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� ��14���3� <br /> full �f a1� sums secured by th�s Security �nstrumen�. Hov�e�er, �his op�i�n sha]1 not be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exer�ise is proh�bi�ed 1��federa�iavv as af�he c�ate of�h�s Securit��nstrurnent. <br /> If Lender �xercises �his �p�ion, Lender shall gi�e Borr�wer natice of a�celeration. The notice sha1� provide a <br /> period of nat �ess than�he m�nimum numher of days established by Appiicab�e Lav�r from the da�e �he notice �s <br /> deliWered �r ma��ed �vi�hin which B�rr�vt�er must pay al� sums secure� by �hi� Secur�ty Ins�ru�rnen�. �f Borr�vsrer <br /> fails �a pay �h�se sur�s priar�o the expira�i�n of�his p�riod, Lerider may inv�ke any remedies permi�ted by �his <br /> Security�ns�rument v�ithout fi.�r�her no��ce or den�and�n Borr�v�re�-. <br /> Barr�wer's R�ght t� Reins�ate. rf Borrower�s certa�n cond��ions, B�rrawer shal� have �he righ� to ha�e <br /> enforcemen� of this �e�ur�ty �ns�rU.�r�eri�discon�inued at any�ime prior ta the ear�ier of; �a� 5 days �or such other <br /> period as Applicable Law may specify far reins�a�ernent)�ef�re sal�of�he Prflper�y pursuan�t�any p��uer af sa�e <br /> contained in �his Security Ins�rumen�; or �b� entry �f a judgment enfarcing this Securi�y �nstrument. Those <br /> condi�ions are �ha� �3orrower: �a� pays Lender ali sums which then wauld be due under thxs Se�urxty �ns�rument <br /> and the�ontraGt as�f no accelera�i�n had�ccurred;�b�cures any defau��of a�ay other ca�enants or agreements;�c� <br /> pays all expenses incurred i.r��nfarcing this Security�nstrumeri�, includ�ng,but n�t lirriited�o,reasonable a�torneys' <br /> fees�o the e�ten�permitted by�a�v; and �d�ta�es such ac�ion as Lender�nay reasanab�y require to assure tha��he <br /> lien af�l��s Secur�ty�nstrumefl�,Lender's righ�s �n�he Property and Borr�wer's obliga�ion t�pay the sums secured <br /> by this Securi�y �nstrument s�ail con�inue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer, this Secur��y �nstrumen� <br /> and �he �bligations secured hereby sha�i remain ful�y effecti�e as �f no a��eleration had occurred. HovWe�er, this <br /> right ta reinstate sha1�na�app�y in the case of a�ce�eratian under�he secti�n titled Transfer of the Proper�y or a <br /> Ben�ficia��nterest in Barraw�r. <br /> Hazardvu5 Substances.Bonro�ver sha�l na��ause ar per�m�t�he presence, use, disposa�, starage, or release af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances an ar in�he PrQperty. Borrawer sha�l not do,nor a�I�w anyone e�se to do,anything affe�ting <br /> �he Property that is �n �iolati,on af any En�ironmental Lavv. The preceding twa sentences sha�l na� apply to the <br /> presence,use,or s��rage on the Pr�per�y af sma1�quantii:ies of Hazard�us Su�bstan��s�hat ar�genera�ly recogn�zed <br /> t�be appropria�e to normal res�den��a�uses and fa ma�ntenance of�he Proper�y. <br /> Borrower shal�promp�Iy gi�e�Lender v�ri�ten natice of any investiga�i�n,clazm, demand, �a�vsuit ar a�her ac���n by <br /> any gflverrimental or regula�or� agency �r priva�e par� involving�he Properry and any Hazardous Substance flr <br /> Enviranmental Law af vvhi�h B�r�-ower has actual kn��uvledge. �f Borrov�er learns, or is no��fed by an� <br /> gavernmen�al ar regu�atory auth�rity,tha�any remava�ar ather remediation of any Hazardous Substance affec�ing <br /> the Property is nec�ssary, B�rrav�rer sha�1 pro��ptXy �ake a�� ne�essary remedial acti�ns in accordan�e with <br /> � En�ir�nmen�al Law. � <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Substan�e�" are�hose subs�ances def�ned as ta��c or hazardous substances <br /> by En�ironmen�al La�r a�d the following su�s�ances: gas��ine, kerosene, o�h�r flammable ar tox�c pe�roleum <br /> . produ�ts, �oxic pes�icides and herbicides, vo�ati�e sal�vent�, ma�er�a�s coritaining asbes�os or form��deh�de, and <br /> radiaac�ive materials. As used�n th�s paragraph, "Enviran.menta�La�v"means federa�lavrls and la�vs�f�he sta�e�f <br /> Nebraska that rela�e tfl hea�th,safety or en�ironm�nt��prtitec�io�. <br /> Acceleration; �tem�dies. Len�er shall give notice �o B�rraw�r prior to acceleration fol�owing �orrower's <br /> breach of any cv�enant or agreement in this Security Instrumen�or the�ontract under which accelerat�on <br /> is permitted �but nat prior��acce�eration und�r the sectian ti�led Transfer of the Property or� Beneficial <br /> �n�erest in ��rrow�r, unless Applicable Lav� pr�vides atherwise}. The nutic� shail specify: �a) thQ default; <br /> �b) the a�tian required to� �ure �he defau�t; �c} a date, not le�s than �he m�nimum numb�r of days <br /> �stab��shed by App�icahle Law from the date t��e notice is gi�en �a Borrower, ��wh�ch�the default must be <br /> cured; and �d} that failure �m cure �he d�faul� on �r bef�re the dat� s�e�if�ed in the n�tic� may resu�t �n <br /> acceleratian of the sums 5e�ured by this �ecur�ty TnStrument and sale af the Property. To the extent <br /> permi��ed by law, �he notice shali further inforrn Sorrower of the righ� �❑ reinstate after a�celeration and <br /> �he righ�t�br�ng a court action�o a55ert�he non--���stence nf a d�fault ar any other defense of�orrower�o <br /> accelera�ion and sal�. If the default is na�cured ❑n nr b�f�re the da�e specified�in the no�ice, Lend�r a� its <br /> opt�on may requir� immedi�te paymen� in full of a�l �ums secured by ichis Security Instrument v+�ithout <br /> further de�nand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permit�ed by .Applicable Lav�. <br /> To the �xt�nt permitted by lavv, Lender shall be e�.tit�ed �o co��ect all �xpenses incurred �n pursuing th� <br /> remedies pr�vided in this Sec�iun, inc�ud�ng, bu� na�limi�ed t�, reasvnab�e attarneys' fees and c�sts of t�tie <br /> e�idence. <br /> If�he pow�r flf sa�� is invoked,Trust�e s�all r�cord a nati�e�f defaul� in e�ch county�n which �ny part af <br /> the Prop��-ty �s loca�ed and sha�l r�aii c��ies of�uch notice in the manner pres�r�bed by Appiicab�e Law to <br /> Borrawer �n� to the other per�ans pre5cri�aed by �pp�icahl� Lavv. Af#er �he tim� requir�d by App�icabie <br /> Law, Trus�ee shall gi�e pub�i� natice �f sa�e �o the persor�s and in the rnanner prQscribed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trus�e�,vw�thvu�demand �n Borrtiwer, sha�l sel�the Property at pubiic auc��on to the highest bidder <br /> at the time and pla�e and under the terms designa�ed in �he no�i�e�f sale in one or mare�arcels and�n any <br /> order Tru�t�e de�erm�nes. 'I'rustee may postpon� sa�e of aIl or any parcel af the Property by pub��c <br /> ann�uncement at the time and plac�of any �r�vious�y s�h�dul�d 5a�e. Ilender or�ts de5igne�ma�purcha�e <br /> the Proper�y at any sa��. <br /> �Jp�n rec��pt of payrnent of�h� price lbid, Tru�t�e sha�l �lel��er to:th� pur�haser Trus�ee'� de�d c�n�ey�ng <br /> the Property. Th� reci�a�s in thQ Trus��e=s deed shal[ he pr�rna fac�e�►vid�nc�of th�tru�h of�he statemen�s <br /> made therein. Tru�t�e sha�l apply the pro��eds o� the sal� �� the foilov�ing order: �a} ta al� costs and <br /> expenses af e�ercising the p�wer af sa1e, and th� sa�e, ����uding the payment of�he Truste�'s f�es ac�ual�y <br /> C�2�fl4-2Q13 Camplian�e Systems,Inc.8EB3-CA89-2413L2.�.E1.71� <br /> Cor�sumer Real Estate-Security Inst�ment I7L203fi Pa�e 4 of 5 www.complian� <br />