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��14��151 <br /> Inspect�fln. Lender ar �ts agen�may make reas�nab�e en�r��s upon and �nspec��ans of�he Property. Lender sha�l <br /> give B�rrower not�ce at�he time of or priar ta an �nsp�ction spec�fying reasflnab�e cause for the insp�ction. <br /> Condemnation. The praceeds of any award or��a�m for damages, d�rect ar�onsequent�al, in connectian vvith any <br /> cond�mna��on or�ther tak�ng of any par� �f the Praper�y, ar for��n�eyance �n �ieu of candemnat�on, are hereby <br /> a�signed and shal�be pa�d fio Lender. <br /> �n �he event of a t��ai �a��ng of the Praper�y, �he proceeds shali be appl�ed �a �he sums secured by �hxs Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, whe�her or na� then due, w�t�� any excess paid �� Borrawer. In the e��nt of a par�ia� �aking of��e <br /> Property in wh�ch the fai.r marke� va�ue af�he Pr�per�y immed�a�ely before �he �aking is eyua� �o or greater�han <br /> the amaun� of the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument ��rnmediate�y bef.flr� �he taking, unless Barrav�er and <br /> Lender a�herwise a�ree �n vvriting, the sums secured by thx� Security�nstrum�en�sha�l �e reduced by�he amount of <br /> the proceeds mu�tipiied by�he fo��ovving fract�on: (a��he to�a� amoun�of�he sun�s secured immedia�e��befare�he <br /> �aking, di��ded by �b} the fa�r marke� value af the Proper�y �mn�ed�a�e�y befare �he tak�ng. An� balance sha�l be <br /> pa�d�o Borrav�er. In the e�en�.of a part�al taki��g af�he Proper�y �x� �vhich �he faxr marke� �a�ue af�he Property <br /> �m_media�ely before the �ak�ng xs Iess �han the amvunt of�he sums secured �rnmed�a�ely befare �he taking, un�ess <br /> Borrov�er and Lender a�hervv�se agree xn wrz��ng ar un�ess App�icabXe Law o�herv��se pro�xdes, the proceeds shal� <br /> be applied�n�he surns se�ured by this Securi�y�nstrumen�whether or n�t�he sums are then due. <br /> � �f the Pr�perty�s abandaned by Borro�er, or�f, after nQt�ce by L�nder to Borr�vver�ha��he c�nd�mnvr offers t� <br /> make an a�ard or settle a�Iairn far damages, F3arrawer fa��s t�respand to Lender w�thin�he m�n�mum num�er�f <br /> days estabiished by Appi�cab�e Law after�he da�e���e na��ce is g�ven, Lender is au�hor���d�fl col�ect and app�y the <br /> praceeds, a� its �pt�on, ei�her �o restora��on flr repaxr of�he Proper�y �r �� the sums secured �y �his Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�,wh��her ar not then�.ue. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borro�er�therv�ise agree in wri�ing, any appticat�an of proceeds to pr�n��pa� shal� no�extend <br /> �r pas�p�ne the due da�e of the payments due under�he Con�ra��or change�he amaun��f su�h pa�ments. <br /> Bflrrower No� Re�eased; F�rbearanc� By L�nder Not a �a�ver. E�tension af the t�rne for paymen� or <br /> mod�fcat�an of amor��za��on �f the sums secured b� �his S�curi�y �nstrument granted by Lend�r �o B�rrav�er or <br /> any successar �n in�erest af Bnrrower sha�� n�� �pera�e to release �he liabili�.y of. �he origina� Barrower or <br /> Barro�er's su�cess�rs in in�eres�. L�pder shal� n�t be required�o commence pra�eedings agains�any successor�n. <br /> �n�eres��r refuse ta extend time far payment or a�hervWise m�dif�amor�izat�on of�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� by reasan of any demand made by �he or�g�naX Barrower ar B�rrower's success�rs in interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exerc�sing any rig�� or remedy shal� no�be a wai�er of or,pre��ude the exercise af any <br /> . righ�or remedy. <br /> Succe��ars and Assigns Baund; Joint and Se�eral Lia�i�ity; Accammodat��n S�gners. The covenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of��is Se�ur��y �ns�rument sha�� bind and benef��he successflrs and assigns �f Lender and B�rravver, <br /> sub�ec� to �he provis�ans a�` se���on titled Transfer af the Pr�pert� or a Benefc�al Interes� i� �3orrower. <br /> �3flrr�wer's cvvenants and agreernen�s sha1�b�e join�and several. Any person wha c�-signs this Securi�y�ns�rumen� <br /> but has nfl persanal I�abi�i�y under �he �on�ra�t �"Acc�mmodatian Signer"�: �a� is co�s�gning �his Security <br /> �ns�rument an�y �a m�r�gage, gran� and convey �hat A�cammoda��fln S��ner's interes� in the Pr�per�y under the <br /> �erms of the Security �nstrumer�t; ��} is not persona��y obliga�ed �a pay the sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen�; and�c� agrees tha�Lender and a�y o�her Borrov��r may agree�o ex�end,modify, for�ear or make any <br /> accomm�da���ns vv��h regard to�he�enms af th�s Securi�y Ins�rument�r the�an�ra�����hout�hat Accon�moda��an <br /> S�gner's consent. <br /> Lvan �harges. �f�h� �aan secured by this Secur�ty �nstrumen� is subjec� �� a �avv vvh�ch sets max�mum laan <br /> charges, and thati law �s f na�ly int�rpreted`s��ha��h,e inter�st or a�her loan charges cfl�lected or to be c���ec�ed in <br /> �anne��i�n w��h �he laan exceed �he perm��ted lim�its, then: �a} any such �flan charge shal� be reduc�d by �he <br /> arnoun�necessary�o redu�e �he charge �o the permat�ed �imits and ��} any sums already coXlected fram B�rro�ver <br /> which exceeded permitted lim�ts v��l� be refunded tv Borrav�er. Lender may choflse to make this refund by <br /> the prin�ipal ovved und�r�he Con�ract or by making a ��re�t payment�o Borrov�er. �f a refund reduc�s <br /> prinG�pal,�he reduc�ion w���be trea�ed as a partial prepayment un�er the�on�ract. <br /> No�ices. Any na�ice �a Barrawer pra�ided �'ar in this Secur��y �nstrumen� shai� be g�ven by de�z�ering �� or b� <br /> mai��ng i�by frs�class mail un�ess App�icab�e Lavv requires use of another me�hod. Th�no��ce shaa�be direc�ed�fl <br /> �he Property Addr�ss or any o�her addres� Borrov�er �esigna�es by no�ice to Lender. Borr��ver agrees�a pro��de <br /> Lender with Bflrrower's mos� current mai�ing address, as i�may change from�ime�ta-txme. An�not�ce t� Lender <br /> shall be g��en by f�rs�Glass ma�� �o Lender's address s�a�ed herein or any a�h�r address Lender designa�es by not�ce <br /> �a B�rrower. Any no�ice pro�ided for in�his Secur�ty.�ns�rumen�sha�l �e deemed�o ha�e been gi�en ta Barrawer <br /> or Lender v�hen gi�en as pro��ded in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Go��rning Law; Se�erab��itiy.This Security�nstrurnent shaXl be go�erned by fed�ral Ia�u a�ad the laws of�he s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he even� that any provxsion ar c�ause of�his S��urity �ns�rume�� or �he Cantrac� c�nfl�cts vv��h <br /> Applicable Law, su�h canfl,�ct sha�� no� affe�� �ther prfl�xs�nns �f this Secur��y �ns�rument or the Contrac� wh�ch <br /> can be giv�n effec�v�ithou�the confl�cting prflvis�an. Ta�his end the pra�risions vf�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�and the <br /> ��ntract are declared to be�everab�e. � <br /> Borr�vver's Capy.Barr�vWer sha�l be gi��n gne cQpy af th�s Se�uri�y�nstrument. <br /> Transfer of the Property nr a Bene�cia� In�erQst�n Borrvwer. If aXl or an�par�af the Property ar any�nterest <br /> in �t is sol.d �r transferred [or Yf a benef�ial inter�st in Borravver is sold or t-�-ansferr�d and Borravver is na� a <br /> natural person� w��h�u� Lender's pr�or wr�tten consent, Lender may, a� ��s �p�i�n, require �mmediate paymeri� in. <br /> 0 2�fl4-2413 Carripfiance Systems,Inc.$ES3-G�GS-2fl13L2.p.EI.7�2 <br /> Consumer Aeal Estate-Sec�rity Instr�.�rr�erzt DL2�3G Pabe 3 of 5 . www,carr�p� <br />
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