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��14�155� <br /> ��} ��1�E�PA" �ncan� the Real Fstare Set�:lenlen� ProceduY-es Act ��2 U,�.C. �26�I e�. seq.} and i�s <br /> imp��mcnting��e�ulation, Re�;ula�ion� �1� C.F.R. Pa��t 1��4}, as�hey m�ght be alnended fz•om time to�.ime, or any <br /> additianal �r successar ie�isla�i�n o�- regulat�an that �;ovc�•ns �he sam� subj ec�c ma�tcr. As used in �his Se�uri�y <br /> Ins��lrYner�t, "RESPA" �•efe�•s ta a1� t-equi�-einent� and �-es�t•ictia��s #:hat a�•e impo5ed in �-ega�-d to a "fede�-a�iy ��ela�ed <br /> �nort�;a�e loan"e�en if�he Lnan does nat quai�fy as a"federa��y xela#:ed mart�;a�e loan"undcr RESPA. <br />� (�} "�ucces�o�-�n ���ere��of�3or�•owe�" �neans any party�hat has taken tit�e to tl�e Pt•oper�.y,wl���he�•or not <br /> tha�party has assumed Bo�-�•ower's obliga�ions unde�•�hc Nate andlo�•this Security Ins�:ru�n��at. <br /> T1t�IV�SFER��RI�IIT�I�'I`I3E PR.�PERTY <br />� The bene�cia�y of thxs Secu�ii.y Instrumen� is MER.S �so�ely a� naminc�c for Lender and Lender's succ�ssors and <br /> assi�;ns}�nd the successnrs and assigns of MERS. This SeGurity Zns�rument secures to Lender: �i}�he repaymen�of <br /> �he Loan, and a11 �•enewals, extensions and lY]�C�1�1Cd�iC)�"1S of thc No�e; and �ii} �he perfo�•mance of Barrowe��'s <br /> covena���s and agreements unde�- �his S�curity l�ns�ru�nent and �he No�e. Foz• �his purpose, B�rr�v�rer irrz•evocab�y <br /> �ran�s and i�n�eys�o Trustee,in trus�,�vith power af sa1�,�he Fo1l�win�dcscribed p�oper�y Iocated in th�: <br /> C�UNTY af HALL <br /> [�ecarding Ju�-isdiction� [Name of R.ecording Jur�sdiction] <br /> SEE ATTACHFID�CHEDUI.,E A <br /> which�u�-�•ently has the add�•ess of�71 C�W��EN���rT <br />. �S�t-ee�� <br /> ��ND ISL.A►ND ,Nebraska �iS�D� �"Proper�y Address"}. <br /> ����'� [Z�p[:ode� <br /> TC]GETHER W�TH all the �mprov�rnen�s na�v or hereaf�ex e�-ected on the p��ope��y, and al1 easements, <br /> appurtenan�es, and fixtu�•es now o�- he�-eafter a part af�l�e p�opex-�y. A�� �•eplaceme��ts and additians shall also be <br /> cav�red�y t�iis Security�ns��-um�n�. All af the f.ore�,oin�;is ref�r�-ed�o in thi�Sccuri#:y�nstrum�nt as the"Praperty." <br /> Barrov�e�• understands and agrees tihat MERS holds on�y l�gal titie to the in�e�-es�s g�-anted by Borrawer in this <br /> Secu�•i�y �n��ru�nent, but, if n�cessa�y to comp�y with Iaw ot- custo�n, MERS {as nominee fflr Lendcr and Lende�-'s <br /> su�cessox-s and ass�gns}has the r�ght: �o exercise any or all uf�hc��e�nte�-�sts,�n�luding,but na�limi�ed to,�he�-ight <br /> �o foreclose and se�l t���Praper�y; and�o take any act�on�-�quired of Lend�r includ�n�,but not l�mited ta,�-�leasing <br /> and cancel�ng th�s Securit��ns��-umen�. <br /> B�RR�V�IER C�VEN.�NTS tha�:Borrower is lawfully se�zed of the cstatie hereby conv�yed and has �.he <br /> ri�;�t to �;ran�and canvey�he P�-opert-�y and tha�thc Px-ope��ty is un�ncu�r�be�-ed, cxcep�fo�-encumb��anccs af�•ecord. <br /> Borrovver wax�ai�.ts a��d�vill defend�;enera��y�IZe�it�e to t��e Froper�y a�ainst a11�lai�x�s and d�mands,subje��to any <br /> encumbrances❑f�•ecord. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�TY INSTRt1MEN� combines uniforn� �o�enan�s for na�ional use and non�-unifarm <br /> c�venanl;s wit��I�mi�ed variatians by jurisdiction�c�co��stitu�ce a unifot�m security in��ruz�r�ent�overin�rea�prnper�r. <br /> UNIFQRM C�V�NAIrI"TS, Borraurer and Lender cc�venant and a�rec as follovirs: <br /> 1. Payment vf Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepaymen� Chargc�s, and La�e �har�ese <br /> Bo��row���shall pay�l��t� due t���p�rincipal of, and intcrest on, �hc� debt e�r�denc�d b� t��e Nate and any prepaymen� <br /> cha�•ge�and la�e charges due unde�•�he Note. �3ar�•o�rve��shaii als�pay funds for�sc�-nw��ems pu�-sua�at�o Sec�io��3. <br /> Paymen�s due unde���h�Na�e and�his Secu�•ity�nst�-umen�sha�l b����ade i�U.S. cur�-ency. Hov►rever,�f amy che�k o�- <br /> oth��• ���strun�e��t re�eived by Lende�- as payment u��de� the Note or �his Security ��as���.zme��t is re�ur�led �o Lender <br /> unpaid,Lender�nay��quire tha�any o�•a�l subsequent paymen�s due under the Note and this S��u�ity instru�nent be <br /> made in one ��-more c�f the follow�n� forms, as se�ect�d by Lender: �a}ca�h; �b)�non�y ordEr; �c}c�r�i�ied check, <br /> � Nehr•aska D�ed of7�•ust Sin�l�Family—Fannic MaelFreddie Mac iTnifor•m Inst�•ument Fo�•m 3028�1�1 <br /> 1�IERS Modified <br /> The�ornp�iance Source,�nc. Page 3 of�.4 Modif�ed by Compliance Source 143�I�E 081ti0 Rev.�4113 <br /> www.compliancesource.cnm �Z�UD-2U13,T��e C€�nip�iance Source,Inc. <br /> � + ❑ � � s � a � � r� � �- a o � o � � -� -� � � <br />