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��14���3� <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or its agen�may make�reasanab�e entries u�an and �nspe���ons t�f�he Property. Lender sha�� <br /> gi�e Borrower na�ice at�he��me af or prxor t�an inspecti�n spec�fyi��g reas�nab�e cause for the inspection. <br /> �ondemna��on. The pr�ceeds of.any award or claim.far damages, direc�ar consequent�a�, in connec��op wi�h any <br /> condemnat�an or v�her takang of any par� of�he Proper�y, o�r for �onveyance �n lxeu af condemnat�on, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be pa�d ta Lender. <br /> �n fhe even� of a�o�a� �akxng of the Pr�perty, the �roceeds shal� be applied to �h� sums se�ured by �h�s Securi�y <br /> Instrument, whe�her �r na� then due, w��h any excess paid to.$�rrower. �n �he e�ent �f a par�iai tak�ng of�he <br /> Praper�y in which �he fa�r market va�ue of t�e Pro�er�y immedia�ely before �he �akir�g �s equal �o �r grea�er fihan <br /> the a�nflun� of the sums secured by �his Security Iz�s�rumen� �mm�d�ately before the taking, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender o�herw��e agree�n v�rri�ing,the sums secured by�his Securi�y�ns�rumen�shalI b�redu�ed by the amaun�af <br /> �he proceeds multip�ied b�the fo���v��ng fraction: �a��he�atal amaunt of�he sums s�cured�mmedia�eXy before�he <br /> taking, di�ided by �b3 �he fa�r marke� value of the Proper� immedia�ely before th� �ak�ng. Any balance shail be <br /> pa�d to Borr��ver. �n �he e�ent af a par�ial �ak�ng of�he Praperty �n which the fair marke� value of the Pr�per�y <br /> �mmedxate�y bef�re �he tak�ng �s less �han �he amounC of�he sums secured �mmedia�ely befare �he �ak�ng, unless <br /> Borro�ver and L�nder ather�xse agree �n v�ri�ing ar unless App��cab�e La�o�herwise prov�des, th� praceeds sha�l <br /> be app��ed to the sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�ru�nent whe�her�r�o��he sums are�hen due. <br /> i��he Prope�-�y is abandaned by B�rro�ver, or �f, after na�ice by Lender�o Borrawer�hat the conde�nnor offers�o <br /> ma�e an avsrard or se�tle a�laim far damag�s, Barrower faiis �a respond�o Len�er wi�h�n�he minimum number�f <br /> days establ�shed by App��cable Law after�he date�he z�otice is g��en,Lender is au�hflr�zed to cal�ec�and app�y the <br /> proceeds, a� ��s op��on, ei�her �o rest�ra��on flr repair of�he Praper�y �r �o the sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen�;whe�her or nat�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrawer o�laerw�se agree in wri�ing, any app��catian of proceeds�o prin�ipal sha11 no�ex�end <br /> or pastpon�the due da�e�f the payments due under the�antrac��r chang�the am�unt af such payments. <br /> Bflrrower N�t Re�eased; Forbearance �y Lender Nat a �Va��er. E���'I7S1��7 of the t�me for paym�nt or <br /> mod�f ca�ion af amor�izat�on of the sums secured by �his Securxty �ns�rument gran�ed by Lender�o Barra�ver or <br /> any su�cessor �n �n�eres� of Borrower sha�� not �p�rate �a re�ease the �iability of the arxginal Sorrower or <br /> Borrower's suc�essors �n �n�eres�. Lender sha�l na�be requ�red to cornmence pro�eedings against any successor in <br /> in�er�st�r refuse��extend�ime for payment flr��herwise mod�fy amortiza�ian of th�sums se�ured by this Secur�t� <br /> �nstrumen� by reas�n af any demand made by �he or�ginal Sorr�wer ar BQrro�ver's suc�essors in interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exerc�sing any r�gh� ar remedy shal�no�be a wai�ver af ar preclude the exercise of any <br /> righ��r remedy. <br /> Suc�es�ors and Ass�gns Bound; Joint and Se�eral Liab�l��y; A�commodation Signers. The c��enan�s and <br /> agreements �f�h�s Securxty Instrumen� sha�1 ��nd and benefit�he success�rs and ass�gns of Lender and S�rrower, <br /> subjec� t� �he pro�isions of sec��on t���ed Transf�r of �he Pr�per�y vr a Benef�cial �nteres� �n �3orrower. <br /> Borrower's c��en�.n�s and agreemen�s shal� be jo�n�and severa�. Any person who co-signs�his Se�ur�ty�nstrument <br /> bu� has no persana� ��a�ili�y under t��e Can�ract t"A�commodat��n S�gner"}: �a} is c�-s�gning this Security <br /> �ns�rumen� an�y �o mor�gage, grant and convey tha� Ac�am���oda�ion S�gner's interes� �n �he Pr�perty under the <br /> �erms af the S�curity Ins�rum.en�; �b� is no� personal�y obl�ga�ed �a pay tl�e sums secured �y this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument; and�c} agrees that Lender and any�ther Barr�wer may agree�o extend, �n�d�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accammoda��ons w��h regard t�the terms af this Security�ns�rument or�he�ontrac��v����out that A�commoda��nn <br /> S�gner's c�nsen�. <br /> Lnan �harges. �f tl�e lflan secured by this Securi�y �ns�rument is subjec� to a �aw �hich se�s max�mum lflan <br /> charges, an�.�hat Iavv is f�nally in�erprete�.s��ha�th� �nteres��r flther loan charges �oi�ect�d or to be co�iected �n <br /> connec��on ���h t��e loan exceed the perm�t�ed l�m�ts; then: (a} an� su�h ��an Gharge shal� be reduced by the <br /> amaun�necessary�o reduce�he charge�a �he pen�i��ed �imits and �b� any sums alread� col�ected firom Borrower <br /> which exceeded permi�ted I�mits will be refunded to Borro�er. Lender may Ghoose ta make thxs refund by <br /> reducing�he pri��c�pa� awed under the �ontrac� or by making a dir�c�payment to Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,�he reduct��n v��ll be trea�ed as a par��al prepayment under the��ntrac�. <br /> Na�ices. Any no�ice �o Borrawer pr��id�d f�r xn �his Securi�y �nstrumen� s�all �e gi�en by deX��er�ng �� or by <br /> mail�ng i�by firs��lass ma�l unl�ss App�i�able Lav�requ�r�s use af another me�h�d. The no�i�e sha�l be directed t� <br /> the Praperty Address or any o�her address B�rrower des�gnates by not�ce �o Lender. Sflrrower agrees to pra�ide <br /> Lender�vith Borrvwer's mns� curren�mailing address, as �t ma� �hange from �ime-�t�-time. Any n�t�ce �a Lender <br /> sha�l be gi�ep by frst class mail��Lender's address stated herein ar a��y o�her address Lepder des�gna�es by n��i�e <br /> ta Borr�vver. Any no��ce pravided far in this S�cur��y Ins�rumen�s��all be deemed�o have been g��en �a Borra�er <br /> �r Lender when given as pr�v�ded in th�s paragraph. <br /> �v�erning Law; Se�erabili�y.Th�s S�euri�y�x�s�rument sha�l be governed by federal lavv and�he laws of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� �hat any pro�is��n or ��ause of th�s Secur��y �ns�rumen� �r the ��n�ract conflic�s vvi�h <br /> Applicable Lav�, such confli�t shall not affect o�her prov�sions af�his Secur��y Ins�rument ar�he Contrac� which <br /> ca�a be g��en effec�withau��he�anf�icting pro�ision. T�th.�s end th�provis�ons of�h�s Se�uri�y�nstrument and�he <br /> Con�ract are dec�are�to be se�erable. <br /> Barrawer's Copy.Bor�ra�er shal�be g��en�ne copy of�his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Praperty flr a Senef�c�a� xnter�s�in Barrvwer. If alI or any part af�he Propert�or any interes� <br /> in x� �s so�d �r transferred �or i.f a benef�ia� in�erest in Barro�ver is sold or transferred and B�rr�v�er �s no� a <br /> natural person� withou� Lender's priar v�rr�t�e� cansent, Lerader may, at �ts op��on, requ�re immed�ate paymen� in <br /> Q 2404-20t3 C�rnpl':ance Systems,�r��.8EB3-CA89-Z�I3LZ.d.E1.712 <br /> Cor�sumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrumen#DL243G Pa�e 3 af 5 . .►�pliar�cesyster� <br />
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