<br /> fu�1 �f all sums s�cured by t���s Securit}� ���strur��ent. I�4�u�W�r, �17is op��on shall not be exercas�d by Lender �f
<br /> ea�ercise is pr�hib�ted by federal Iaw as af�l�e da���f this��e�u�ity�nstrurnen�.
<br /> If L�nder exercis�s this opt�on, Lender shall giu� B�rr��ver not�ce of acce�erat�on. The nat�ce sha�l pravide a
<br /> per�od of no� �ess tha�. �he minimum num�b�r of days est�bt�s�ed by Applicable La� frv�m �he date �he n�tice is
<br /> del��ered or mail�d ���h�n vvh�ch Barrower must pay a1� sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen�. �f B�rrower
<br /> fails �o pay these sums pri�r t� �he expira�ian of�his per�d, Lender n�ay invake apy remedies permit�ed by this
<br /> Security Iris�rum�n�c vvithout fur�her n��ice�r demand on ��rro�ver. '
<br /> h3�rrower�s Rig�t t� Reinstate. If Borr�v�er meets certain �and��ians, B�rrov�er shall have the right t� ha��
<br /> enforcement of��us S�cur��y �ns�rument discon�i-nued at any�i.me pr�or'to�he ear�ier af: �a� S days �or such other
<br /> periad as Appl��a�1e Law may s�e�ify for re�ns�a��ment��efore sale of��he Proper�y pursuant�a any pov�rer�f�a�e
<br /> contained in this Secur�ty Instrumen�; or �b} �nt�y of � judgment enf�r�irig �his Security �ns�rumrent. Those
<br /> condi�i�ns are th�� Borrawer: �a� pays Lender �.1� sums v��hi��� �hen w�u�d be due under this Securit� �ns�rument
<br /> and the�antrac-�as if nfl a�ce�erati�n�had�ccurr�d;�b}�u�es any defau��of any��her c�ver�an�s or agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays aIl expenses xncurr�d in enforcing�his Securi�y Ins�rument, �nclud�ng,�bu�no�Iim�ted to,reas�nable attt�rr�eys'
<br /> fees to the e��en�permit�ed by la�; and�d��akes su�h ac�ian as Lender may reas�nably require�� assure tha��l�e
<br /> �ien of this S�curi.�y �ns�rurne�t, Lender's righ�s in�he Proper��and Borr�vsre�-'s �b�igat�on�a pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Security ��istrun�ent sha�� ��ntinue ur�changed. U�an reinstate7nent by Borro�ver, fh�s Se�urity �Instrument
<br /> and �h� obligations secured hereby shali remain fu�1y eff����ve as if nfl ac�elera�:ion�ad o�curred. HoweWer, this
<br /> r�ght to re�ns�ate�hall no�app�y in the case of acceleratio� under�he sec�ion titled'�`ransfer af the Praper�y or a
<br /> Beneficial Intere��t i�Barrow�r.
<br /> Ha�ard�us Subs�ances.B�r�-ower shal�nat ca�se or perr�it the pr�ser�ce,use, disp�sa�, s�orage, or re�ease of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Subst�nces�n or in�he Pr�per�. Borrov�er sh�Il no�do,nor al�ov�anyane e�se to do,anything affecting
<br /> the Property �hat i s in �io�at�on of a�� En�ir�nmenta� Lav�. The preceding two sen�ences sha�1 not apply �o �he
<br /> presence, use,�r stor�ge on�he Praper�y of smal�c�uan�i�ies�f Hazardous Subs�ances that are genera���recagnized
<br /> �o�e appropria�e t�n�rmal residen�ial uses and�o ma�n�e�ance of the Prope�-ty.
<br /> Borrow�r shal�pr�rnptly gi�e Lender wr��en natice of an��in��s�igation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other ac�ian by
<br /> any go�ernrnenta� or regu�a�ory agency o�•priWa�:e par� ��vol�ing the P�•�pe�y and any Ha�ardous Substance or
<br /> En�iranm�n�al L.�aw �f whi�h Borr�wer has ac�uai k�-�owl�dge. �f:Barrav�er �earns, or is no�if ed by any
<br /> go�ernmen�al or regulatflry au�h�rity,�hat any rem��a�or��her remed�ation af any�r3azard�us Substance aff�c�ing
<br /> �he Property is necessary, Borro�ver shall promp�ly �a�e all ne�essary rerx��dial actions in accordance wi�h
<br /> En�ironmentai L�w.
<br /> As used �n�his paragraph, "Hazardous S ubstances" are th�se subs�an�es de��ned as�axic ar ha.�ardous substances
<br /> by Er��ironmenta� Lav►r and the foll�wing substances: ��sa�ine, i�erosene, �the� flam�nable �r t��ic petroleum
<br /> products, t�x�c p�s�ic�des and herbicides, �ola��ie s��ver_ts, �na��rials .c�n�aining asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive materials. As used in this paragraph, "En�ironmen�al Law"m�ans f�deral laws and laws of�he s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate�o heal�h,safety or en�ironmental pr��ec�ion. �
<br /> Acce�era��on; l�emec��es. L�ndQr shal� gi�e no�ice tv �orrower pr��r t� acceleration fol��vv�ng Borr�wer'S
<br /> br�ach of any c���nan�or agreer�ent in �his�ecurity ��strumrent or the�o��tra�t under which acce�eration
<br /> is permit�ed(hu� not pr�or#� acceiera�ion under the s�c�ion ���led �'ransfe� of the Praperty�r a Ben�fcial
<br /> Intere5� �� Burr�wer, unless App�ica�i� Law pro�ide� a�herwise}. The natice sha�i sp�c�fy: �a} the default;
<br /> �b� the a��i�n �equired �� cure �h� defaul�; �c} a �iate:, ��a� less than the min�mum number of days
<br /> es�ablished by App�ica��� ,�aw from �he date�he nntic�e is give�� to B�rrowver, b�vvhich the defau�t must be
<br /> �ured; and (d� that failure �o cure the d�faul� on or ��fare �h� da�e specified in �he n��ice may r�sult in
<br /> accelera�ion of �he sums secured. �y �his �ecurity I�s�r�m�nt and �ale �f t�e Proper�y. To �he ex��nt
<br /> permi�ted by la�v, the natice sha�l fur�her infor�m Bor~���ver of the right to re�nstate after acceleration and
<br /> �he righ��o b��n�a�aurt act�on to asser�th�nnn-ex�s��nce of a default or any o�her defense of Borrower ta
<br /> a�celerat�on and sal�, �f�he defau�t �s not cur�d an or b�f��-e ���e da�e specif�ed in �h� noti�e, LendQr at its
<br /> op�ion rnay req�ire immed�ate payment in full of a�� s�ms secured by th�s Secur��� �nstrumen� w�thou�
<br /> fu r�her demand an� may }n��ke the p�v►jer �f sate a�d a�y �t�er remedies per�i�ted by Appl�cab�e Law.
<br /> T� the ex�ent ��rm�tted by lavv, Lend�r shall �be ent�led t� co�le�t al� expenses incurr�d �n pursuir�g �he
<br /> rem�dies �r�vid�d im this S�ction, �nc�uding, but nv���mi��d to, reasona�le attvrneys' fees and c�s�s 4f tit�e
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the power of sa�e is invoked,Trustee sha�� record a no��ce of defauit�� each caunty in which any par��f
<br /> the Pr�per�y is �oca�ed and sha�l mail copies flf such n�ti�e in the manner prescrii�ed by Applicable Law ta
<br /> Bvrr�vWer and to th�e o�her pers�ns prescrib�d by A��l�cabl� Law. After��e tirr�e required by Appi�cable
<br /> Law, Tru��ee sha�l �i�ve public noti�� of sale to the p�ers�ns ar�d �� the manner pre5cri�edl hy Appl�cable
<br /> Law. Trust��,wi�hout de�nanct n� �orrower, s��al�se�� th� Praperty at pub�ic aucti�n t� t�e highest �idder
<br /> at th���me ax�d p�a��and under the t�rr�s de�ig�xated �n�he r�o�ice of sa�e�n on�ar more�ar�e�s and in any
<br /> �rde�- Tru�tee �Ie�Qrmines. Trustee may pos�pan� s�le ❑f al� ❑r a�y parce� of fhQ Property by publ�c
<br /> announc�ment a�t����ime and place of any pre��aus�y�s�heduled sale.L�nder or�ts de��gnee may pur�hase
<br /> th�Prop�rty at�ny sa��.
<br /> Upon r�ceipt of pa�ment af th� price bid, Trustee sh�i� de�i►ver t� �he purchaser Trustee's deed �on�eying
<br /> the Propert�. 'The r�ci�a�s in thQ Trust�e's deed shal� �e prima facie evidence of the�ruth af�he statement5
<br /> made �here�n. '�'rustee sha�l a�ply the proceeds �f t�e sal� in �he foliov�ing order: [a� to a�l c�sts and
<br /> expenses �f exercising the pavver of sa�e, and �he sa�e��n�luding the pa�me�t vf�he Trustee'� fe�s actual�y
<br /> fl 2��4-2413�oz�i�liance Systems,Inc.SEB3-2474-2�13L2.a.E1.712
<br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Sec�-ity Instn�n7ent DL2a36 P�b��Q�S WWW.C�I17�.}�3��1C�5�5�L'I�35.Cdfri
<br />