<br /> In���u�nen�o MER� is ar�ani�ed and c�is�in� unde� �he lavi�s of` Deiaware, and l�as an address and telepl�one
<br /> number�f P.O.B�x�D?f�,Flint,M� 455�1�-���f�,�ei.t8$S}�79-M�RS.
<br /> ��} "No�eg' zneans the pro�nisso�-y Y�o�e sign�d by Borz•owez•and dat�d]l�arch 26, 2pI4. The Note stat�s �hat
<br /> Bnrrower ow�s Lend�r Six�' T�va 'T`�au�and �ne �3und�•ed and ��IlODth� Doila�-s (U.S. $62g1U�.OD} plus
<br /> knt�rest. Borra�ver has promised �o pay this debt in�egular Periodic Payments and �o pay the d�bt�n fu�I no��ate�
<br /> than A�ri11,2U34.
<br />� ��) ��I'�ope��yg' means the p�-operty �hati i� described below unde� the h�ading "T�•an�fer of Rights in the
<br /> Propert�."
<br /> �I-�.� "Loan"means i:he debt evidenced by�:h�Notc,p�us in�:erest, any pr�pa�ment c�lar�es and Iate chargcs due
<br /> under�he Note,and a11 sums due under this Secu�-ity�nst�-umen�,plus�n�eres�.
<br /> (I} "Rid�rs" �neans all Riderrs t� this Secut�ity Instx-umen� tha� are execut�d by Borrawe�-. The follaWing
<br /> R�ders are�a be exe�uted by Boxrt�wer�chc�k box as applicable�: �
<br /> ❑ Ad�ustable Rate Riderr ❑ Condomin�u�n Rider ❑ Second Hflme Rider
<br /> ❑ Balloon Rider ❑ Planned�Jnit Deve�opmen�Ride�• ❑ Bi�vee�ly Paymel7t Rxder
<br /> ❑ 1�4 Family R�der ❑ Re�ocable Trust Ride��
<br /> ❑ Dth�r�s}[spec�fy�
<br /> �J} � "App��cable Law"mcans aIl�ontro�lin�;app�icable federal,stat�and local statutes,regu�a�ions,ordinances
<br /> and admin�st�•ative ru�es an�. o�'ders ��hat have �he effe�t of la�r} as Wel� as all app�icable final, nQn--appea�abie
<br /> �udic��l op�ni�ns.
<br /> �I�} "Cammuni� Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" mea�s all dues, fees, assessm.en�s and. o�h�r
<br /> charges that are imposed an Bo��-owet- or the P�-operty by a condomin�um assacia�ion, homeowners associa�ifln or
<br /> sim�la�-or�aniza�ion.
<br /> (L� "��ectr�n�c Funds Transfer" means any �ra��sfer of funds, tither�han a transaction ori�inated by �heck,
<br /> draft,or s�milar paper instrument,which is initiated through an�lectz o���c termina l,t��ep har�ic ins trumen�,comp u�e�r,
<br /> or magnet�c tapc so as�o order, instruct,or au�horize a financiai ins�i�ution to debit nr credit an accaun�. Such term
<br /> �nciudes, but i� no� li�nitied to, pa�n�wof-sale t�ransf.�rs, au�.omatcd te��er rnachinc tran�action�, �ransf�rs initia�Ed by
<br /> teiephone,vvire�ansfers,and autiomated clearingh�use t�•ansfers.
<br /> �N�} s`Escrovv Items"meat�s�l�ose it�ms�hat are desc��ibed in Sec��ot�3.
<br /> (I�} �`Misce��aneous Fro�eeds" means any �ompensation, settlement, avvard af darnages, ar p�•oceeds pa�d by
<br /> any third pa�-�y(ot��er�han insurance proceeds paid under�he cnve�-ages described i� Sec�ion 5} for: ��} damage to,
<br /> ox•destruG�ian af, �he Prope��y; �ii}condemnatian ar o�h����aking af a�� or any pa�-t af the P�-operty; (iii}conveyance
<br /> in lieu of conde�nnation;or(i��lnisrepresenfations of,or��n�ssions as to,the value andlor candition of the Property.
<br /> ��]} 6`N�ort�a�e Insurance" means insurance p�fl�e�ting Le�de� against the nanpaymcn� of, or default �n, th�
<br /> L�an.
<br /> (P} �`Periodi� Pa�rnen�" means �he re�;u�arly sc�edu�ed amount due far (i} pr�n�ipai and �n�e�est under the
<br /> N�te,plus�ii}any anc�oun�s under Set;�:ian 3 of this Security Ins���utnent.
<br /> Nebraska Deed of T�•usr Singie Family—Fannie Mae1Fz•eddie Mac v��iform�nstrument Farm 3UZ8�1�1
<br /> iV�ERS Madi#ied
<br /> The Compliance SourGe,�n�. Page 2 of l4 Modified by Compliance Source 14341NE U81�D Re�.041I3
<br /> www.comptiancesource.com �20�0-2013,The Camp�iance Sour�e,�nc.
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