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��14�1��5 <br /> sentences shal�na� appl�to the presence, us�, or storage on the Propert�af small quantit�es of Hazardaus <br /> 5ubstances that are generally rec�gnized�o be appropriate to normal residential uses and�o mazntenance of <br /> the Praperty ��ncludrng, but not Iimited to, hazardous subs�ances zn consumer products}. <br /> Borrow�r shall prnmptly give Lender written notice of�a} an�inv�stigation, c�aim, demand, Ia�vsuit or other <br /> ac�ion by any governm�n�al or reguiatory agency or private party invo�vzng th�Property and any Hazardflus <br /> Substan�e or Environm�r�ta1 Law�f v�hxch Borrov�er has actual knawledge, �b� any Environmenta� <br /> Conditi�n, including but not�imi.�ed t�, any spilling, Ieakzng, discharge, reiease or threa�af rel�ase�f any <br /> Hazard�us 5u�stanc�, and �c} an�condition caused�y�he pres�nce, use or re�eas�of a Hazardous Substance <br /> ��i�ch adv�rse�y affect�the value of�he Praperty. If Borrower Iear�s, ar is notifi�d by any governxn�ntal or <br /> regulatory authority, �r any pr�vate party, that any removal or o�h�r remediat�on of any Hazardnus Substance <br /> affecting the Property is necessary, Borrawer sha1�promptl�take all necessary remedral actrans in <br /> accordanc��with Environmental Lau�, Nothing her�in shall creat�any obligation on Lender for an <br /> Environmental Cleanup. <br /> [V�r�-LJr�ifvrrn �o�enan�s. Borrower and L�nder�ovenant and agree as fo��oWs: <br /> ��, �4�cel��rat�on; Rem�d�es, IJender shail�fve notice to�orx•ower prior to acc�Iera���n fol�aw�n� <br /> Bor�°Q�vver'S breach of any covenant or a�reement�n thYs Secur�xy Ins�rument ��ut not pr�or to <br /> acce�eration under Sect�vn 1$unless Applicab�e Law pruvides otherwise). The notice shall specify: �a} <br /> �he deFaui.t; �b� the ac��on required to cure the defaui�; �c} a date, not xess than 3� days fram�h�date <br /> the notxce i��iven�a Barrow�r, by wh�ch thQ default must be cured; and �d� that failure�a cuxe the <br /> d�fau�t on or before the date specxfxed in�he notice xnay r�suxt xn acceleration af the�ums se�ur�d by <br /> this S�curity Instruxn.�nt and sa�e af�he Praperty. Th�notice shall further�nform Borrow�r of the <br /> ri�ht�o rein�tate after acce�era�ion and the ri�ht to brin�a cour�action to asser�th�nnn�e�istence of a <br /> default or any o�her defense of Borrawer to accQxera�ion and sale. If�h�dQfaui�is na�cured on or <br /> before th�date specified in the natice, Lender at i��aption may requYre�mmediate pa�ment in fui�of <br /> a��sums secured by this �ecurity Ins�rum�nt withou�further demand and may in�oke the po�ver of sa�e <br /> and any o�her remedies perm��ted by Applicable Layv. Lend�r shall be en�itled to col�ect a��expensQs <br /> xncurred in pursuin�the remedfes pra�ided in this 5e�txon Z�, includ�n�, but not limx�ed�o, reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees and costs af����e evidence, <br /> If the pnwer af sax��s xnvokeds Trustee shal�record a na�ice of d�fau].t in Qach coun�y in which any <br /> part af th�Property�s loca�ed and shal�maY�copies of such not�ce in the manner pres�ri�ed�y <br /> App��cab�e Law tio�orravver and ta �he other pers�ns prescri.�ed by App�icable Law. After the t�me <br /> requxred by Applicable Ifaw, Trustee shall�ive public no��ce af sale�o the per�ons and�n the manner <br /> prescr�bed by Applicable Law. Trus�ee, wi�hout dernanc�ox�Barrower, sha�I sel�.the�raperty�t pub�Yc <br /> auction tv the hi�hest b�dder a� �he time and p�ace and und�r the term� de���nated Yn the r�o�ice of sa�e <br /> in one or more parce�s and�n any order Trustee de�ermines. 'Trustee niay postpone sa�e of a�� or any <br /> parce�of the Property by public annau�icemen�at tihe time and p�ace of any previously�cheduled�ale. <br /> Lender or��s des��nee may purchase the�roperxy at an�sa�e. <br /> Upon rec��pt of paymen�af th��r��e bi�d, T�ustee sha�� deXiver to�he purchaser Trustee's d.eed <br /> conv�yin�the Prapert�. The rec��al�in�he Trustee's deed shal�be prima fac�e�vid�nce of the tru�h of <br /> the s�atemen�s made there��. Trus�ee shall apply the prnceeds of the sale�n th�foX�owin�order: �a} �o <br /> alI cost�and�xpens�s of�xercisin��he pow�r of sa�e, and the sale, �nc�udrn�the payment of�he <br /> Trustee's fees actuaX�y incurr•ed amd reasonable a��arneys' fQes as perm�tted �y Apg�i�able Ifaw; �b} to <br /> aI��ums secur�d�y this �ecur�ty In�trurnen�; and �c� any��cess to�he persor�or persans�e�a�l.y <br /> enti��ed to i�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singf�Fami�y-�anni�MaelFreddie Mac UNfFC]RM[NSTRLJM�NT Form 3UZ8 11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMP�{NE}�13Q2) <br /> Walters Kluw�r�inancial Ser�ices ' Pag�14 af 17 <br />
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