<br /> ir�th�Proper��and rights under this 5e�urity Ir�strum.ent; and �d� ta��s su�h act�ar�as Ler�der may
<br /> reasonabl�require t4 assure that L�nder's interest in th�Property and rights under th�s Secur�ty�nstru.ment,
<br /> and Borrower's�bligat�on to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument, shall camtinue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Barrovver pay such reinstatem�nt sums and e�pense� in one or more of th�fol�owing
<br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a} cash; �b} mon��r ord�r; �c} cer�ified check, �ank check, treasurer's che��or
<br /> cashier`s check, provzded any such check is dra�n upori an institut�on whose depasits are insured by a
<br /> federal. agency, instrumen�al�ty or�n�it�; or (d� Electranic Funds Transfer, Upon reinstatement by Barrovver,
<br /> this Se�urity Instrumen� and obligations secured hereby sha��remain fully eff�cti�e as if no accelerat�on had
<br /> occurred. However, t�is right to reinstate sha��not apply in th�case of accel�ration under Sect�.on ].�.
<br /> ��o Sale vf lUote; �hange �f Lvan �er�ice�; No�ice af �r'r�r�an�e. The Note or a par��al�nter�st in the
<br /> No�e�together w�th th�s Secur��y �nstrumer�t� can be sold on� or more t�xnes�v�thou�pr�or no�ic�t�
<br /> Borro�rer, A sale mzght result�n a change in the entity �kt�o�n as�he "L�an Servicer"}that coll�ct� Peri�d�c
<br /> Payments due under�he Note and this Security�nstrumer�t and perf�rms o�her mortgage loan s�rvicing
<br /> ob�iga�zons under�he Note, this Se�urity Instrument, and App�xcabl�Law. There also might be one or mare
<br /> changes of the Loan Servicer unrelat�d to a sale of th�No�e. If th�re is a change of the Loan 5ervicerg
<br /> Borrotiver will be given��•itt�n no�i�e of the chaz�.ge v�hich vvi11 stat�the name and ad�ress of the nevv�Loan
<br /> Ser�icer, th�addr�ss to which payments shou�d be made and ar�y other information RESPA requ�res �n
<br /> connection with a natic�af tra.�sfer of ser�icing. If th�Note is sold ar�d thereafter the Lflan zs sez�r�ced b� a
<br /> Loari 5ervic�r other than the purchaser of�he Nate, the rr,ortgage Inan serv�c�ng ob��gat�ons to Borrower vvill �
<br /> remain with the L�an Serv�cer or be transferr�d to a successor Loan Servi�er and ar�n�� assum�d by the
<br /> Note purchaser unl.ess atherw�se provided�y th�Note purchaser,
<br /> �Tei�her Borrotiver nar Lender ma�commenc�,j oin, or be j�ined to any judi�ial a��ion�as either an
<br /> znd�v�dual l�t�gant flr the member of a c�ass}that arises from�he o�her party's actions pursuarit to this
<br /> Se�ur�ty�nstrumen�or that a�leg�s that the other party has breach.ed any provision of, �r any duty owed by
<br /> r�ason af, �his Securxty Ins�rument, unt�l su�h Borro�ver or Lend�r has notified the other part� ��r�th su�h
<br /> natice given in�ompliance v�ith the requirem.ents of S�c�zon 15� of such alleged breach and afforded the
<br /> other part�her�to a rea�onable period after the gxv�ng of su�h natice to take carrecti�e actioz�. �f App��cable
<br /> Law provides a time period vvhich must e�aps�b�fore ce�ain action ca�be taken, �hat tzme period wzll be
<br /> deem�d ta b�reasonahle fr�r purposes af�h�s paragraph. Th�notice of acce�eratzo� and oppor�uxv.t�to cure
<br /> g�ven to Borro�ver pursuant�� Sect�on 22 and t�e notice of accel�ratian g�ven to Borrower pursuant�a
<br /> 5ection 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notic�and opportunity to take correctzve act�on proviszans of this
<br /> Se�tion 2�.
<br /> �1. Hazardvus �ubs�ances, As us�d in this S��tion Z1; �a} "I�a,zardoi�s Substanc�s"are those substances
<br /> defined as�a�ic or hazardous substances, pallutants, or�vastes by Environm�ntal Lavv a.nd the follovv�ng
<br /> substances: gasoline, I�erosene, other flammabXe or toxic petrol�um produ�ts, toxic pest�cides and her�icides,
<br /> valatile sal�ents, materials containzng asbes�os or forma�dehyd�, and rad�oact�v�mat�rzai.s; �b}
<br /> "Environt��en�aZ La�v"means f�dera��aws and�aws of the jurisdictian where the Prop�rty is Ioca�ed that
<br /> re�a�e ta h�a�th, safety or env�ron�m�ntal protectian; �c} "E'nvz�onn�ertta� Cleatx�cp" inGludes any response
<br /> act�an, remed�al ac�zon, or removal action, as defined xn Env�ronm�nta�Law; and�d} an "Envirart�rtental
<br /> Canditio�z"mear�s a candition that car�caus�, contr��ute to, or oth�rwise trigger am.Enviror�me�.ta.1 G�eanup.
<br /> �arra�ver shall n�t cause�r p�rmi.�th�pr�s�nce, use, disposal, storage, or rel�ase of any Hazardous
<br /> Substan�es, or�hreaten ta release any Hazardous 5uhstances, on ar�r�th�Pro��r�y. �orroWer shall no� do,
<br /> nor all�w anyane els�ta do, anything affe�t�ng the Praperty�a}that is in violatiox�of any Environmental
<br /> La�v, �b� wh�ch�reates an En�ironmen�a��onditior�, or �c� �vhich, due to�he presenc�, use, �r r�leas�o►f a
<br /> Ha�ar�ous Substance, creates a�or�dit�on that adv�rsely affects the va�u�of the Pr�perty. The pr�c�ding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl��amily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM fNSTRUMENT Fnrm 3�2��101
<br /> VMP� VMP6{N�y{1302}
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financiaf Servi�es F'age 13 of�7
<br />