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��14��114 <br /> �EE❑ �F °TI�LJST <br /> Loan Nv: 'I D'I�75'I�5 {�a�t��ued� Page 9 <br /> notice to the ather partiss, speGifyin� that the purpase �� the nfl�ic� is to chan�e the party's address. For notice <br /> purpvses, Trustnr agre�s to Iceep Lender in�ormed at all �imes ��TrustQr's current address. Unless �therwise pr��ided <br /> or required by faw, if there is mor� than one Trustar, any n�ti�e gi�en by Lender t❑ any Trustar is de�med to b� notice <br /> gi�en�o a�l Trustors. <br /> MISCELLANE�US PROV�SI�NS. The�vllowing misce�laneous pra�isians are a par��f this De�d of Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. This Deed vf Trust, tagether with any ReEated Docum�n�s, constitutes the entire understanding and <br /> agreement o��he parties as t� �he matters set f�rth in �this aeed vf Trust. Nfl al�eration a�F vr amendment to this <br /> Deed of Trust shall be e�fec�i�e unless gi�en in vvriting and sign�d by the par�y or parties svught to be charged ar <br /> bound by the al�eration�r amendment. <br /> �4nnual Repvrts. If the Proper�y �s ussd for purposes �ther than Trustor's residence� Trustor shall furnish to <br /> Lender, upvn reques�� a cer�ified statement �f net operating income recei�ed �Fr�m the Property during Trus�ar's <br /> previous �Fiscal year in such form and detai! as Lend�r shall r�quire. "Net operating incom�" shall mean al� cash <br /> � receip�s �Fram the Proper�y iess all �ash expenditures made in �vnnection wi�h the aperatian o�F the Property. <br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in �his D��d of Trust are for canvenience purp�ses only and are n�� to be <br /> used to interpret or define the provisions of this Deed of Trust. <br /> lUlerger. There shafl h� no merger of the in�terest or es�ate crea��d by�his Deed v�Trus�with any vther infierest or <br /> estate in the Pr�per�y at any time held by or for the benefif af Lender in any capacity, withaut the writt�n cvnsen� <br /> af Lend�r. <br /> Gvverning Law. This Deed of Trusfi w`rl� be governed by federal law appli�able t❑ Lender and, t❑ the extent not <br /> preempted by#ederal law,the laws o��he State❑f Nebraska without regard tv i�ts�onfli�ts a�law provisions. This <br /> �eed of Trust has heen ac�ep#ed by Lender in the S#ate vf Nehra�ka. <br /> Chotce of Venue. [� there is a lawsuit, Trustor a�rees upfln Lend�r's r�quest t� submit t❑ the jurisdiction of the <br /> cflurts of HALL County, State of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Se�eral Liabilifiy. AII obligations vf Barrawer and Trustvr under this ❑�ed ofi Trust shall be j�int and <br /> several, and all r�ferences to Trustar shall mean each and e�ery Trustor, and all re�Ferences to Barrawer shall mean <br /> �a�h and ev�ry Borr�wer. This means�hat each Trustor signing below is responsible fior all abligati�ns in�his Deed <br /> af Trust. Where any one or mor� of �he par�ies is a corporation, partn�rship, limited liabi[ity company �r similar <br /> entity, i�is n�t necessary fvr Lender to inquire inta the powers vf any of�he a�ficers, directars, partners, members, <br /> or ather agents aCting or purpar�ing �o aGt on th� entifiy's behalf� and any obligations made or created in reliance <br /> upan the pr�f�ssed ex�rcise of such powers shall be guaranteed under�his Deed ofi Trust. <br /> IVo�11Jai�er by L�nder. Ler�d�r shall not be deemed ta ha�e uvai�ed any righ�s under this D��d of Trust unl�ss such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writ�ng and signed �y Lende�. Na d��ay or omissi�n on fihe part of Lender in exer�isin� any right <br /> sha�l opera�� as a wa�ver of such ri�ht ar any other right. A waiver by Lender�f a pra�zsion of�his Deed of Trust <br /> shall nvfi prejudic� or constitu�e a waiW�r of Lender's right �therwise to demand stric� �omplian�e with that <br /> pro�ision vr any flther pr�visi�n af this Desd ❑f Trust. Na priQr waiver by Lender� nvr any course af dealing <br /> �e�ween Lender and Trus��r, shali cans�itute a waiWer vf any o�F Lender's righ�s �r o� any of Trustor's obliga�tions <br /> as ta any �Future transac�ions. VllheneW�r the consent af Lender is required under this ❑eed ofi Trust, �h� gran��ng <br /> of �uch cansent by Lender in any instance sha11 nat constitute �ontinuing c�nsent t❑ subsequen� instances where <br /> such c�nsent is required and in a11 cases such Cansent may be granted ar withheld �n the sole discretion of Lender. <br /> Se►rerabi[i�y. If a cour� �� compet�nt jurisdictian finds any proWisivn of�his Deed of Trust to be illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unenforceable as tv any circumstance, that finding shall n�t make the Offending provision illegal, in�alid, vr <br /> unen�ForCeable as to any other circums�ance. �f feasibl�. the offending pro�isian sha11 �� considered modified so <br /> that i� �ecomes legal, �alid and en�orceabl�. If the offending pro�ision cannot be s� m�dified, it sha11 be <br /> considered deleted frvm �this Deed ofi Trust. Unless atherwise required by law, the illegali�y, invalidity, or <br /> unenfarceability �� any praWision af this D�ed of Trust shafl nvt af�ect the legality, validity vr �nfarceabili�y of any <br /> vther proWision of this Deed af Trus�. <br /> Successors and Assigns. Suiaj�ct to any limita�ians s�ated in this Deed af Trus� an transfer �f Trustar's interes�, <br /> this Deed ❑�f Trust shall be binding up�n and inure to �he b�nefit ofi the parties, their su�cessars and assigns. If <br /> awnership ot�he Property becomes �ested in a persor� o�ther�han Trustor. Len��r, wifhout notice to Trus�or, may <br /> deal with Trustvr's success�rs with referen��to�his Qeed of Trus�and�he Indei�tedn�ss by way of for�earance or <br /> ex�ensian wi�hout releasing Trustor from the obligations a#�his ❑eed of Trus�nr liabflity under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is❑f the Essence. Time is ofi the essence in th�perf�rmance af this i�eed of Trust. <br /> Wai�er of Homes�ead Exemption. Trustar here�y re[eases and wa�ves a[l rights and bene�its ❑f the h�mestead <br /> exemp�ion �aws of�he S�ate of Nebraska as to al� Ind�btedness secured by this Deed vfi Trust. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. Ths following capitali�ed words and�erms shall have the fo�lowing meanings when used in this Deed v� <br /> Trust. Unfess speci�i�a[l�r stated �o the con�rary, all references t� dollar amoun�ks shall mean am�unts �n law�ui money <br /> of the Llnit�d 5tates of America. Words and terms used in �he singular shall include the plural, and the pfural shall <br /> include the singular, as the cvntext may require. Vllords and �erms n�� o�herwise defin�d in this ❑eed ��Trust shall <br /> ha�e th�meanings at�ribu�ed t�such te�ms in the Uni�orm Commercial �ode: <br />
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