, ��14�1954
<br /> �1 WBCD L�AN � 5�4�g795a
<br /> r�r grvun�rent�on�h�Pro�erty,if an�,and�amrmunit�Associafi�n Dues, Fees,and Assessm�nts, if
<br /> an}�,Tv the ext�nt tha�the�e items are E�crvv�►�Items,Bvrrarr�e�shal�pay th�m�n the mann�r pr�vided
<br /> �n S�ction 3.
<br /> B�rrower shal[pramptly di�charg�any�i�n v�rh��h has pric�rit�a�er�his S�curit�Ins�rum�nt un��s�
<br /> �orrvv�er: �a} a�rees in wr�t�ng ta �h� paym�nt c�f�he abliga�ion se�ur�d by �he �ien �n a manner
<br /> a�cepta�l�t�Lender�bu�only s�ian�as B�rrv�er is perfiarm�n�such agreement;�b�contests the l��n
<br /> in go�faith by, ar d�fends against enfor��men�of the Nien in, legal p�vice�dings�hich �n L�nder's
<br /> �p�nian op�rate�fl pr�vent the�nf�rcement af the l��n v�hil�th�s�prvc�edings are pending, but onl�
<br /> un�l such prflc�edin�s ar� ccsncIud�d� �r �c} secur�s from th� h��der �f the I�en an a�re�m�n�
<br /> sa�isfac�ory��Lender subardinating the lien to thi�S�cur'rty fnstrument. If L�nc�er determines that any
<br /> par�of�he Prop�rty is�ubject to a iien�hich can attain priari�y over�h�s�ecu�ity Instrument,Lend�r rr�ay
<br /> grve Borra►�rQr a n�ti��id�nt�fying the Ii�n. V�#i�hin 10 days vf�he dat� an v�►hi�h th�� nQtiGe�s given,
<br /> Barrov�er shalI satisfy th�Iien or take�n�or mare vf�h�act��ns s��forth ah�ve in�h�s�ectiion 4.
<br /> Lender may requ�re Barro�nrer tv pay a vn�-��m� charge far a real �stat� tax v�rifica�ion andJar
<br /> r�par�ing senr�ce us�d by Lender in conn�ctivn vv��h this L�an.
<br /> �. Prop�rty Insurance,Bvrr�wer sha[l keep�h�imprvvemen�s now exi�ting or hereafter erected
<br /> on the Prvp�r�[n�ured agains�[�ss by fire,hazards in�luded�►i�hin the�erm"extended c��e�a��,"and
<br /> any �th�r hazards inc�uding, bu� not limited tv, ear�hquak�� and �aods, for vvhich L�nder requires
<br /> insurance.This Ensuranc�shali be ma�ntairted in�he am�unts�includ�ng d�duc�ble I�Wels}an�for the
<br /> p�ri�s tha�L�nd�r re��ir�s.'�hat L�nder requ�r�s pursuant to th�prec�d�ng s�n�ences�an change
<br /> �iuring the term of�he Laan.The insurance carri�r pr�v�c�ing the�nsuranc�shaCl b�cha�en�y Bvrr�v�r�r
<br /> su�ject tv L�nde�'s righfi to d'tsapprove Barrv►n�er's �haic�, v�h��h r��ht shall n�� be ex�rcise�
<br /> unreasona�ly.Lend�r may re�uire B�rr�v�er t�pa�r3[n connectivn�`r#h�khis Lvan,�ither:�a}a ane��ime
<br /> charge ft�r fl�v�d z�n� determinat�vn, certi�ca���n and�racking serv[ces; vr �b} a vne-tim�char��f�r
<br /> �o�d zone determinatian and c�rti�ca�ion set�rices and su�s�quent char�es�ach�ime r�mappin�s or
<br /> simi�ar chan�es���urwhich reas�nabl�might affectsuch determinatian ar certificat"ran.Bar�aw�r shail
<br /> also be r�sp�nsible fvr the paym�n��f any fe��imp�sed by ihe Federa�Em�rg�ncy�lanagern�nt Ag�n�y
<br /> in conn�tivn vvi�the re�e�►�f any flor�d��ne d�t�rminatian resuI�n�fir�m an ob���tivn by B�rrvv�►er.
<br /> �f B�rrvwer fails to maintain an�of fh�cvverag�s descr��ed a�o��, Lend�r may vbtain insurance
<br /> coverage;at Lender's�ption and Bvrrar�er's�xpense. Lender is u�der nv�b[iga�ion��purchas�any
<br /> parti�ular typ��r amount of ca�erage.Th�ref�r��such�o��rag�shaIl cover Lender,but might�r m��ht
<br /> not prot���Barrawe�,Barrorn�er's equity in th�Prvperty,ar the canten�s of the Praperty,against any risk�
<br /> ha�ard v�IiabilitSi and might prvvide grea�er vr�esser c�vsrage than�►as previ�usly in eifec�t.B�rrv�er
<br /> ackn�v�r[�dg�s tha�th�c�st af#hQ insurance c�v�rage so���arn��might s�gnifican�ly�xceed the cvst
<br /> of insurance that Bvrrflvfrer could ha�e vbtained.Any amvunts d�sburs��by L�n��r under th���ec�vn
<br /> 5 shall becvm�addr�ivnal debt of B�rr�w�r s�curekd�y this Security lns�rum�nt.Th�se amvunts sha11
<br /> bear in�eres�a�the Nate rate from the dat�af di�bursem�nt�nd shall k�e payabl�,�nrith such interest3
<br /> up�n n�tice from L�nder�o Borrov�►er reques�ng payment.
<br /> Ali�nsurance pa�icies re�u�red by�Lender and�ene�rva[s of such polrci�s sha�i be subject tg L�n�er's
<br /> r�ght��disapprvue su�h�oli�ies,shaii�nc�ud�a standa��mvr�gage claus�,and sha[1 name Lend�r as
<br /> mor�gag�� and�vr as an add��ionaN las� payee. Lender sha�l have the r�gh�t� ho�d �he �oli�ie� and
<br /> r�ne�ral c�r�i�cates. If Lender r�uir��, Barro�►er sha�l pr�mpt�� give to Lend�r all r�ceip�s vf paid
<br /> p�emiums and r�n�wal nvtic�s. [f Borrvvver ak��ains any fvrm �f insu�ance c���rag�, not other►�is�
<br /> requir�c�b�Lende�,far damage t�,�r destruction�f,th�Pr�perty,such p�I�cy shal�includ�a s�andard
<br /> m�rtgage clause and shaIl name Len�er as mortgagee and�or as an addi�ionaN 1�$s paye�.
<br /> ln the even�of Ioss, Bvrrar�►�r shal[giv�prompt n�tice�t�the�nsurance car�er and L�nd�r. L�n��r
<br /> may make proof of lass if nat mad�pramp�ly�}��3orrawer.Un�ess Lenr�er and B�rr��►er vtherw�s�a�ree
<br /> in�nrri�ng,any insuran�e proceetis,�h�ther or nv�th�unc��r�yin��nsurance�►as re�uired�y Lender,
<br /> sha�l b�ap��ied tc�rest�rat��n vr repairofthe Pr�perty;ifthe r�storatian vr repair�s act�nomicaliyfeasible
<br /> an�Lender's�e�urity is nafi lessened.During such repair and restvra�ion peri�d,L�nder shall hav�the
<br /> right�a hvld such�nsuranc�proceeds until Lender ha�had an opp�rtuni��v En�p�c�such Praper�ty t�
<br /> en�ure the►n�ork has�e�n camp[�t�d to Lenr�er's sat�sfaction, pra�rided that�u�h insp�c�ian shalI be
<br /> und�rtak�n pram�t�y.Lend�r may disburs�pro��eds f�r�h�repa�rs and rest�rat�c�n in a s�ngl�paymen�
<br /> or�n a ser�es of�arogress paym�nts as th�►�rurk is comp�e�ed. Un�ess an agr�ement is made�n vti►��ing
<br /> arApplica�Ie Law��qu�res interestta��paid an such�nsuranc�proceed�;Lender shall nat be�required
<br /> to pay Borr�wer any intere�t ar earn�ngs on such prace�eds. Fees f��public ad�uster�s, or�th�r�hird
<br /> parties, r�tain�d b�r Bvrrawer�hall no��e paid r�ut of the insurance pr�ceeds and shali �e#he sole
<br /> ��ligation of Bvrr�wer.[fthe resto�atian or repair is no��c�nom�callyfeasi��e o�L�nder's s�curitywvuld
<br /> be I�ss�ned,�he insurance proc�eds sha�[he applied to�th�sums s�cured b�this S�curit�Instrument,
<br /> v�he�her or nat then due3�th the excessx if any, paid t��rro�er.�uch insuran�e pr�ceeds shal!be
<br /> appli�d En the arder pravided f�r in �ec�ion 2,
<br /> lf Bgrrawer abandvns�he Prv�et�ty, Lender may fii�, negntiate and settle any aua`r�abNe insurance
<br /> c�aim and relat�d matters.lf Bvrr��r�r does nat respond w�thin 3fl da�rs tv a notice iram Lend�r�hat the
<br /> �nsurance carrier has�ifered to settle a�laim,th�n Lender may negat�at�and se�tle�h�cla`rm.The 3D-
<br /> �ay perivd�l[b�gin►�rhen the n�t�ce is giv�n. In ei�h�r event,or if L�nder acqui��s the Pro�erk�un�er
<br /> Initials:
<br /> 1VEBRASKA-�-Single Family—Fann[v�Ia��lFrgdd�e Iltlac UN1F�R1�1 INSTRUMENT Farm 3028�I�Y!
<br /> Clnlin�Docurn�nts,lnc. R�t�� 5 of 11 fVEEDE D 12�2
<br /> v�--o�-zoi� i�:��
<br />