<br /> �EED �F TRU�T°
<br /> Loan N�: 1�'I�757 U5 ��ontinued� Pa9� �
<br /> and pEaces as Lender may deem apprapriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds of trust, securi�y deeds, securi�y
<br /> agre�ments. financing �ta�emenfis, cantinuatian s�atements, ins�ruments af �ur�her assurance. cer�ificates, and
<br /> other dvcum�nts as may, in the soEe �pinion vf Lender, be necessary or desira�le in order to effectuate, c�mplete,
<br /> perfect, c�ntinu�, ar preser�e {1} Borrvwer's and Trus�or's ob[igafions under the Note, �his Qeed of Trustf and
<br /> �he Related Documents, and {�} the [iens and security interests created by this ❑eed o�Trust as fiirst and pri�r
<br /> �iens on the Property. whe�h�r naw owned or hereaf��r ac�uired by Trusfior. Unless prohi�i�ed ioy law �r Lender
<br /> agr�es�v the cantrary in writing, Trustor shall reimburse Lend�r for a[I costs and expenses in�urred in cortnection
<br /> with�he matters r�f�rr�d ta in this para�raph.
<br /> Attarney-in-Fa��. If Trustor fails to da any afi the �hings re�e�red tv in th� preceding paragraph, Lender may d� so
<br /> for and in the name of Trustar an� at Trust�r's expense. For such purposes. Trus�tor hereby irre�acably appoints
<br /> L�nder as Trus�ar's at�orn�y-in-�acfi f�r fhe purpose vfi mak�ng, �xecuting, de�i�ering, f�ling, reco�ding. and dorng afl
<br /> other things as may be necessary ar des�rable, in Lender's sole opinion, to accomp[ish the mat�ers referred to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�]R[U[ANCE. if F3orrower and Trustor pay all the lndebtedness, including withaut limi�ati�n a!I �uture
<br /> ad�ances� when due, and Trustar❑therwis� performs all th� v�ligations imposed upon Trustar under this Deed of Trust,
<br /> Lender shall execute and deliWer to Trustee a request f�r �ull recon�eyance and shall �xecute and deliver �v Trusfor
<br /> suitabl� statements af term�nation of any financing statement on �i�e evid�ncing Lender's security inter�st in �he Rents
<br /> and the Persona[ Property. Any reconveyance �ee required by law shall be paid by Trustar, if permitted �y applicable
<br /> iaw,
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of the foflowing, at Lender's option, shall canstitute an E�ent af De�ault under thi� Deed
<br /> vf Trust:
<br /> Paym�nt Defau�ta Borrower fai3s to malce any payment when due under the lndeb�edness.
<br /> �ther Defaul�s. Borrower vr Trus�or fails t� comply wi�th or tv p�rf�rm any ather term, o��igation, c�venant or
<br /> condition contained in th�s aeed o�Trust or in any �f the Refated Dvcuments or to comply with or t� p�r�orm any
<br /> term, obligation, co�enant or candi�ivn contained in any other agreement between Lender and Borrower or Trustvr.
<br /> Compliance ❑efau�t. Failure to comply with any ��her term, ob[igation, co�enan� or �onditian cantained in �his
<br /> U�e�1 af Trust,the Note or in any af the Related Documents.
<br /> D�fault on 4#her Paymen�s. Failure af Trustar within�he#�me required �y this Deed of Trust�o make any payment
<br /> for taxes Qr insurance. or any other payment necessary fia preWent�iling of or fa effe�t discharge of any lien.
<br /> False S�atemen�ts. Any warranty, representation nr s�a�ement made or furnished to L�nder by B�rrvwer or Trustor
<br /> vr �n Barrawer's or Trustor's behal�f under this Deed �f Trust or the Rela�ed Dacumen�s is false or misfeading in
<br /> any material resp�c�, either naw or at th� time made ❑r furnished or becom�s �a[se or misleading at any time
<br /> thereafter.
<br /> Defiective Col[ateraliza��vn. This D��d af Trust or any ot �he R�lafed ❑ocuments ceas�s �o be in full farce and
<br /> � effect �including �ailure of any �ollateral dacument to �reat� a valid and perfected s�curity in�erest or [ien} at any
<br /> time and for any reasvn.
<br /> Dea�h or Inso��ency. The dissolut�an or terminativn of gorrower's ar Trustvr's exist�nce as a gaing business ar�he
<br /> death o�F any partner, the insvl�ency o# Borrower nr Trustvr� the appointment of a receiver f�r any part of
<br /> Borrower's �r Trustor's praper�y. any assignmen�f�r�he �enefit af credi�vrs� any type of credi�ar workout. or�khe
<br /> commencement a�any proceeding under any bankrup�cy or insvl�ency{aws by or against Bflrrower or Trus�or.
<br /> Creditor or For�eiture Praceedings. �ommencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceed�ngs. whether by judicial
<br /> praceeding, seif-help, repassessivn or any other methad, by any �r�ditar of Bvrr�wer or Trus�vr ar by any
<br /> goWernrnental agency againsf any pr�perty securing the lnde�tedness. This includes a garnishmen� af any of
<br /> B�rr�wer's �r Trust�r's accvunts, including deposi� accounts, with Lender. Hawever, �this Event af Default shall
<br /> no� apply if there is a go�d faifh dispute �y gorraw�r or Trus�or as fiv the �alidity or reas�nablen�ss o��he claim
<br /> which is the basis a�F the credi�or vr f�rf�i�ure proceeding and if Borrower or Trus�rar gives Lender written notice of
<br /> the creditor or for�F�iture proceeding and depos�ts with Lend�r mflnies �r a surety bond for the �reditor�r fo�feiture
<br /> pro��ed�ng, in an amount d�t�rmined by Lender, in its sole discre�ifln, as bein� an adequate reserve ar b�nd for the
<br /> dispute.
<br /> Breach o��]�her Agreement. Any breach by Borr�wer or Trustor under th�terms af any other agreemen� betwe�n
<br /> Bo�rower ar Trustar and Lend�r that is no� rernedi�d within any grac� period pra�ided therein, including without
<br /> limifation any agreement concerning any ind�b�edness or other �bli�a�ion ❑f gorrower vr Trus�or t� Lender,
<br /> whe�her existing now ar later.
<br /> Events Af�ecting Guarantar. Any�f the preceding ��ents �ccurs with respect to any guarantar, endorser, surety.
<br /> or a�commodation par�y o� any o� the Indebtedness or any guarantor� �ndorser. surety, ❑r accommodati�n party
<br /> dies ar becomes incompetent, ar reWokes �r disput�s the �alidity ofi, or �iabiiity und�r, any Guaranty vf the
<br /> Indebtedness,
<br /> Adr►�rse Change. A materia� a�verse change occurs �n Barrower's �r Trustor's financiaf condition, or Lender
<br /> beli�Wes the praspect��payment or performance of the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br />