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� <br /> , ��14�1954 <br /> vi ws� L�� � �a�os��5o <br /> 2. ►�4ppi�c��don af Payments ar Praceeds. Exc�pt as ather�rv�se describ�d �n this Sect��n 2� al� <br /> payments accepted an�!app�ied b�Lender shal!b�app[ied in the fo�lvv�ving v�der of p��arit�:�a}in��rest <br /> due under the N�te;�b��r�ncipa!du�underthe No�e;�c}amvunts due und�r Sec�on 3.Such payrrients <br /> sha11 kr�app�i�d fiv each P�riadi�Paymen�in�h�arder in wh�ch�t��cam�due,Any r�ma�ning amc�un�s <br /> shall�e appli��fir��tv lat�charges3 s�conr�tv any other am�un�,s due under th�s S�curity ins�rum�nt, <br /> and then ta redu��the princ�pal balance�f the Not�. <br /> If Lender re��ives a payment fr�m Borrv�nrer far a delinquent Per�vdi�Payment v�h�ch inciudes a <br /> sufficien�amaun��a pay any late charge.du��the pa�ment may be applied ta the del�nquent payment, <br /> and th�la���harge.�f more#han❑ne Pe��od�c P�ym�nt�s�utstand�ng, Lender may app��an�paym�nt <br /> rece��ed fr�m Borr��rer t�the r�paym�n�c�f the P�riadic Pa�men�s �f� and tc�the extent tha�� �ach <br /> payment can be�aaid in fu�i,Tv�he exkent that any excess�x[s�s af�er�he paym�n�is a�apl�ed#a tne fulI <br /> paym�nt�f vne vr m�r�Peri�i�Payments,such�xce�s rna�be applie�t�any lat��harges due.Vvluntar�r <br /> pr�payments shal��e a�pli�d first to any pr�paym�nt charges and fhen as descri�ed in the N�te. <br /> An�a�ap�ication of payments3 insurance pro�ceeds,or�Illisce�ianevus Proceec�s#a�rincipal due under <br /> th�Na�e shal�n��ex��nd�r pvs�pone the due dat��or change the amvunt,of�h�P�ri�dic Pa�m�nts� <br /> 3: Funds for Escraw��tems.B�r�awer sha�l pa��o Lender on fihe da�Perfad�c Payments are due <br /> und�r the Nat�,unti�fhe N�fi�is pa�d in fu�l,a sum�th�"Funds"}ta pr�v�d�fflr pa�ment�f amounts due <br /> f�r: �a}�axes and assessments and vth�r i��ms�vhich can at�ain pri�rity v��r this Securi�y Instrum�nf <br /> as a lien ar�ncumbrance on the Prr�perty; �b}leas�h�ld paymen�s or graund r�nt�an th�Propert�, if <br /> an�; �c} premiums f�r any anc� all insu�anc��equired �y L�nd�r und�r�ectinn 5s and �d} Mlvrtgage <br /> Insuranc� prerr�iums, if an�r, ar any sums pa�abl� by Borr�wrer to Lender �n lieu flf th� paymen� of <br /> Mortga��lnsurance prem�ums in accQrdance�rith the prav�sions of Secti�n'I�.These items are cai�ed <br /> �`Escro� �t�ms.'�At Qrig�nati�n ar at any tirr�� dur�ng th��erm of the Loan, Lender ma� requ�re �ha� <br /> Communi��4ssvciation Dues, Fe�ss and A�sessments, if any, be�scr�wed by Bvrrower, and su�h <br /> du�s,fee� and asse�smen�s �hal� be an Escr��►ltem. B�rro►�ver shail prvmpti�furnish ta Lender a�l <br /> natic��vf amounfs�o�e�aid under�h�s Sec�nn.B�r��wer�hall pa�LQnderthe Funds f�r Escrar�I�ems <br /> unless Lend�r waiwes Barr�wer'�vbligat�on�v�ay th�Funds far any ar al�Escr�v�[�tems. Lender ma� <br /> �raErr�B�rr�vver's vbl�gativn t�pay tv Lender Funds f�r an��r a�l Escravd It�ms at any tim�.Any such <br /> wa���r may�nly k�e in writ�ng.In the�vent of such�ai��r, �arrav�er shali�ay dire�t�y,when and v�her� <br /> payabie,#h�amoun�s du�for any Escro�Items farv�rhich paym�nt of Funds has�een rrr�aived by L�nd�r <br /> and, �f Lend�r r�qurr�s, shall furnish ta L�nder �eceip�s �v�d�ncing such pa�n7ent�►vithin such time <br /> perivd as Lender may re�uire. B�rr�wer`s��I�gation to make such pa�m�n�s and to provide rec�ip�s <br /> sha![f�r all purp�ses�e de�med tv��a co��nant and agre�rnent containe�in this Se�urity Ins�rumen�, <br /> as the�hrase`fcv�enan�and agreQment"is used in S�cti�n�. [f Borr�wer is�b[iga��d t�pay Escrovv <br /> I�em�dir�c��,pursuan#ta a�aiv�r,and Borrowerfails t�pa�fhe am�unt�luef�ran Escrav�►Item,L�nder <br /> may exerc�s�its r�ght� under Se��E�n 9 and pay such amaunt and B�rrower shal�th�n �e o�liga�ed <br /> under S�ct«n 9 to repay tQ L�nde�any such amount. Lend�r rria�revak�the�rai��r as to an�vr ali <br /> Escra��tem�at any fi�me b�a nofi��e gi�en in a�cardanc�rnriith Sec#ivn 15 and, upan su�h revoca#ion, <br /> �rravver shall pay to Lender a�l Funds,and`rn�uch amountsf�hat are then re�uired under th�s Sec�ion 3. <br /> Lender may,at any t�me,callect and h��d Funds in an amvunt�a}suffic�enf ta permif L�nder ta apply <br /> the Funds at the time specified under F�ESPA3 and��}nc�f tv exceed the maximum am�unt a�snder can <br /> r�quire under�ESPA.LQnder shali esfiima�ethe am�un�of Func�s due on the basi��f cur�en�data and <br /> reasona�le estimates of ex�end�tures �� �uture Escr��nr It�ms ar other�ise in accc�rdance wi�h <br /> App�icab�� La�r. <br /> The Funds shal� �e held in an �nstituti�n wrhos� dep�sits are insured �y a federal agency, <br /> �nstrumen�a�i�y�ar entit��including Lender�rf L�nder is an institution w�hase depasi�s are sv insured}or <br /> in any Fed�ral Hvme L�an Bank. Len�le�shal�apply#he Funds t�pa�the Escrvw Item�n��ater fhan <br /> the t�me speci�ed under C�ESPA.L�nd�r shal�na�charge B�rrawerfor ho�ding an�app[y�ng th�Fundss <br /> annual[�analyzing the escro►n►accoun�� �r veri�fy�in�the Es�r��Items, unNess Lender�ays Ba�ra�er <br /> in��r�st an the Funds and�pplicable Lav�perm�ts L�n��r to mak��uch a�ha�ge.UnI�s�an agreem�nt <br /> is mad� in �riting flr Applicahle Lav+�re�uir�s inte�r�s�to �e paid an �h� Funds, Lender shal� nv�be <br /> requ�r�d �v pay B�rrvv�er any interest ar earnings an the Func�s. Barrov�rer and L�en�er can agr�e in <br /> vvritin�,h��r�uers tha�in�ter�stsha�l be paid vn the Fund�.Lendersha�l g�ve ta B�rrc�v�rer3�►�thvut charge, <br /> an annuai accoun�ng of�he Fun�s as requ�red�y RESPA. <br /> Ifthere��a surplus�fFunds held in esc�vWv,as defined under RESPAs Lend�rsha�l accvun��ko�rro�nrer <br /> for 1�e exces�funds in accardance with RESPA. �f there is a shortage�f Funds held in���r�w,as def�ned <br /> under RESPA�Lender shall na�iify Banro�r�r as r�qu�red by F�ESPA3 and Bvrrav�rer sha[1 pa�tr�Len�er the <br /> amaunt necessary tv rriake up the sh�r�age�n accardanc��►ith RESPA, but�n no m�re than 1�manthly <br /> payment�. I�there is a��fic�ency�f Funds h��d in es�rv�, as d�fin�d under F�ESPA, Len�er shall nvtaiify <br /> ��rvwer as requir�al�y RESPA,and Barrower sha11 pay to Lend�r the am�un�n�cessary to make up�he <br /> defic[ency in accordance�i�h RESPA, but in na m�re than 12 monthly paymen#s. <br /> upc�n payment in fuNi�f a�l sums secured�ythis S�curiiy lnstrum�nt,L�nder shal!pr�mpt�y��fund <br /> fiv Borrvwer any Funds h�ld �y Lende�. <br /> 4� Charges� L�ens. Bvrrv�v$r shal!pay a�l�axes3 assessm�nts, charges,fines, and imp�s�tians <br /> attr�butable��the Prvpert�r Wvhich can attain pri�rity�ver�h�s Secur�y ins�ruments lea�ehv�d�ayments <br /> Initialsa <br /> NEBRASKA-�-Single Family-�Fann�e Mae�Fredd�e Illllac UNIF�3Rl�!INSTRUI�lENT Fvrm 3028�fD1 <br /> �nline Documents,lnc. P��B 4 Qf 11 NE E D �2�2 <br /> 03-Q�--2014 18:�f <br />