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��14���93 <br /> Inspectian. Len�er �r i�s agen� may make reasona��e entries upon a��d inspecti�ns of the Proper�y, Lend�r shal� <br /> gxve Borrav�er na���e a�the�ime of or pr��r��an insp�c�ion s�ecify�ng reasanable cause far�h� �nspe��ion. <br /> Candemna��on. The praceeds of any avvard�r cl�,im for da��nages, direct or conse�uen�ial, �n c�nnec��on �ith any <br /> con�emnation or other tak�ng of any part�f�he Property, or f�r conveyance xn Iieu of condemnat�on, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha��be paid�o Lender. <br /> �n �he �ven� �f a to�al takxng �f the Praperty, the proceeds shal� be appii�d t� �he sums se�ured by this Se�ur�t� <br /> Ins�rumen�, v�he�her �r not �her� due, w�th any excess pa�d �o Borrower. �n �he even� �f a partiat �al�ing of�he <br /> Property �n �vh�ch �he fair mar�et �alue of�1�e Pr�per�y �m�nedia�ely before the taki��g is equa� �a or g�-ea�er�han <br /> �he amoun� �f�he su�ns secured by �h�s SecurXty Ins�rument im��n�diate�y before �l�e taking, unless B�rrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in writ�ng,the sums secur�d by�his Security �nstrumen�sha�] b�reduced by�he am�un�af <br /> the proceeds xnui�iplied by�he fol�owing fractian: �a�the�o�al amoun�of�he sums secured �mmediate��before th� <br /> taking, di�ided b� �b� �he fair marke� �alue af�he Prnper�y im��nedia�ely bef�re the �a�ing. .�1.n� balan�e shal� be <br /> paid �a B�rrovver. In �he even� of a par�ia� �aking Qf tl�e Praper�� i�� wh�ch �he fair market �a�ue af�he Pr�per�y <br /> �mrnedia�e�y before �he �aking is less than �he arnaun� �f the su�ns secured �mmed�a�e�y before �he �aking, unless <br /> Borr�v�er and Lender a�herw�se agree in writi�ng or un�ess �-1pp�icable Law��herwise pro��d�s, the praceeds sha�� <br /> be applied�o t��e sums secured by�his Securi�y In��ru��nen��v�����her�r not�he sums are�hen due. <br /> If the Praperty is abandaned by Borrower, or if, after nat�ce by L�nder�o Bor��ov�er tl�at the condernnar offel-s to <br /> make an award or se�tie a c�aim for damages, Bflrrflwer fai�s �o respond �o Lender w��1�i���he mini�num number of <br /> days established by Appl�cable Lavv af`ter�he da�e�he no��ce is�iWen,Lender is au�horized�o c�l�ect and apply�h� <br /> pr�ceeds, a� �ts option, ei�her �o res��rati�n or repair flf�he Proper�y or �a the sums secured by �h�s Securi�y <br /> Ins�rumen�,vvhe�her ar nat�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borra�ver o�herwise agree �n writing, an�appl�catifln of proceeds ta principa� shall nat extend <br /> �r pastp�ne�he due da�e of�he paym�nts due under the Contract ar�hange�h�am�unt af su�h payments. <br /> Borrower Nnt ReleaSed; Forbearance �y Lender Nat a Waiv�r. Ext�nsion of the tixne for payment ar <br /> mod�ficati�n of amar��2at�an af th� sums secured by this Se�u�-�ty Ins�rumen� gran�ed by Lender to Borravver or <br /> �ny su�cessor in �nteres� of Borrower s�ail nat opera�e to release �he �iabil�ty of �he orig�na� Borr�wer ar <br /> Borro�ver's sucGess�rs �n in�eres�. Lender s�all not�� r�quired�o c�mmence proceedi��gs agains�any successar in <br /> interest or refuse to extend�ime for paymen�ar atherv��se modify amoz����atian of�he sums secured by�his Security <br /> Ir�s�rumen� by r�ason of any dema��d made by �he arig���a� Borrar�ver or Barrov�er's success�rs �r� interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exercising any rig�t ar remedy sha�l no�be a wa��er af or�prec�ude t�e exercise af any <br /> r�ght or re�nedy. <br /> Su�cess�rs and Assign.s Baund; Jain� and Sev�rai L�abiii�y; Accommfld�.��on S�gners. Th� co�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of this Security Ins�rumen�shall bind and�benef�x t�e su�cessors and assigns Qf Lender and Sflrrovver, <br /> subjec� �o tl�e pra�is�ans af secti�n tit�ed Transfer of the Property nr a Benefic�a� �nterest �n Bflrr�wer. <br /> B�rr�wer's�Q�enan�s and agreements sha�l be jain�and se�eral. Any person wh� cfl-signs�l�is Securi�y Instrumen� <br /> hut has n� pers�nal l�a�i�i�y ur�der the �an�ra�� �"Accflmmodat�on S�gner"}: �a� is co--signing �his Security <br /> �nstrument on�y �o martgage, grarat and con�ey tiha� Acc�mmoda��on Signer's �nteres� in �he Property under the <br /> terms of the Security �ns�rumen�; �b� �s n�� personally abligafied �o pay the sums se�ured by �his S�cur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�; and��� agrees�hat Lender and any n�her Borra�ver may agree�a ex�e��d, mad�fy, farbear ar�r�al�e any <br /> accomm�da�ian� w��h regard ta�l�e�erms of�his Secur��y ins�rument�r�he CQn�ract wi�h�u��hat A�cammodation <br /> Signer's cansen�. <br /> Lflan �harg�s. If�he laan secured by this Se�urity �nstrume��� �s subjec� t� a law whi�h sets maximum laan <br /> charges, and tha� �a�v is f nally xn�erpreted sa�ha�the interest or a�her�oan charges co�lec�ed or�o be co��ec�ed in <br /> connec��on vv��h �he loan exceed �he permit�ed I�mits, th�n: ta} any such loan charge sha�� �e reduced b� �he <br /> am�unt necessary�� reduce t��e charge t�the perm���ed l�rni�s and �b� any sums already co�lec�ed,from B�rrower <br /> wh�ch ex�eeded p�rm�tted l�mi�s wi�X be refunded �a Barr�wer. Lender may ch�ose to make this refund by <br /> reduci�g the prin��pal owed under �he Contra�t or by ma�ing a d�rect paymen�t� Sorrower. �f a r�fund redu�es <br /> principa�,�he redu.ctian�vi��be�reated as a partial prepay��ent under t��e Can�ra�t. <br /> No��ces. �ny na��ce �o Sarro�ver pravided for �n �his Securi�y Ins�ru�nent shall be g�Wen by del��ering i� ar b� <br /> �r�a�ling��by frst c�ass ma�l un�ess Appl��ab�e Law requ�res use of ana�her�ne�l�od. Tl�e notice sha���e direc#ed�a <br /> �he Pr�perty Address �r any ��her address Borra�ver designa��s by n���ce �� Lender. Barro�er agrees ta pro�ide <br /> Lender with Borr�wer's m�st Current mai�ing ad�ress, as i�xnay change fr�m time-��-�ime. .�.ny notic� ta Lender <br /> shall be g�ven by fixs�c�ass ma�l ta Lend�r's address s�a�ed here�n flr any other address Lender designates by no�ice <br /> �o Barrower. .�.ny no�ice prov�ded for�n�h�s Security�nstrument shal� be deemed ta ha�e bee��g��en to Bo��rower <br /> ar Lender v�hen g�ven as pr�vided in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Se�era�ili�y.T�is Security�ns�rumen�sha�l be govern�d by fed�ra� �aw and�he laws of�)�e s�ate <br /> af Nebraska. �n the even� tha� an� pro��s�on ar elause of�1��� Secur��y Ins�rumen� �r the Gon�rac� Gonflic�s vv��h <br /> Appl�cable Lavv, such ��nfli�� sha1� not affect o�her pra,�is�ons of�his Se�uri�y �ns�rumen� or�he Contra�� which <br /> can be gi�en effec�w��hou�t}�e conflictzng pro��s�an. To this e�d the provisions of�his Secur�ty�ns�ru�nen�and the <br /> Cantract are declared to be severab�e. <br /> B�rrower's Copy.Borrav�er shall be given one copy of�l�is Secur��y�n��rument. <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y or a Bene�c�ai Interes�in Borrnwer. �f al�t�r ariy part�f�he Prop�rty�r any�nterest <br /> in �� is so�d or �ransf�rred ��r if a beneficia� �nteres� in Borrower is sold ar�t�-ansferred and B�rrov�er is no� a <br /> natural persan� �vi�l�ou� Lender's prxar wr��en consent, Lender may, at i�s o���on, reyuire i�nr�edia�e paymen� in <br /> c[�-24�4-2dI3 Coznp�iance Syste3�as,Inc.8EB3-2474-�013L2.�.E I.7 i 2 <br /> Cvnstimer ReaI Estai�-Se�tfrity Ins#rurrtertt DL2�3G �c��'�.�D�S Www.Cd3T'!�]IIc�13CC5y5E�Tt7S.00[i3 <br />