<br /> DEE� �F TF�LJ�T
<br /> Loan Nv: 'I�'��75'[�5 {��n#�nued� Page �
<br /> Exist�ng Li�n. The �ien flf this Deed o� Trust securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior ta an
<br /> �xis�ing lien. Trus�or expressly �a�enants and agrees �o pay, Qr see t� �he payment vf, the E�cis�ing Ind�b�edness
<br /> and to prevent any default on such indebt�dness, any d�fault under�he ins�ruments evidencing such in�ebtedness,
<br /> ar any de�fault under any security documents fvr such ind��tedn�ss.
<br /> No Mvdification. Trus�tor shali nvt en�er in�o any agreement with the h�Eder of any mort�age, deed of trust, ar
<br /> ��kher security agreemenfi which has priority v�er this Deed of Trust by whi�h tha� agreemen�k is modified,
<br /> am�nded, exfiend�d, ❑r renewed without the priar written cvnsen� �f Lender. Trustor shall neither reques� nar
<br /> accep�any future ad�ances under any such securi�y agreem�n�without�the prior►rvritten �ons�n�of Lender.
<br /> C�NDEiVINATI�N. The �a�lawing pro�isions relating to cond�mna�ion proc��dings are a par�of this ❑eed af Trust;
<br /> Proceedings. {� any prv�eeding in �ondemnati�n is �iled, Trustor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustar shall pramptly take such steps as may be necessary #o de�end the action and obtain the award. Trustor
<br /> may be the nominal par�y in su�h proceeding, but Lender shall b�entitled to participate in the prviceeding and t� be
<br /> repr�sented in the proceeding by counsel af its vwn chvice, and Trus�vr will deliver vr caus� ta be deli�ered to
<br /> Lender such �nstruments and documentati�n as may be reques�ed by Lender fr�m �Eme �Q time to permit such
<br /> participation.
<br /> Appiication o�N�t Proc�edse lf all �r any part of the Prope�-ty is condemned by eminent domain pra��edings vr by
<br /> any proceeding ❑r purchase in lieu of c�nd�mnatian, Lender may at��s electi�n require that all ❑r any p�rtion�f the
<br /> net proc��ds af fihe award be applied to the Inde�tedness or the repair ar restara�ion of the Prop�rty, The net
<br /> praceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment �f all reasvnable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trus�ee�r Lender in �onnection with the condemna�tion.
<br /> 111J�P�5�T��N �F TAXES, FEES AiVD CHARGES BY G�VERNi�![EIIITAL AUTH�R�TIES. The follvwing pr�Wisions relating
<br /> to go�ernmental taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Curr�n�Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon reques� by Lenderr Trusfior shall execu�te such dvcuments in addi�i�n ��
<br /> this Deed of Trust and take wha�ev�r��her action is re�uest�d by Lend�r�v p�rfiect and �ontinue Lender's lien on
<br /> the R�al Property. Trustar shall reimbu�se L�nder for al� taxes, as �esGribed below. t�gether with all exp�ns�s
<br /> incurred in r�cording, perfecting or cantinuing this Deed o� Trust, includin� with�ut limi�tatian all taxes� fees,
<br /> do�umentary stamps. and o�her charges f�r recarding ar registering this Deed Qf Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which th�s se�tion appli�s: t�� a specif�� tax upon this type vf
<br /> Deed of Trus� ❑r upon all or any par� of the lndebtedness secured by this Deed af Trus�; t�} a specific tax vn
<br /> Bor�ower ►rvhich Borr�wer is authoriz�d ar required t� dedu�t �r�m payments on the fndebtedness secured by this
<br /> �yp� �f D�ed of Trust, �33 a tax on this type of Deed Qf Trust chargeable against the Lender or the halder of�he
<br /> 1Vote; and �4� a specific �ax on all Qr any partian �f th� lnde�tedn�ss ar on paym�nts �f principal and interest
<br /> made by Borrower.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section appl�es is �nacted subsequen� �v th� date �f this Deed of
<br /> Trust, this event shall ha�e the same effec�t as an Er�ent of Default. and L�nder may ex�rcise any or all of �ts
<br /> a�a�lab[� remedies for an Ev�nt of ❑efault as provided bel�w uniess Trustor either �1} pays the tax before i�
<br /> becomes delinquen�, or ��} con�ests �he tax as pravided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens s�ction and depasi�s with
<br /> Lender cash�r a sufficien#corpvrat�sure�y bond or other se�urity sat�s�actory to Lender,
<br /> SE�URITY AGREEIUIEII�T; FINANCING STATEMENTS� The following proWisions rela�ing to this D�ed of Trus�c as a
<br /> s�curity agreement are a part of this D��d of Trust:
<br /> Security Agreemenf. Th�s instrument shail canstitute a 5ecuri�y Agreement to the exfient any of the Proper�y
<br /> constitutes fixtures, and Lender shall have ail af�he rights o�a secured party under the lJnifarm Cvmm�rcial Code
<br /> as am�nded�rom time ta time.
<br /> Securifiy �nter�st. Upvn request �y Lender� Trustor shall tak� whateWer actian is reques�ted by Lender tv perfect
<br /> and con�inu� Lender's security in�erest in the Rents and P�rsonal Pr�perty, In addition to recarding fihis ❑eed of
<br /> Trust in th� real property records, Lender may. a� any time and withou� further au�horiZati�n firom Trusfi�r, fil�
<br /> executed cvun�erparts, capies or repr�ductians �� this D��d of Trus� as a financing statement. Trustor shall
<br /> reimburse Lender for all expenses �ncurr�� in perfecting o� confiinuing �his s�curity Enterest. Up�n de�au�t, Trustor
<br /> shall not remov�, se��r or detach fihe Personal Prvperty from the Proper�y. Upon defauf�, Trus�or shall assemble
<br /> any Persanal Pro�aerty nofi aftixed to the Praperty �n a manner and at a place reasonably�onWenient t�Trus�a�and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable to L�nder within three {3� days after receip� o� wrififien demand from Lend�r ta the
<br /> extent permitted by applicable �aw.
<br /> Addresses. The ma�ling addresses of Trustar {detator} and Lender �secured party} from which in�orma�i�n
<br /> concerning the securi�y in�eres� granted by this D��d of Trust may be �btain�d {each as required by the Un�farm
<br /> Commarcial Code} ar�as s�ated on the first page vf thi� Deed af Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES: ATTURNEY�fN-FACT. The following pro�isions relating to further a�surances and
<br /> attorney-in-fact ar�a part��F this Deed o�Trus�:
<br /> Fur�her Assurances. At any time, and from ��m� to timef upvn request of Lender, Trus�or will mal�e, execute and
<br /> deliver, ar w�li cause to be mad�, executed nr de�ivered, �a Lender or t� Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, �ause �a be filed, recarded, r�fiied, �r rerecorded, as the case may he, at such �imes and in such affices
<br />