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<br /> �Home Federal Sa�ing�&Loan Associa��on of �ome Federa�Sa�ings& Lvar�ASsae�ation of
<br /> �rand �sland �rand Island
<br /> 221 Sou�h Lacus�S�ree� 22� South Locus�Stree�
<br /> GRAND ISLAND, NE 6$S�1 �RAND �SLAND, NE 588�x
<br /> �5pa�e Abo�e This Line For Recardin�Da�a}
<br /> LaAN �R.�GINAT�R NAME: Chris Kask�e
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY �I�ENTZF�.ER: 446443
<br /> DEED �F TRU�T
<br /> BY TI-�IS D�ED [�F TRUST}
<br /> THIS DEED flF TRUST �"Secur��y Instru�-nent"} is made on Apri� Z, �U14. The �rantors are KEL.�LZE J
<br /> NEI�VHC7USE and CRAIG A WILLKENS, WIFE AND HUSBAND, �vhase addr�ss is 2415 W I��EN�G ST,
<br /> GRAND �SLAND, Nebrasl�a 658�3--5344 �"Borrav�er"}. Borrav�er is n�t necessariIy th� same as the Person ar
<br /> Persons v�h� sign the Hom� Equi�y Lin� Qf Credit Agreement, da�ed April 2, ZOI4 �"Can�rac�"�. The
<br /> obliga���ns of Borrowers who did n�t si�n the ��n�ract are explained further in �he sec�ian �itled Successors and
<br /> Assibns Bound; Jain� and Several Liab��ity; Accamm�dativn Signers. The trus�ee is Arend R. Saack,
<br /> A��orney whose address is P.�. gox 79Q, Grand Island, Nebraska GS84Z �"Trus�ee"}.-The beneficiaty is Home
<br /> Federa� Sa�ings & Loan Assa��a�ion of Grand �sland, which �s ar�anized and exis��r�g und�r �he Iaws of�he
<br /> Uni�ed Sta�es of A�-nerica and whose address is �2� So�th Locus� S�reQ�, �rand Ysland, Ne�braska 685�1.
<br /> �"L�nder"}. KELL�E J NE'��QUSE and �RAIG A '�'VXLLKENS ha�e ent�red in�a a�on�tract w��h L�nder as
<br /> of April 2,2014, under the�erms af vvhich Borrower may,from�ime to�i�-ne,�bta�n advances no��o e�cceed,at any
<br /> Thausand and 0�114U Dol�ars �U.S. �14,U�U.O�� �"�redi� Lim�t"�. Any pa�-�y �nteres�ed in �he de�aiis related to
<br /> Lender's cnntinuing ob�igation to make ad�ances �o Borrower is ad�ised �o cansu�� direc�ly v�ith Lender. �f n��
<br /> paid earlier, �he sutns owing under Borrawe��'s �on�rac�v��th Lender vvill be due on Apri� I5, ZQ�.9. This Security
<br /> Ins�ru�n�nt secur�s to Lend�r: �a� the repaymen� of the debt under �he Contract, v�i�h in�erest, in�Iudin� future
<br /> ad�ances, and ai 1 rene�vals, e�c�ensi4ns and �nadif ca�ions af the �antrac�; �b} �he payment af aI� a�her sums, v�xth
<br /> xnteres�, ad�anced ta pro�ect �he security of�his Secur�ty Instrument under �he provisions af the sec��an �itled
<br /> Pro�ection of Lender's R�gh�s in�he Property; and�c}the performance of Barrower's ca�enan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> under�his Security znstrument and�he Cantract. For t��s purpase, Borrower, xn consideration of�he deb� and the
<br /> �rust herexn crea�ed, �rre�ocably gran�s and can�eys�a Trus�ee, xn trust,v�i�h power of sale,the fo��owxnb des�ribed
<br /> property located in�he C�UNTY of I-�ALL, S�a�e of Nebras�a:
<br /> Address: 2415 W K�ENY� ST,�RAND �SLA�D,Ne�raska 5SSU3-5344
<br /> Lebal Descrip�ian: L�T THREE �3}, IN BL�CK TEN �1 Q} UF AS�T�N PLACE, AN ADDIT��N
<br /> T��ETH ER �I�H aI1 �he impro�emen�s nov� or hereafter erec�ed on �the praperty, and all ease�nents,
<br /> appur�enanc�s, and f x�ures novv or hereafter a par� af the prQp�rty. A�1 replacemen�s and additions sha�1 als� be
<br /> cavered by �his S�curi�y Instrument. A�l of �he fa�egoing �s referred �o in �h�s Security Ins�rum�nt as the
<br /> "Proper�y."
<br /> B�F�RC�WER C�VEI�ANTS that Barravver is lawfully seised af�he estate hereby canveyed and has t�e right to
<br /> bran� and con�ey �he Proper�y and tha� �he Pr�perry �s unencumbered, except for encumbrances of recor�.
<br /> Borrovver vvarrants and wi�l defend generally the �itle ta �he Prope�-ty abainst aIl �laims and demands, subjec��a
<br /> an�encumbrances of recard.
<br /> Barrower and Lender co�enant and agree as follaws:
<br /> Paymen�of Principal and Yn�erest; ��her Charges. Borrower shail promptly pay vWhen due�he pr�ncipa� af ar�d
<br /> interest on�he debt owed unde�the�on�ract and la�e char�es or any ather fees and char�es due under�h�Cont�act.
<br /> O 2�D4-24I;Con�pliance Sysien�s,[r�c.3EB3-3C7�-?OI aL?.D.Ei.7 i 2
<br /> CQnsumer Rea.�Es€ate-Sccurity Instrur�ent DL2�}G Pa�re�o�5 www.corr�pliar�cesyste€ns.com
<br />