<br /> in the Propert� and rights under this Secur�t�Ins�rument; and �d} ta�es such action as L�nder may
<br /> reasonab�y requir�to assure that Lender's int�r�st in the Property and rights under thzs Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borro�ver's ob�rgat�on to pay the sums s�cured by this Security�nstrument, shal�con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may r�quire that Borrawer pay such reinstatem�nt sums ar�d expenses zn one ar mor��f the fallow�ng
<br /> farms, as sel�cted by Lender: �a} cash; �b}moriey order; �c}cer�ified check, bank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, prov�ded any such check is drawn up�n an�xzstztu�ion whase d�pos�ts are insured b�r a
<br /> f�deral ager�cy, instrumentality or ent�ty; or�d� E�ec�roxuc Funds Transfer. Upan reinstat�rnent by Borro�er,
<br /> this Security�ns�rum�nt and obligatzons secur�d h�reby shall remain fully effective as if no ac�e�eration ha�
<br /> occurred. Ho�v�ver, this right to r�ins�ate shall not apply in the�ase of aGcelera�zon under Section 18.
<br /> ��. �ale of No�e: �hange af Loan Ser�icer; [Votice of ��ierran�e. The Note or a partia��nt�r�st ir�the
<br /> No����age�her v�ith this Securzty Instrumer�t} can be sold one ar more��mes vv�th�ut prror notice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale migh�r�sult in a change in the entity�knotivn as the "�.ocrn Servicer"}that coll�cts Per�odic
<br /> Paym�nts due under�he Not�and this Securit��nstrumen� and perfarms other m�rt�age loari serviczng
<br /> obligations under�he Not�, this Security�ns�rument, and App�xcab�e La�v. Ther�also might be ane or more
<br /> changes of the Loan Servic�r ur�rela�ted to a sal�of the Note. If�here is a change of the Loan Serv�cer,
<br /> Borrower vv���be gzven written r�ot�ce of�he change which�vill state�he r�ame a�.d address of the nevv Loan
<br /> S�rvicer, th�address ta�vhich paymen�s should be made and any other informa�zon RESPA requires in
<br /> connec��on with a notic�of transfer of servicing. �f���Note is s�1d and th�reaf�er the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer ather than the purchaser flf the Not�, the mortgage loan servzc�ng�bl�gations ��Borrower will
<br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servzcer and are not assumed hy the
<br /> No�e purchaser uriless atherw�s�pro�i�.�d by�h�Note purchaser.
<br /> Neither Barra�er nor Lender may commence,�o�n, or be jained to.any judicial action �as either an
<br /> individual litigant or�he xnember af a class�that ar�ses from the other par�y's actions pursuant t�th�s
<br /> Securi�y�nstrument or that all��es that�h�a�her party has breach�d any provisian of, �r any duty�wed by
<br /> r�asan of, this Secur�t�Instrument, untz�such B�rr��ver�r Lend�r has notified the other party �w���such
<br /> ri�tice giv�n�n c�mpliance with�he requirements of Secti�n 1 S} of such alleged brea�h and afforded the
<br /> other part�r heret� a reasonable perzod after the giv�ng of such notice to take carrec��ve actzon. If Applicabl�
<br /> Law pr�v�des a time period which must elaps�before cer�ain action can be taken, �hat t�me period will be
<br /> deemed�o be reas�na�le for purposes of this para�raph. The natice�f accelera��on and apportunity to cure
<br /> g�ven�o B�rrawer pursuar�t to S�ction�2 and the notice af accelerat�on gzv�n t�Borrotiv�r pursuant ta
<br /> Section 18 shall be deemed�o satisfy th�notice and opportuni�y�o take corrective a�tion provisions af this
<br /> S�ctian 2D.
<br /> �7. Hazardous �ubstan�es. As used in th�s 5e�t�on 21.: �a� "HC��C�YdQI�S St{�7StCl�2GQS�� ar�t�1�5�Su�75�anC�5
<br /> d�fined as �oxic or hazard�us substa�a.ces, pollutants, or�vastes by Eri�ironmental Law and�he following
<br /> substances: gas�line, I�erosene, oth�r f�ammahle or to�ic petroleum products, toxi�pesti�ides and her�icides,
<br /> vo�at��e solv�nts, materials c�ntaining asbestos or f�rmaidehyde, and rad�oact�ve materials; �b}
<br /> "E�zvirorr��2ent��l La�v"means federal Iaws and Ia�rs of the�ur�sd�ct�on�where�he Pr�perty is located that
<br /> relat�to health, safety or�n�ironmental pratect�on; �c� "�r�viron���ental �`�ec�ntip" inc�udes any r�sp�ns�
<br /> a�tian, remed�al ac��on, ar rem��al ac�inn, as defined�n Environmental Law; and �d� an ".E�tvirn�x�r2ent��l
<br /> �'ondi�inn"means a condit��n that can caus�, contribute to, or oth�rv�ise trigger an Env�ronmental Clea.�up,
<br /> Borrow�r shall riot cause or permit th�presence, use, dzsposal, storag�, or release of ariy Hazardous
<br /> Substan�es, or threa��n to r�lease any Hazardaus Substances, on ar in the Prapert�. Borrovrver sha�l not do,
<br /> nor allow an�one �lse to do, anything affecting the Proper�y�a}that is in�ia�at�on af an�Environmental
<br /> Law, �b� vvhich creates an Env�ronm�ntal Conditi�n, or�c�vrvhich, due to�he pr�senc�, use, �r release of a
<br /> Hazardaus 5ubstan�e, �reates a condition that adversely affects th��a�ue af�he Property. The pr�ced�ng tv�o
<br /> N�BRASICA-Si�gl��amily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIFQRM fNSTRUM�NT Farm 3428 11D�
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NE}{1302j
<br /> Wplters Kfuw�r Financial 5er�ices Page�3 vf�7
<br />