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��14�175� <br /> s�nte�ces shall not appl�ta the presence, us�, or st�rag�on the Praperty of small quan�it��s af Hazardous <br /> Su�s�ances that are general�y recognzz�d to be approprxate to normal res�dent�al uses and�o ma�ntenanc�of <br /> �he Property �including, bu�not�imited to, hazardaus substances ir�cansurn�r produc�s}. <br /> Borrower sha1l promp��y g�ve Lender v�ritten not�ce of�a} any in�est�gation, claim, demand, I��vsuit or oth�r <br /> ac�ion by any gov�rnmental or regulatory ag�ncy or private party invo�vir�g the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Suhs�ance or Environmental Law of whi�h Borrower has actual know�edge, �b� any Er�vironmental <br /> Conditior�, including but na���m�ted to, any spil�zng, �eal�ing, discharge, release or thr�a�of relea�e of any <br /> �Ia2ardous Substanc�, and�c} any cond�t��n caused by th�presence, use or release of a Hazardnus Substance <br /> wh�ch adversely affects the value of the Proper�y, �f B�rr�wer I�arns, or�s no��fied by an�gov�rnmental or <br /> r�gulatory authari�y, or any private party, that any removal or o�her remediation of any Hazardaus Substance <br /> affect�ng th�Prop�rty is necessar�, Borrovver shall promptl�take al�necessary remed�al actions in <br /> accordance with EnvYronm�ntal La�v. Nothing her��n sha�1 create any obligatzon on Lender far an <br /> Env�ronmental�leanup. <br /> [Vo��lJr�if��m �ouenan�s. Borrow�r and Lender covenan�and agree as follows: <br /> ��. A�c ce le�ati�r�; R�rr�e d i�s a I..�nc�er shail�ive r�otice ta�orrawer prior to acceleratian Fa��owin� <br /> Barrower's breach�f ar�y c����ant or a�r��ment xn�h�s �ecurity Instrument �but r�ot pr�or�o <br /> a�cQ�eration under 5ec��.on l�unless Appl�c�b�.e]Law pro�ides o�herwise�. The notxce shall specify: (a� <br /> �he default; (b� the act�on r�quired t�cure the default; �c} a da�e, not Iess than 3U days from the date <br /> the natice is�ivQn ta Borrower, by wh�ch the defaul�must l�e cured; and �d} that failure to cure the <br /> defau�t an or�efore the date specxfxed in�he na�ice may re�ult in acce�erat�on of�he sums�ecured by <br /> thxs��curity Ins�rum�x�t and sa1Q of�he Property. The nfl�ice�hall further inform�orrower of xhe <br /> r��hx ta reinstate after acce�era�ion and the r��ht to�arin�a court ac�fon ta ass�rt the non��xister�ce af a <br /> default or any a�her defense nf Borrawer to accelerativn and�ale. If the defau�t�s no� cured on or <br /> 1�efore the date sp�c�ffed in�he notice, I�endQr at its option rnay r�quire imm�dYa�e payment in full oF <br /> aII sums secured by�his Security Instrumen�wi�hout further demand and xnay invo��e the pavver of sa�e <br /> amd an�other remedie5 permi�tted by Applicable Idaw. I�ender shall be entit�ed�o collect aI�expenses <br /> incurr�c�in�ursu�n�the remedx�s provided in th�s�ectxon��, includin�, but not Iimited to, reasonab�e <br /> attarneys' fees and costs of�xt�e Q�idence. <br /> If�he povver of sa�e�s invoked, Truste�sha��record a notice of default in each cnunty in which any <br /> part of the 1'roperty f��oca�ed and�hal�ma��copies of such notxce in the mann�r prescribed by <br /> Applicab�e L�vv to�orrower and�o �he o�h�r per�ons pres�rx�Qd�y App��cabiQ Law. �if�er the time <br /> requ�red by A�plicable I�avv, 'Truste�shall�ive pul�lic no��ce of sale to the person�and in the manner <br /> prescr���d by Applica�le Law. Trus�ee, without d�mand on�orrower, shall sell the Property at public <br /> auc���n to the hi�hest k��dder at�he time and plac�and under the�erm� desi�nated�n the no�xc�of sa�e <br /> in ane or n�ore par�els and in any order Trustee determines. 'Trustee may pos�po��e saxe of a��or any <br /> parcel of the Property by pu�lic annauncemen�at the�ime and p�ace of a�y p�•�xy�cheduled sa�e. <br /> Lender or its des��nee may purchase the Property a�any�aie. <br /> Upon receipt�f�ayrnent af the pr�.c�bid, Trustee sha��c��ixver ta�h�purchaser Trus�ee's deed <br /> conveyin��h�1'roper�y. 'The reci�als in�he Trustee's de�d shall be pr�ma faci�evidence af the truth of <br /> the s�a�ements made ther�ine 7Crus�ee shall appXy the praceeds of the sa�e in the fo�iow�n�arder: �a} to <br /> a�l cos�s and expen�es�f exercisin��he power of sale, and th��ale, �ncludin�the paymen�of�he <br /> Trustee's Fees ac�uail�incurred and reasonab�e a�tarne��' Fees as permitted by App��cable]La�v; �b} to <br /> all sums s�cured by thi��ecurity Instrumen�; and �c} any exc�s��o the per�on or persor��le�all� <br /> ent�t�ed tu it. <br /> N�6RASKA-5ingle Family-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac LJNIFDRM INSTRIJM�NT Farm 3��8 11a1 <br /> VMF'(� VMP6=NE}4134�7 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial 5er�i�es Page�4 vf 7 7 <br />
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