<br /> I�EED �F TRU�T
<br /> Loan Nn: 1�'i 27�'I�5 ��ontlnued� Page 7 U
<br /> BenefRciary. The ward "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Pvints Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrvwer. The vvard "Borrower" means MARILYN A LINDNER-g�iVIBECK and LINDNER LIM[TED PARTNERSHIP
<br /> and includes all co-signers and co-makers signing the No�e and all fih�ir su�cessors and assigns.
<br /> De�d of Trust. The wards "Deed o� Trus�" mean �his D�ed of Trust am�ng Trustor, Lender� and Trustee� and
<br /> includes wi�hout limitation al1 assignment and securi�y interes� pra�isians rela�ing fio th� Personal Property and
<br /> Rents, �
<br /> Defaulf. The wvrd "Defauit" means�he Defau�t set�orth in�his Deed�f Trust in�he sectfon ti�led "I]efaul�".
<br /> Environmenta[ Laws. The wvrds "En�ir�nmen�al Laws" mean any and a�l sfate� federal and �ocal statutes�
<br /> regulativns and ordinances r�[ating to th� pro�ect�on of human heal�th or �th� en�ironmen�, in��uding without
<br /> limitati�n th� C�mprehensi�e Envir�nmenta� Resp�ns�, Gomp�nsatEon, and Liabili�y A�t of 1984, as amended. 4�
<br /> U.S,C. 5�ction 9��1, et se�. �"CER�LA"}, the 5uperfund Amendments and R�authorizativn Act o� 'i 986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 t"SARA"}, th� Ha�ar�flus Materials Transportation Ac�� 49 IJ.S.C. Sectivn 18��, et seq., the Resource
<br /> G�nser�ation and Reco�ery Act. �42 U.S.C. Sec�tian G901, �t seq., or vther app�icable state or federal laws, rules,
<br /> or regula�i�ns adop#ed pursuan�ther�to.
<br /> Even�of D�fault. The words "EWent a�❑efaul�" mean any of fhe e�en�s of defaul�set�Forth in this �eed�f Trus�in
<br /> �he eWen�s�f defau��sectian of�his aeed of Trust.
<br /> Existing Indeb�edness. The words "Exis�ing Indebtedness" mean fihe inde�tedness d�scribed En fihe Existing Liens
<br /> proWision of th�s De�d of Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty fram guarant�r� endorser� surety. or accommadat�on party to
<br /> Lsnde�-, inc�udin�withau�[imitation a�uaranty of alf or part❑f the N�te.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Sul�stances" mean materials �hat. because �� their quantity,
<br /> can�entration Qr physical. chemica! or infectious characteristiGs, may caus� vr pose a present or potential hazard
<br /> �� human health ar�h� en�irvnment wh�n �mprflperly used. tr�ated� stored� disposed of� g�nera�ed� manu�actured,
<br /> transport�d or o�h�rwise handled. The words "Ha�ardous 5ubstances" are used in �heir �ery br�adest sense and
<br /> include wi�hvut limi�at�on any and all hazardaus or toxic su�stances, materials or waste as defined hy or listed
<br /> under�he Env�ronmenta� Laws. The term "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" als� includes, withvut[imitation. petroleum and
<br /> petroleum by�praducts or any fra�ti�n thereof and asbestvs.
<br /> Impro�ements. The w�rd "lmpro�ements" means al1 existing and future improvements, �uildings, struGtures,
<br /> mabile homes affExed on the Rea! Property, faci[i�ies. additions, replac�ments and �ther constructian on #he Real
<br /> Praperty.
<br /> Indeb�edness. The word "Indebtedness" means all principal, int�res�t, and �ther amounts� costs and expenses
<br /> payable und�r the Note or Related Documents, t�gether with all renewals �f, ex�ensiQns ��� modifica�i�ns v�F,
<br /> consolidations af and subs�itu�ians fi�r�he Note or Re#a�ed Documents and any amounts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender �� discharg� Trus�vr's o�ligat�ons or expenses incurred by Trustee Qr Lender �v enforce Trus��r's
<br /> �bligati�ns under this Deed of Trust, together wi�h interest on such amaun�s as pr�vided in �h�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Sp����ica[ly� wifihvut I�mitation, lndebtedness includes the fu�ure ad�ances set forth in the Futur� Ad�an�es
<br /> prav�s�on af this Deed of Trust, together with a!I inte�es��herevn.
<br /> Lendsr. The word "Lender" m�ans Five P�ints Bank, its su�c�ssvrs and assigns.
<br /> Nvte. The ward "Not�" m.eans the promissory n��e dated April �1, ���4, in the ari�inal �ar�ncipa� amount
<br /> �f $�9,�6�.�� fr�m gorrvwer tv Lender, tog�ther with all rene►rva[s vf, extensions of, modifications of,
<br /> refinan�ings�f, cans�lida�ions of, and subs�itutions for the promissory na�e or agr��ment�
<br /> Personal Praperty. The words "P�rsonal Proper�y" mean all equipment, fix�ures. and o�her artic[�s of personal
<br /> property now or hereafter �wned by Trustor, and now or hereaf�er attached �r a�fixed �o the Real Property;
<br /> ��gether with al1 a��essions, par�s, and additivns t�, all replacem�nts af, and all substi�ut�vns �or, any o�F such
<br /> prope�ty; and together with all proceeds {including wi�hvut limitatian all insurance pr�ceeds and refunds af
<br /> premiums} from any sale or��her disposition of the Proper�y.
<br /> Praperty. The wvrd "Prvpsrty" means co�lectively the Real Prvperty and fhe Personal Property.
<br /> Real Property. The words "Reai Pr�perty" mean the r�al p�operty, �nt�r�sts and righ�s, as fiur�her described in this
<br /> Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> Related D�cuments. The words '"Related Dacuments" mean all prvmissory na�tes, credit agreements, ioan
<br /> agreements. envir�nmental agreemen�s, guaranties, security agreements, m�rtgages� deeds ❑f trust, security
<br /> deeds, collateral mortgages, and al1 o�her instruments, agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter
<br /> existing, execu�ed in cannectian wi�h the Indebt�dness.
<br /> Rents. Th� w�rd "Rents" means all present and fu�ure rents. reWenues, incom�, issues� royafties, prafits, and
<br /> other benefits deri�ed frvm the Praperty.
<br /> Trusfi�e. The ward "Trustee" means Five Pvints Banlc, whose address is P.�] Box 15�7, Grand Island, NE
<br /> �88D2-�507 and any subs�itute or successor trustees.
<br />