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��14�145� <br /> Insp�c�ion. Lender or i�s a�ent may make reasanab�e en�rxes upon and �nspec�ions of th� Proper�y. Lender shall . <br /> b��e Borrov�er n�txc�a��he�rm�of�r prior�o an �nspect�on specxfyxn�reasonable cause far�he�nspec��on. <br /> Condemna��on. The pra��eds of any av�ard or claim for dan�ages, direc��r cons�quen�ia�, in�ann�c��on v�i�h any <br /> condemna�ion or��her�akin� �f any par�of the Proper�y, or far conveyan�e �n lieu�f condemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�l be paid�o Lender. <br /> In �he even� of a���al ta��ng of the Properfiy, �he proceeds shal� be appl��d to the sums secured by thzs Se�urity <br /> Instrument, vvhe�her or not then due, �ith any excess pa�d �o Borrovver. �n �he e�en� of a par�ial �aking of th� <br /> Praperfiy in wh�ch the fair market �alu� �f�he Pr�per�y Ymmediateiy bef�re the �aking is �qua� to or greater�han <br /> �he amoun� of�he sums secured by �his Securi� Instrumen� immediately before �he �akin�, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender o�herwise agr�e �n wr�t�ng,the sums secured by�his Securx�y Ins�rument sha�l be reduced by the amaun�of <br /> the praceeds mult�plied by�he fa�lovving frac�ion: �a��he�ota� amaun�of�he sums secured immed�a�teiy before�he <br /> takin�, div�ded by �b} the fair marke� �a1ue of�he Praper�y �mmediately before the ta�inb. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> paid ta B�rr�wer. In th� even� flf a part�al �aking of�he Praperty �n wh�ch �he fa�r marke� va�ue �f th� Property <br /> immedia�ely befflre the tak�ng is l�ss than �he amount of�h� sums secured �mmedxa�e�y before �he �aking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwise abree in wri�in�ar un�ess A�aplica�le Law a�h�rwise provides, �he proceeds shal� <br /> be app��ed to the sums secured by�h�s Security Ins�rument whe�her or no�the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Prape�-ty is abandoned�y Borrawer, or if, after notice by Lender t� Barrower�hat�he cnndemnor affers to <br /> mak� an a�ard or set��e a claim for damages, Borrawer fa�Is �a respond�o Lender with�n the minimum number of <br /> days estab�ished by Appli�ab�e Lav�after the date�he notice is gi�en, Lender is au�harized to�ollect and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at its op�i�n, either ta res�ara�ion or repair of�he Propert�y or to �he sums secured by �his Se�ur�ty <br /> Ins�rument,whe�her or not then due. <br /> Uniess Lende�-and Barrower otherwise abree in wri�ing, any app�ication of proceeds to pr�ncipa� sha�l no�ex�end <br /> or pns�pane�he due da�e of the payments due under�he Contract or c�anbe�he amount�f such payments. <br /> Sorrower No� Released; Forbearanee By Lender Nat a Wair�er. Extepsion �f the time for paym�n� or <br /> mfldif ca�ion af amor��za�ion of�he sums secured by this S�curi�y �nst�rument branted by Lender�o Borrower or <br /> any successor in in�erest of B�rrawer shal� nat opera�e �o release the �iabili�y of the aribinal �orrovver or <br /> Borrower's succ�ssors ip int�res�, Lender sha�l not be required t� cammence pr�ceed�ngs against any successor in <br /> interest or refuse to extend t�me far payment ar a�herwise mndify amar�iza�ion of�he sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument by reason �f any demand made by the ar�gina� B�rrovver or Barrower's success�rs �n irnteres�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercisin� any ri�h�ar remedy shall not be a waiver �f or pre�iude the exercise of any <br /> right or remed�. <br /> Successars and Assign� Baund; Jaint and Se�eral Lia��l�ty; Ac�amrnodation S�gners. T`he cavenan�s and <br /> a�re�ments of�his Security �nstrument shal i b�nd and benef���he successors and assigns of Lender and Barrower, <br /> sub�ect to �he pro��sions of sec��on ���Ied Transfer of the Proper�� �r a Benefc�al Interest in Borrovver. <br /> B�rrower's c��enan�s and agreemen�s sha�l be�o�n�and several. Any persan ujho ca-signs�h�s Security�nstrument <br /> but has no pers�na� l�ab��ity under the Contract �"Accommadatian S�gner"}: �a� is �o-sr�ning this Security <br /> Ins�rument only to m�r��age, gran� and convey �hat Accommoda��nn Si�ner's �n�eres� �n �he Praper�y under �he <br /> �erms af the Security Instrumen�; �b� �s no� persanally o��i�a�ed ta pay �he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c�abrees�hat Lender and any o�her Borrov��r may a�ree to ex�end, m�dify, forbear or make any <br /> accom�nodatians w��h regard�a th��erms�f�h�s Security�ns�rument or�he Contrac�w�thou��ha�Accommoda�ian <br /> Signer's�ons�nt. <br /> Loan �harges. �f�he ��an secured �y this S�curity Instrumen� is sub�ect t� a law which s��s max�mum Ioan <br /> charges, and �hat �aw is fnal�y interpre�ed so�hat�he in�erest or other�aan charg�s coI�ected or t� be call���ed in <br /> connec��on with the �oan exceed �he permit�ed �imits, �hen: �a� any such �aan charbe shal� be reduced by the <br /> amount r�ecessary �o reduce�he charge �� �he permit�ed li.m��s and �b} any sums already col�ected from Barravv�r <br /> rn�hich exceeded permi�ed �xmi�s wi�l be refu.nded tio Borrov�er. Lender may chaose ta make �his refund by <br /> reducin� �he principal o�ved under the Cflntract or by making a d�rect payment to Barravver. �f a refund reduces <br /> princ�pa�,�he reduc��an w�ll be treated as a par�ial prepaymen�under the Contract. <br /> Nvti�es. Any no�ice �a Barrov�er proWided f�r in th�s Se�uri�y �nstrument shall �� given by de���ering it or by <br /> ma�Iin�i�by frs�c�ass mail u��ess Applicable Lav�r reQuires use of another me�hod. The no��ce shal�be directed t� <br /> the Proper�y Addr�ss or any o�her address B�rr��r�r des�bnates by no�ice to Lender. Borrower agre�s �o pro�ide <br /> Lender wi�h Bar��wer's 1-nost curren�mailinb address, as i� may change from �ime-to-�ime. Any no�ice tfl Lender <br /> sha11 be���en by first class mai�to Lender's address s�a�ed herein or any other address Lender d�s�gnates by no�ice <br /> �fl Borravver. Any no�ice pro�ided for in this Security�ns�rumen�sha�I be deemed�a ha�e been g��en�o Borrov�er <br /> ar Lender when gi�en as pro�ided�n�his paragraph. � <br /> �a��rn�ng La�v�v; Se�erab�Xity. This S�curi�y�ns�rum�n�shal�be governed by federal law and�he lav�s�f�he s�a�e <br /> af Nebraska. In the ev�n� �ha� any pro�is�on or c�ause of thYs Security �nstrumen� ar the C�n�rac� confl�cts vvith <br /> Appl�cable La�, such conf��ct sha�l not affec�o�her provisions �f tl��s Security Instrumen� or the Cont�ac� vvh�ch <br /> can be��ve� effec�vvithou�the c�nflict�ng pravis�on. To�h�s end the pro�is�ans af this Security Znstrumen�and�he <br /> �ontract are dec�ared�o be severable. <br /> B�rrower's�opy. Barrower shal�be g�ven ane copy af�his Security Ins�rument. <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y nr a �ene�cial �n��re��in Borrawer. If aIl or any par�of the Property or any�n�erest <br /> in it is so�d ar transferred ��r rf a benef cial interes� in Borrav��r �s sold or �ransferred and Borrawer is nfl� a <br /> �atura� person} without Lender's prior wri�ten consen�, Lender may, at its �p�ion, require immedia�e payment in <br /> �?OD4-?�i�C�mpliance Systems,Inc.8EB�-94fl7-2D1;L?.O.E1.7}? <br /> Cansun3er Real Estate-Security instr�zment DL2q35 Pa�e�❑�5;n� <br />
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