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��14���75 <br /> �n�pectxon. L�nder ar its agent may make reas�nab�e entries upon and inspe����ns of the Proper�y. Lender sha�� <br /> g��e Barro�ver na�ice at�he t�me of or pr��r���an inspectian spec�fyin�reas�nab�e cause f�r the�nspection. <br /> Cnndemnati�n. The pr�ceeds af any award or c�aim for damages, direc�or consequen��al, in conne���on v�ith any <br /> �ondemna�i�n or ��her tak�ng of any part of t��e Proper�y, or for ��nveyance �n �ieu of c�ndemnation, are hereby <br /> assigned and shail be paid�fl Lender. � <br /> �n the e�ent af a�a�a� tak�ng of the Prapez-�y, �he pro�eeds sha�l be app��ed to th� sums secured by �his Se�ur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen�, whether �r not �hen due, wxth any exc�ss pa�d t� Barrower. �n the e�en� of a partial taking �f�he <br /> Praperty in �vhich th� fa�r marke� �alue af�he Prflper�y immed�a�ely bef�re the tak�ng is e�ua� to or gr�a�er�han <br /> the amoun� of�he sums secured by �his S��ur�ty �nstrument immed�a�eiy befare the �a��ng, un�ess Sorra�er and <br /> Lender a�herwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Se�ur�t��nstrurn�n�shail be reduced by the am�unt of <br /> �he proceeds mu�tipl�ed by�h� fol��vving frac�ion: �a}the�a�al amoun�af�he sums secured xmmed�a�e�y bef�re�he <br /> �aking, d��ided by �b} the fair marke� value of the Fr�perfiy immed�a�e�y before �he �aking. Any baiance sha�� be <br /> pa�d to Barrov�er. �n the e�etat.o�a par�ial.�ak�ng af th� Prvper�y �n �h�ch �he fair marke� va�ue of�he Prflperty <br /> �mmedia�e�y before the tak�ng �s �ess thar��he amount of�he sums secured �mmedia�ely bef�re �he taking, unless <br /> Barrawer and Lender atherv�xse agree �n v�r�t�ng ar un�ess App��cab�e Law��hervv�se pra��des, the pracee�s shal� <br /> be app��ed to�he sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument whe�her or na�th�sums are�hen due. <br /> �f th� Property zs abandoned b� Bflrrow�r,��r if, after na�ice by Lender ta Borrovver�hat the condemnor off�rs�fl <br /> make an avvard or se�tle a claim for damages, Bflrrower fai�s to respo�d to Lender w�th�n�he minimum number of <br /> days es�ab��shed by App�icab�e LavW af�er the da�e the na��ce is gi�en,L�nder�s au�hor�zed�fl col��ct and app���he <br /> praceeds, at its ap�ion, e�ther ta res�ora�ion or repa�r of�he Praperty or to �he sums se�ured by thxs Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen�,vvhether or na��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrvwer ather�ise agree in�r��ing, any appl�cation.of pro�eed�to principal sha�l nat extend <br /> flr p�stpone�he due da�e of�he paymen�s due under�he�vntract�r change�he amoun�of such pay3ments. <br /> Barrower N�t Released; Forbearance By LQnder Nvt a Waiver. Ex�ensian af �he time for payment ar <br /> m�dif�at�on of amor�xza�ian nf�he sums secured �y this S�curi�y Instrumen� granted by Lender�o Borr�v�er or <br /> any su��essor �n �n�eres� af Borr�v�er s}�a�1 no� operate tv release the l�abil�ty of �he ariginai Barrov�er or <br /> Borrower's successars in in�erest. Lender sha�� no�be re�u�red�o commence proceed�ngs agains�any su�cess�r�n <br /> in�eres�or refuse��ex�end�ime for payn�.en��r other�ise modify amor�x�at�on of the sums se�ured by�h�s Securxty - <br /> �ns�rument by reason af any demand made �y the orig�na� B�rro�er or Borrower's succ�ssors i.n interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercis�ng any righ�or remedy sha�� not be a�ai�er�f Qr.preciud� �he exerc�se of any <br /> righ�or remedy. � <br /> SucceSsors and Assigns Bound; Jo�n� and Severa� Liabi��ty; A�commada��on S�gners. The covenants and <br /> agreements of�his �ecur�ty Ins�rumen� shal� �ind and benef�the su�cess�rs and ass�gns of Lender and Bnrro�er, <br /> su�ject �a �he pr��isxans af sec��an ti�led Transfer af �he Praper�y �r a B�nef�cial Interest in Bvrr�wer. <br /> Bvrr�vver's co�enants and agreements.s�all be jaint and several. Any persan wha ca-�signs�his Securi�y�n��rument <br /> but has no persnna� liabili�y under �he ��ntract �"Accommodat�on Signer"�: �a} is �a�signing �his Security <br /> Ins�rumen� only t� mQr�gage, grant and con�ey �hat Accommodation S�gneris �nterest in �he Property under �he <br /> �erms �f �he Secuxity �nstrument; �b� is �no� personally �bl�gated �o pay �he sums secured �y thxs Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�; and�c) agrees tha�Lender and�any o�her Borro�er may agree�a ex�end, m�d�fy, forbear or make any <br /> acc�rnmodat��ns w�th regard ta th��erm�of�h�s S�cur�ty Instrument�r�he�ontrac�vvi�haut tha�A�commoda��an <br /> S�gner's consen�. � <br /> Loan Charges. If�he ��an secured by �h:is Security Instr►�m�n� is subject tn a �av�r u�hich se�s maximum loan <br /> �harges, and tha��avv �s fnally in�erpreted so that�he �nterest flr�ther�oan charges ca��ected or�o be calleC�ed �n <br /> cannec��on w��h �he loan exceed �he pe�-�mit�ed l�mits, then: �a} any su�h �aan charge shali be reduced �y �he <br /> amount necessary ta reduce the �harge �a the permitted �xmi�s and�b� ar�y sums already collected fram Barro�er <br /> v�hich exceeded �erm�tted ��m�ts ,wiil be refunded to B�rrower. Lender may choase �o make th�s refund by <br /> r�ducing the pr��c�pa� owed under t�e Contrac� ar by mak�ng a dire�t payinen��a Borrawer. If a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,the reduc�ian wi.l��e trea�ed as a par��al pr�payment under the Cantrac�. <br /> Nv��ces. Any n��ice to Borrower pro�xded for �n this Se�urity �nstrument sha�� be g��en b� del��ering �� or by <br /> m�ai�ing it by f rs�class ma��unXess Applicable La�re�uires use�f another me�hod. Th�notiice shali�e dire��ed�fl <br /> �he Properfiy Address or any o�h�r address �3arrower des�gnates by na�ice �o Lender. B�nr�wer agrees �� pro�ide <br /> Let�der wi�h Barra�er's mos� curren�mailing address, as it may change fram time-t�--���ne. Any not��e �o Lender <br /> shal�be g�ven by frst��ass mail ta Lender's address s�ated h�rein ar any�ther address Lender desig�ates by natice <br /> ��Borr�wer. Any notice pravided for�n th�s Se�urity�ns�rumen��ha��be deemed to ha�e been given�o Borrov�er <br /> ar Lend�r vvhen given as provided in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Go�ern�ng Laws S��era���i�y,Th�s Se�urity Instrumen�shaX�be governed by f�dera�law and the�avvs�f the state <br /> �f Nebraska. �n the e�ent that any pr�vision or �lause of�hi� Security �ns�rument��r the Con�rac� can�ic�s vv��h <br /> Applicab�e La�v, sucl� conf��c� sha�� na�affec� other pzovis�ans of thxs Security �ns�rumen� ar the �ontract vvhich <br /> can be gi�en eff.ect wi�hout�he c�nf��c�ing pravis�an. Ta this end the prov�si�ns of�h�s Secur�ty�ns�runlen�and the <br /> Cantrac�axe de��ared to be severable. <br /> Barrower's�opy. Sorrov�er shail be gi�e�ane c�p�of�his Security�ns�rumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y or a Benefi�iai Inter�st in B�rrawer. �f a1��r any par��f�he Praperty or any�nteres� <br /> �n i� is sold �r transf.erred (or if a benefc�al �n�eres� �n Barrower is so�d or transferred and Borrav�er �s not a <br /> natural person} v���hout L�nder's pr�ar written consen�, Lender �nay, a� �ts op�ion, requ�re �mmed�a�e paymen� in <br /> �2�04-2013 Cvmpiiance Systems,In�.$EB3-DE$G-�a13L2.0.E1.7�2 <br /> �ans�mer Real Estate-Security Instr�.�ment DL2D3d Page 3 af 5 www.�ampIiar��esystems.cvrn <br />