<br /> accelera�in� of the sums secured by thi� SQcurity �nstrumen� and 5a�e �f the Proper�y. To the e�rtent
<br /> p�rmitted by law, the not�c� sha�l further inform Barrov�er of thQ right to reins�ate after a�celerat�nn and
<br /> the right tv bring a caur�a�ti�n t�asser�the n�n-existence of a d�fault or any vther def�nse of Borrower to
<br /> acce�eratin� and 5ale. If th� defau�t is not cur�d on or before the date spec�fied in the n�tic�, Lender at its
<br /> optian may require �mmed�ate paymen� in fuil nf a�l surns se�ured by this Se�urity InStrument v�ithout
<br /> further demand and may in�ol�e the power of sale and any other r�medies permi�ted by Appl��ab�e Law.
<br /> To the extent permitted hy �aw, Lender sha�l be en#�t�ed to c�ll�ct a�l expenses incurred �n pursuing the
<br /> remedi�s provid�d in this Sect�an, including, but not l�m�t�d to, reasonab�e attorney�' fees and ��sts of�it�e
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If�h� power of sa�e is invoked,Truste�5�a�� record a notice of default in each county �n which any part of
<br /> the Property is laca�ed and 5ha1�mail cop�es of such notice in the manner prescribed by Applicable L.avv tv
<br /> Borraw�r and t❑ the o�her,per5ons prescribed hy App�icab�e Law. After �h� t�me re�uired by App�icable
<br /> Law, Truste� �ha�� gi�e publ�c no�ice vf sa�� t� the p�rsons and in the manner pr�scribed by Applicab�e
<br /> Law. Trustee,with�ut d�m�nd on Borr�wer,shal�sel�th��'roperty at pub��c auctivn to the high�st b�dder
<br /> at the time and p�ace and under the terms desig��ated in �he notice af sale in one�r more parce�s and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determ�nes. Trus�ee may pos�pane sale �f all or an� parcel af the Property by pub��c
<br /> announcement at the txme and place of any prev�ous�y scheduled sale.L�nder❑r i�s de��gnee may�urchase
<br /> the Prnper�y at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Tru�tee shal� de�i�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed cvn��ying
<br /> the Praperty. 'The reci�a�s in the Trustee's d�ed shall be prima faci�e�idence of�he truth of the statemen�s
<br /> made ther�in. Tru�tee shail apply the proceeds of the sale �n the f�liavving arder: �a} to all casts and
<br /> expenses ❑f exercis�ng the power vf saYe, and �he sale, includi�g the payment of the Truste�'s fees actually
<br /> C�204�-2fl l3 CampIiar�ce Systems,Inc.SEB3�-DE86-2�13L2.�.E 1.71�
<br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-Secu�-ity Ir�strucner�t DL2�36 Pa�e 4�f 5 www.Gomptiancesystems.cam
<br />