<br /> �EE� �F �r�u��r
<br /> Loan fVo: 'I�'i�75'l�� ��ol�tEnl��d� Page 7'
<br /> Insecuri�y. L�nder in good faith believes i�sel�ins�cure.
<br /> Exis#ing Indebtedness. The payment of any installment of p�incipal or any �nteres�t on the Existin� lndebtedness is
<br /> not made wEthin the time required �y the pr�missary nate eW�dencing such indebtedness, ❑r a dsfault occurs under
<br /> the instrument securing such indeb�edness and is no�cured dur�ng any applicable grace p�riod in such instrument,
<br /> or any suit or other action is cammenc�d to fareclose any exis�ing lien on�he Pr�perty.
<br /> Right ta Cure. If any defauit, other than a de�aul� in payment is �u�ahle and i�Trustor has not be�n giWen a noti�e
<br /> of a breach of the same provision vf�his Deed �f Trust within the preceding twel�e ��2� months, it may be cured if
<br /> Trus�or, after L�nder sends wr�tten notic� fv Borrower demandin� cure af such default: {1} cures the d�fault
<br /> within fifteen {15� days; ❑r ��y if�he �ure requires more than �Fift�en 4�5} daysf imm�dia�ely initiates st�ps which
<br /> Lender deems in L�nder's sale discr�tion to b� su�fi��ent tn cure �he default and therea��er continues an�
<br /> campletes ali reas�nable and necessary s�eps su�ficient�a prvduce�ompliance as saon as reasonably prac�ical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. Ifi an E�ent of Defau[t o��urs under this Deed of Trust� a� any time thereafter�
<br /> Trus�ee or Lend�r may ex�rcise any one or mvre af the fa[lowing rights and remedies:
<br /> ►4.�Geleration Upon D�#aulfi; Additional Remedies. l�any EWent�f aefault occurs as p�r �he terms of th� N�te
<br /> s�cured her�by, Lender may declare all lndebtedness secured by�this Deed af Trust�o be due and payabf� and
<br /> the same sha11 thereupan become due and payab[�without any presentment, demand, pratest or nvtice af any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, L�nder may:
<br /> �a} Either in pers�n �r �y agenf, with or wi�hau� bringing any action �r pr�c��ding, ar by a r��eiWer
<br /> appointed by a court and without regard ta �he adequacy o� i�s security, enter upan and take possess�on
<br /> af the Pr�pertyf �r any part thereofi, in i�ks Qwn name or in �he name o�Trustee, and do any ac�ts whi�h it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable�ka preser�e the Wa[us, marke�ability❑r rentability a�the Property, �r part❑�
<br /> th� Property or interest in �he Praperty; increase the inc�me firam the Property or prvtect�he security of
<br /> the Property; and, w�th or without tal�ing possession af the Pr�perty, sue for or �therwise collect the
<br /> ren�s, issues and prafits v��he Property. including those pas� due and unpaid, and apply the same, �ess
<br /> costs and expenses of flperation and �o�lection attarneys' fees, t� any indebtedness secured by this ❑eed
<br /> of Trust, al� in such order as Lender may de�ermine. The en�tering upan and taking pvssessian �f the
<br /> Property, �he collectian of such rentsr issues and profits� and the appli�ation �herea� shall not cure or
<br /> waive any de�fau[t or no�ice �f defaul� under this D�ed o�f Trust or in�alidate any act done in respvnse to
<br /> such defau�t ar pursuant fio su�h notice of de�Faul�t; and, notwithstanding the confiinuanG� in possession ofi
<br /> the Property or �he col�ection, receipt and appl�cation of ren�s, issues or profi�ts, Trus�ee or Lender shall
<br /> be entitled to exercise every right provided far in the Note or the ftelated Dflcumen�s or by law upvn the
<br /> �ccurrence o�any e�ent�f default� including�he right to ex�rcise the power af sale;
<br /> {b} Commence an action to for�close this Deed of Trust as a mQr�gage, appoin�a re�eiWer or specifically
<br /> enforc�any af the co�enants hereaf; and
<br /> {cy Deli�er to�Trustee a wr�tten declaration o�defaulfi and deman�l far sale and a vuritten natice of de�ault
<br /> and e�ecti�n to cause Trus�or's int�rest in the Properfy to be sofd, which natice Trustee sha�l Gause to he
<br /> du�y filed for recor� in the apprnpriate of�ices �f the �ounty in which th� Praperty is Ioca�ed; and
<br /> {d� VVith r�spect to all ❑r any part Q��h� Persanal Praperty, Lender shall haWe all the rights and remsdies
<br /> of a seGured par�y under�he Nebraska Uniform�ommercial Code.
<br /> Forec�osure by Power af Sale. !f Lender elects�a�are�iose hy ex�rcise of�he P�w�r o�F Sale herein contain��,
<br /> Lender shal! n��i�Fy Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee �hi� Deed �f Trust and �he Nate and such receipts
<br /> anal e�idence of e�penditures made and secured by th�s Qe�d of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> ta� lJpan r�c�ipt af such notic� from Lender, Trustee shali cause to be r�corded, published and deli�ered
<br /> t4 Trustor such No�ice vf �efau�t and N�tic� af SaEe as then r�quired by iaw and by �his Qeed of Trus�,
<br /> Trust�e shall, withau� demand an Trustor, a���r su�h time as may then be required by {aw and after
<br /> recordation af such Noti�e �f De�Fault and after Notice �f Sale ha�ing b�en given as required by �aw, sell
<br /> the Property at the time and plac� �� sale fi�ced by it in such Notice of 5ale, either as a whol�, ar in
<br /> separafi� lots or par�els �r items as Trus�ee shall deem expe�i�nt, and in such order as it may d��ermine,
<br /> a� public auction �o the highest bidder far cash in lawful money of the United 5tates paya��e at the tim�
<br /> o� sale. Trustee shall de{iver to such purchaser ar purchasers thereaf i�s gv�d and sufficient deed or
<br /> deeds con�eying the property so svid, bu'� wi�hout any co�enan� or warranty. �xpress or imp�ied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed of any ma�ters or fa�ts shall �e �vnclusiv� prao�f ❑f the truth�ulness th�reof. Any
<br /> pers�n, including wi�hout limitation Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase a�such sale.
<br /> �b3 As may be permi�ted by 1aw, after deducting all costs, fees and expenses �f Trustee and of this
<br /> Trust. including costs of�vidence �f tit[e in�onneG��an with sale. Trustee shall apply the pro�eeds of sale
<br /> �o payment of {iy all sums expended under the�erms of this Deed of Trust or under the t�rms af the N��e
<br /> not �then repaid, in�luding but na� iimited to a�crued int�res� and late charges, {�iy all other sums then
<br /> secured h�reby, and �iii} the remainder, if any,�o�he person ar persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> �cy Trus�ee may in�he manner pra�ided by law pastpane saie of aIl or any portian of�he Proper�y.
<br /> Remedies Nat Exclusive. Trus�ee and Lender, and each ofi �hem. shall be entitled �o enfarc� payment and
<br />