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��14�147� <br /> �EE1� �F TRU�T <br /> Laan No: 1���74'I 39 ����1t[�1ul�d� �age 3 <br /> Lender`s Right�v Ent�r, Lender and Lender`s agents and represen�ati��s may enter upan th� Rea� Property at aIl <br /> reasvnabEe times to attend to Lender's interests and ta inspect the R�a� Praperty for purposes of Trus-�or's <br /> compliance with the te�-rns and canditions�f this De�d �f Trust. <br /> Comp[iance wi�h Go►rernmental Requiremen�s, Trus�ar shall promptly camply with al! {aws, ord�nanGes, and <br /> regulations, n�w or hereatter in effect, of a�l go�ernmental authoriti�s appli�able t� the us� vr accupancy o�f the <br /> Property, including without limitation, the Americans With �isabilities A�t. Trustor may contest in gaod �aith any <br /> such 1av+�, ordinance. or regulation and wi�thh�ld cflmpliance during any praceeding, includin� appropriat� appeals, <br /> so long as Trustar has notified Lender in writing priar to da�ng so and sa lang as. in Lender's svle apinivn� Lender's <br /> interests in �h� Property are nat je�pardized. Lender may require Trus�or to past adequate security or a surety <br /> bvnd, reas�nab�y satisfactary to Lender, to pratect Lender's interest. <br /> Du#y �n F'roteGt. Trustor a�rees nei�ther to abandon ar leave unattended the Property. Trustar shall da all ofher <br /> acts, in additian to those acts se�for�h above in this sec�ion, which trom the �harac�er and use o�the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary to prat�ct and preser�re the Propertye <br /> DUE �N SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at L�nder's option, declar� immed�ately due and payab{e al� sums <br /> secured by�his Deed a�f Trust upan the sale or transfer. without Lender"s prior written consen�� Qf ail ❑r any part of�he <br /> Real Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale flr transfer" m�ans th� con�eyance �f Real Prvperty or any <br /> r�ght, �itle �r �n�erest in the Real Property; whether legal. beneficial or equitable; whether �olun�ary or in�oEuntary; <br /> whe�her by outright sale� deed, installment sale contract. land �an�ract, contract far deed, leasehold interest with a <br /> term greater�than three t3� y�ars, �ease�opti�n c�ntract, �r by sale, assignment, �r trans�Fer of any hene�icial interest in <br /> ar to any land trust h�lding ��tle to the Real Praperty, ❑r by any other methad of cvn�eyance of an inter�st in fihe R�al <br /> Property. Howe�er. this option shall no� be exercised by L�nder if such exercise is prohibi�ed by federal law or by <br /> Nebraslca law. <br /> T�4XES ANa L�ENS. The follawing pro�isions rela�ing �o th� icaxes and liens �n th� Praperty are par� af �his Deed a� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay whan du� �and in a!I e�ents privr to d�[inquency� all taxes, spe�ial taxes, assessmenfis, <br /> charges �including water and sewer�, f�nes and imposi�ions le�ied against �r on acc�un� of the Property, and shal� <br /> pay when due all claims �ar work dane on or for s�rvices rendered or mafierial furnished to the Property. Trustar <br /> shall maintain the Praperfiy free o�all liens haWing priority a�er ar equal to the in�erest of Lender under this ❑eed o� <br /> Trust, �xcept for �h� lien of �axes and assessments not due and except as otherwise pr�vided in fihis Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Cant�sfi. Trus��r may withhold paym�nt af any tax, assessment� ar claim in cannection with a gaod fa�th <br /> dispute aver the �bligation ta-pay, sv long as Lender's int�rest in the Praperty is not jeapardized. If a lien ar�ses vr <br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Trustvr shall wifihin fifteen ��5y days after the lien arises or, if a li�n is fi{ed, <br /> wi#hin fifteen ��5y days a�`ter Trustor has noti�e of the filin�, secure the discharge af th� lien, or if requ�sted by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash ar a su�ficient corp�rate surety bond or nther security satisfactory to Len�er in an <br /> amount su�ficient t❑ discharge�he lien plus any cvsts and attorneys' f�es, or other charg�s that coufd accrue as a <br /> result o�a forecl�sure or sa�e under the li�n. In any cont�st,Trustar shafl defend itself and Lender and shal�satisfy <br /> any adverse judgm�nt�e�fore enfvr��ment against the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additi�nal oblige� <br /> under any surety bond �urnished in�he con�est prv�e�dings. <br /> E�idence of Paymen�. TrustQr shal� upon demand #urnish tQ Lender satisfaGt�ry evidence vf payment of the taxes <br /> �r assessmen�s and shal! auth�rize the apprapriate go�ernmental official to deli�er to Lender at any�irne a written <br /> statement�f the taxes and assessm�n�s against the Pr�pertye <br /> Nv�ice vi` Constructivn. Trust�r shall no�ify Lender a� least �if�een t�5� days b�#ore any wark �s c�mmen�ed, any <br /> serWices are furnished, or any materials are supp�ied to �he Praperty, if any mechanic's lien� materialmen's lien, or <br /> other lien �ould be asser�ed on account o�F the wark, ser�ices. or mat�rials. Trustor will upon request �f L�nder <br /> furnish ta Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory to Lender �hat TrustQr can and will pay the cast of such <br /> improvemen�s. <br /> PRC]PERTY DAMACE t�liSURAN�E. The following pro�isions reEating t� snsuring the Proper�y are a parfi�f this Deed af <br /> Trust. <br /> lVlaintenance o� lnsurance. Trustor shall procure and maintain pvlic�es of fire insurance with s�andard �xtended <br /> c�Werage endorsements on a fair �alue basis �ar #he fiull insurable value covering all lmpro�ements vn the Real <br /> Proper�y En an amvunt sufficient ta aWvid appl�ca�ion of any cvinsuranc� c[ause, and with a standard mnrtgagee <br /> clause in fa��r of Lender. Trustar shall also procur� and maintain compreh�nsi�e general fia�ility insurance in such <br /> cov�rage amaunts as Lender may reques�k with Trust�e and Lender being named as addi�iona� insureds in 5L1C�1 <br /> liability insurance polEcies. Addi�ionally, Trustor shafl maintain su�h �ther insuran�e, including but nflt fimi�ed to <br /> hazard, business in�erruption, and bailer insurance, as Lender may r�asonably require. Policies sha�l be written in <br /> form, amounts, coverag�s and basis reasona�ly acceptable to Lender and issued by a company or companies <br /> reasonably acceptable �a Lender. Trustor, up�n requ�st vf Lender, will deli�er ta Lender from time �� time the <br /> pol�cies or�er�ificates �f insuranc� in form satisfactory to Lender, includ�ng stipulatians that co�erages will nofi be <br /> canceCled �r diminished withou� at leas� ten �1�� days prior written notice to Lender. Each insurance p�licy alsa <br /> sha11 include an endorsem�nt providing that ca�erage �n fa�ar o�F Lender will not be impairs� in any way by any act, <br /> omiss�on vr default vf Trust�r or any other person. 5hould �he Real �roperty he loca�ted in an area designated by <br />