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��14��151 <br /> ful� of. al� sums secur�d by �his Securit� �nstrurnen�. Hovtrever, this a���fln sha11 no� be exer�ised by Lender if <br /> exercise is proh�bi�ed by federal Iaw as�f�he date of�his Securi�Instru�nen�. <br /> If Lender exercises �his ap��on, Lender sha�1 gi�e Borrov�rer rio��ce of a�celera�ian. The not�ce sha�� pravide a <br /> period of not �ess �han �he minirnum num�er of days estab�ished by Appiicable Law from the date the n���ce is <br /> de�i�ered or mailed �vithin which Sorrower must pa� all sum� se�ured by �h�s Secur��y Instrument. If Bflrr�v�er <br /> fa�ls �o pay �hese sums priar t� �he expira���n �f�h�s peri�d, Lender may invoke any remed�es permitted by �his <br /> Se�uri�ty�nstrument v���hout fur�her notice ar d�mand�n Borrower. <br /> �vrrower's R�ght to ReinState. �f Borrowe� mee�s certain canditions, Borr�wer shal� have the right to have <br /> enforcemen�flf�his S�curity �ns�rument discontinued at any�ime prior to�he earlier of �a} 5 days ��r such o�her <br /> perifld as Applicab�e Law ma�spec�fy for re�nstatemen�)befare sa�e of the Property pursuant ta an}�power of sale <br /> con�ained �n �his Secur�ty �nstru�nent; �r �b} entry of a �udgmen� enforc�ng th�s Secur��.y �nstrumen�. Those <br /> c�nditions are �ha� ��rravver: �a� pays L�nder aI� sums which th�n v��uld be due under�his Secur��y �nstrument <br /> and�he C�ntract as�f�o a�ce�eration had occurred;�b}cures an�defau��'Qf any other covenan�s ar agreem�n�s;��} <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enforcing�hxs Securi�y�ns�rument, includ�ng,bu�no�li�mEited to,reas�nable a�tarneys' <br /> fees�o the exten�perr��tted�y 1avv; and��.}takes such action as}�reas�nably r�qu�re to assure tha��he <br /> l�en�f�h�s Securit}��nstrumen�, Lender's r�ghts in�he Praperty and F3or�ower's�b�iga�ion�o pay the sums s��ured <br /> by this Security �n.s�rumen� sha1� con�inue unchanged: Upon reins�at�men� by Borrflv�er, �his Securifiy �nstrumen� <br /> and the vbliga��ons s�cured hereb� shall remai� fu�ly effec���� as if nfl a�celera�ian had o�curred. Hov�e�er, ��115 <br /> right�n reins�a�e sha�l n�t appl�in the case of accelerati�n under the se�tian�itl�d Transfer af�he Property ar a <br /> Bene�c�a�Intere�t in Borro�wer. <br /> Hazardous Su�istances.Borrovver shall nflt cause or perm���he presence,use, dispasal, s�arage, or release af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance�on�r�n the Proper�y.Borrawer�hall n�t do,nor a�lov�anyone else ta do,any�hing affecting <br /> the Property that is in vzola��fln of any Env�r�nmen�al Lavv. The preced�ng �o sen�ences sha1� n�t app�y ta the <br /> �resence,use,or starage on the Pr�perty of sma11 quantitiie�of Hazardous Substances that are general�y reco�m�zed <br /> to be appropriate�fl normal residential uses and�o maint�nan�e of the Praper�y. <br /> Barrflwer shall pr�mptly gi�e Lender v�rit�en notice flf any�n�estiga�i�n,clai�n, demand,la�sui��r uther aGtion by <br /> any go�ernmen�al or regulatory agency �r private par�y invol�ing �he Pr�perty and any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> Environm�nta� Lav� �f which Borrower has actua� knowledge. If Borro�er learns, or �s not�f ed b� any <br /> g�vernmental�r regu�a�ar�r auth�ri�y,tha�any remaval or�ther remed�ation�f.any Hazardaus Substar�ce affect�ng <br /> �he Property �s nec�ssary, Borravver shal� promp�iy tak� all ne�essary remedia� actiflns in a�cardance w��h <br /> Envir�nmental Law. � <br /> As used�n�his parag�•aph, "�Ia�ardous Substances" are-�hose subs�ances def ned as tox�c or ha�ardous subs�ances <br /> by En�ironmenta� L��r and the fai�owing subs�ances: �asa�ine, kerosene, �ther f�arnmable or �ox�� petr�leum <br /> products, �axic pes�icides and her�bicides, v�lati�e solven�s, ma�er�a�s containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and <br /> radi�acti�e ma��r�als.As used in�his paragraph, "Environmental Law"nleans federai Iarnrs and laws❑f the s�a�e af <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate�o health,saf��y or environmenta�protec�ion. . <br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notic� ta Borrower prior ta acce��rat�on fo�l�vWing �3orrow�r'� <br /> breach of any co►venant ar�greement rn thi��ecurit�Instrument or the�nntra�t under whieh acce�eratian <br /> is perrn�tt�d �hut nat Prior�o acc�ieration u�der the sec�ion t��led Transfer of the Prvperty or a Benef�c�a� <br /> Interest in Borrvwe�, un�ess Applicable Law pravides ❑�h�r��se}. The notice shali specify: �a} the defau�t; <br /> �b} th� action required ta �ure �he default; �c} a dat�, n�� �ess than the minimum number �f da�s <br /> e�tab��shed by Applicahle I1aw fr�m the date the notxce �s gi�en t��orrow�r, by whic� thQ defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d) tha� fai�ure tn �ure the defau�� an or before the date spe�if�ed in th� not�ce may result in <br /> accel�rat�on of the sums secured by th�s S�curi�y In�trur�ent and sale af the Proper�y. To �he extent <br /> permitted by �av►ry t�e no�ice shall further inform Barrower of the right to reinstat� after accelerat�on and <br /> the r�ght to bring a�aur�acti�n ta a5sert the non-e�i���nce af�defau�t or any other defense of Borr�wer tv <br /> acce�eration and sal�e. If th�defaul� is not cured on �r �efore �he date specffi�d in the no�ice, Lender a� its <br /> option may require immed�ate payment in fu11 vf al� sums secu�r�d by th�s Securi�y Ins�rument vvith�ut <br /> further demand an�l rnay invake the pawer of sa�e and any other remedies perrnitted by Applicab�e Lav�v. <br /> To the e�tent perm�tted by Iaw, Lender shal� b� en�itled �o �v�iec� all expenses incurred in pursu�ng the <br /> remedies pr���ded im this Sect�on, includ�ng, bu� not limited to, reas�nab�e a��orneys� fe��and costs of title <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the pow�r of�a�e is invoked,Trustee sha�� record a natice of default in each county �n wh�ch any part of <br /> the Praperty is loca�ed and sha�l mail capies�f sueh ���tice in the mann�r pre�cr�bed hy App�icable Law to <br /> Borrower and �� the o�her persvns prescrib�d by Applicab�e Law. After �he time required by Applicable <br /> Law, Truste� shal� �i�e public na�ice of sa�� to �he �ersons and in the mann�r pr�scribed hy Appl�cabi� <br /> Law. Trustee,v�ithout demand om �orr�wer,shali sell�h� �'r�perty at pubiic auction to fihe highest �idder <br /> at the time an� p�ac�and under the terms de�ignated in the notic�nf sa�e�n one nr more parce�s and in any <br /> order Trustee dete�-mines. Trustee may post�one saie �f a�l nr any �arc�� of the Property by pub�i� <br /> announcement at the time and place af any pre��ously schedui�d sa�e.Lender ar its designe�may purchase <br /> the Property at an�r sa�e. <br /> i�pan rece�p� of pa�ment of the price bid, TruS�ee �hatl del�ver to the purchaser Trusteeis d��d con�eying <br /> the Property. Th� reci�als in the Truste�'s dced sha�� he pr�ma fac�e e�idence of the tru�h �f the statements <br /> made there�n. Trustee shali apply �he pra�eeds of �h� �a�e in the fo�lawing order: �a) to all c�sts and <br /> expen5es of exerc�s��g the power of sale, and the sa�e, including the payment af the Truste�'s fees a��ua�xy <br /> C��d04-20I3 Corn�Iiance Systems,Inc.8EB3-6�b5-20I3L2.O.E1.712 <br /> Cans�mer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3d Page 4 of 5� <br />