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��14�145� <br /> AppXi�ab�e Law. As used in this Secur�ty Zns�rumen�, the �erm "Applicab�e Law" shall mean a�l controlling <br /> app�z�able federa�, s�a�e and laca� sta�ut�s, regula��ons, ordinances and admin�s�rati�e ru�es and orders �tha� ha�e <br /> the effect af�aw�as wel�as all app��cab�e fna�, n.on-appeaXable�udic�al�pinians. <br /> Charges; L��ns. Borrow�r sha1� pay a�l taxes, assessments, char�es, f nes and impos�tions at�ributab�e to the <br /> Property wh�ch may attaxn pr�arity o�er�h�s Secur��y Instrument, and le�seho�d paymen�s ar ground rents, zf any. <br /> At the request of Lender, Borr�wer sha��p�romp��y furn�sh to Lender receip�ts evidencin�the pay�ents. <br /> B�rrower shal� promptly dxscharge any lien whi�h has pr�arity over this Secur7�y �nstrun�en� unless B�rrowe�: �a} <br /> a�rees �n wr�tin� to �he paym�n� of�he nb�i�a�i�n secured by �he �Yen in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b� <br /> con�es�s i.n �oad faz�h the lien by, �r defends a�ains� enforcemen� nf the lren in, �e�al prflceed��.�s which �n the <br /> Lender's op�nion operate �o preven� �he enfarcemen� �f the �ien; or �c� secures fram the holder �f the ��en an <br /> a�r�em�n� satisfactor��a Lender subord�nat�n��he �ien�o�his Securi�y Instrument. If Lender determ�nes that any <br /> par�af�he Property zs subject�o a �ien which may at�ain pr�orz�y o�er this Secur��y Instrument, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borrower a notice �den�rfyin�the l�en. Borrower sha1� sa��sfy fihe ��en or�ake on� ar mflre of�he ac�ians se� for�h <br /> aba�e w�th�n 10 days of�he��vin�af no�ice. <br /> �'Iazard or Praperty �nsuran�e. Borrower sha�I ke�p the xmpro��ments nflw ex�s��ng or h�reafter�rected�n the <br /> Proper�y insured abains�Xoss by f r�, hazards inc�ud�d w��h�n.the term "ex�ended co�era�e" and any o��er hazards, <br /> �nc�uding fl.nods or f�aadin�, for vvhich Lender requ�res i.nsurance. Th�s insurance sha�l be maxntained �n the <br /> amoun�s and for the perxods tha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier pr��idin�the insuran�e shal�be chnsen by <br /> Borrov�er sub�ect �o Lender's appro�al which shal� not be unreasonably withhe�d. �f B�rrower fai�s �o maxntain <br /> cavera�e d�scribed aboWe, Lender may, at Lender's �ption, obtain co�era�e �o protect Lender's ri�hts xn �he <br /> Prop�rt�y�n ac�ordance with sect�on�itled Pro�ect�on nf Lender's Righ�s�n�he Property. <br /> Al� insurance pol�czes and reneWva�s sha�I be ac�eptabl� to Lender and sha11 inc�ude a s�andard mar��a�e c�ause. <br /> I�ender shall ha�e the righ�to hQ�d�he po�icies and renewa�s. �f Lender requir�s, B�rr�wer shall prompt�}� �ive to <br /> Lender a��re�e�p�s of paid premiu�rns and renewal notices. �n the e�en�af 1oss, B�rrower shal� ��ve promp�no�ice <br /> ���he insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of��ss �f no�made prompt�y by Borrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise a�ree in vvri��n�, �nsurance praceeds shal� be appl�ed �a restorati�n or <br /> repair �f�he Praperty dama�ed, if, in Lender's sfl�e discre�ion, �he restara�ior� or repa�r �s �conomica�ly feasible <br /> and Lender's security is n�� �essened. �f, in Lender's sal� d�s�re��on, the res�oration or repair �s n�t ecanom��a��y <br /> feasible nr Lender's securxty vWou�d�e lessened,the�nsurance pro�eeds shall be applied�o the sums secured by th�s <br /> Security �nstrument, whe�her or not then due, w�t�a any ex��ss paid �fl Barrawer. �f Borro�er abandons th� <br /> Proper�y,or d�es nat answ�r vvithin the number of days prescribed by Applicable Law as set for�h in a not�ce from <br /> Lender to Borrower tha�the �nsurance carr�e.r has offer�d t� se�t�e a c�arm, then Lender may co�lect�he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he praceeds to rep�ir ar restore �he Proper�y or�o pay �ums secured by this Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�,whether or not then due.The period af time for Borrower to answer as se�f�r�h�n�he no��ce r�vi�l beg�n <br /> v�hen the notice xs given. <br /> Un1�ss Lender and Borrov��r otherwis� agree �n v►rriting, any applicat�on of proceeds to pr�ncipa� shal� no�ex�end <br /> ar postpone�he due date of the payments due under�he �ontra��or chan�e�he amoun��f the paym�en�s. �f under <br /> the sectian t�tled A�ce�erat�fln; Remedies, the Property is acqu�r�d by Lender, Borraw�r's ri�ht�o any insurance <br /> policies and proceeds r�su�tin� from damabe �o the Pr�per�y prior�o th� ac�uisi�ion shal� pass to Lender to the <br /> ex�ent of�he sums secured by�h�s Se�urity�nstrument�m�mediate�y prior tn the acquis�t�on. <br /> Preserva��on, Ma�n�enance and Protect�on of �he Property; B�rr�wer's Loan A�pI�ca�xon; LeasehaIds. <br /> Borrov�er sha�I not destroy, dam.abe �r impazr�he Prapezrty, a��o�v�he Property to deteriara�e, or waste an <br /> the Praperty. Borra�vs�er sha�l be in defau��if a�y forf�i�ure ac��on ar praceedin�,�vhe�her ci�il ar criminal. �s�e�un <br /> �hat i.n L�nder's good fa��h�ud�ment �ould resu�t �n forfeiture af the Pr�per� or o�herwise ma�erial�y impair the <br /> �ien �rea�ed by �h�s Securit� �nstrument or Lender's se�urity in�erest. Barrovver may cure such a default and <br /> rei€�state, as provided �n sectxon titled Borrower's Righ� �o Reins�a�e, by causin�the action or pr�ceedin�to be <br /> dismissed wi�h a rul�ng that, in Lender's gnod faith determina��on,precludes forfeitur�of the Barrovver's interes�in <br /> the Property or other ma�erial impairment of the ��en created by this Securi�y Ins�rumen� or Lender's s�curity <br /> in�eres�. Borrower shail also be in defau��if B�rrower, du�rin��he�aan applicatxon process,ga�e mater�ally false or <br /> �naccurate infarma�zan or staten-�en�s �o Lender �ar fa��ed to pro�ide Lender with any ma�er�ai infarmation� in <br /> con.nect�on wi�h the loan e�idenced by �he �on�ract. �f th�s S�curity Instrument xs on a Ieasehald, B�rrower sha�l <br /> c�mply w�th a�l�he provisi�ns flf�he Iease. �f Borrower acquires fee�x�le�a the Praperty,�h� leaseh��d and the fee <br /> title sha�i not mer�e unless Lender a�rees to the m�rger i�v�ri�ir��. <br /> Protect�on vf Lender's Rights in the Pr�perty. If BQrrovver fai�s to pe�rform the cavenan�s and a�reemen�s <br /> conta�ned in this Secur�ty �nstrument, or�here is a legal proceeding�ha�may si�nifican�ly affect Lender's r��hts in <br /> �he Praper�y �such as a pro�eedinb in bankruptcy, praba�e, for c�ndemna�ion or forfeiture or �o enfor�e laws or <br /> re�u�ations}, then Lender may da and pay for wha�ever is necessary ta p�rQtect the valu� of�he Property and <br /> L�nder's r��hts xn�he Proper�y, Lender's ac�rior�s may ir�c�ude pay��g any su�ns secured by a Iien whi�h has pr�ority <br /> over�his Security�nstrument, appearin��n cour�,pa�ing reasanable attorneys'fees and en�erin�on the Property t� <br /> make repairs.A�though Lend�r�nay take act�on under�h�s sect�on, Lender does not ha�e to do so. <br /> Any amounts dxsbursed by Lender under thxs sectian shal� become addi�i�na� debt af B�rrawer secured by this <br /> Securxty �nstrument. Unless Borro�rer and Lender a�ree to a�her t�r�ns �f payment, these amounts shal� bear <br /> �nteres� fram �h� da�e �f d�sbursemen� a� �he same rate assessed on advances und�r �he Con�ract and shai� be <br /> payab�e,w��h znterest, u�on xzatice from Lender to Borrower request�nb payment. <br /> C�2004-24I3 Cvmpliar�ce Systerns,In�.SE83-g407-2�l 3 L2.O,E l,7�2 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-5ecurity ir�strument F]L2a35 Pa�e�of 5 <br />