<br /> fuil of all sums s�cured by �his S��urity Ins�rument. Howe�er, this op��on shall n�t be exer�ised by L�nder if
<br /> �xercise xs proh�b�ted b�federal law as of the date af this Secu�-�ty�ns�rurnent.
<br /> If L�nder exercises this option, Lender sha�i �ive Bgr�ower no�ice �f acc�leration. The notice shall pr��ide a
<br /> periad of na� �ess than �he m�nin�um number af days es�ablished by App��cable Law fr�m the date �he not��e �s
<br /> del��ered or mazled wxthin vvhich B�rrovver ��ust pay a�1 sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borr�wer
<br /> fa�ls �o pay these sums prior to �he expi.ratian af�h�s peri�d, Lend�r �nay �n�oke any �-emedies permitted by this
<br /> Security Ins�rumen�withou�fur�her n��ice or d�mand on Borrower.
<br /> Borrawer's Right �o Reinstate. �f Barrower mee�s certa�n conditions, Borrorn�er sha�l ha�e the right to ha�e
<br /> enfarcement af th�s Secur�ty Instru�nent discon�inued at any time priar�o �he ear�ier af �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as Applicabie Lav�may specify for re�ns�atemen��before sale of the Property pursuan�to any power�f sa�e
<br /> con�alned �n th�s Securi�y xnstrument; or �b� en�ry of a jud�men� enfnrcing �h�s Security znstrumen�. Thase
<br /> conditions are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender aI� sums which then vvould be due under �his Security Ins�ru�nent
<br /> and the Contrac�as if no accel�ra�i�n had occurred;�b}cures any default of any other�avenants or a�reemep�s;�c}
<br /> pays ail exp�nses�ncurred�n enforcing this Secur�-�y�nstrum�nt, inc�uding,bu�not�im�ted t�,reasonable a�torneys'
<br /> fees to�he extent permitted by �aw; and �d}takes such ac�ion as Lende�r may reasonab�y requ�re to assure that the
<br /> �ien of�his Security �nstrument, Lender's ri�hts in the Property and Borravver's abli�ation�o pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this Security Instrum�.ent sha�l conti.�aue unchan�ed. Upon rein.statement by B�rr�wex, �his Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and the obli�a��ons secured hereby sha�l remain fully effec��v� as if na acceleration had occurred. H�we�er, this
<br /> r��h�to re�nsfia�e shall n�t apply in�he case�f accelerat�on under the section titled Transfer of the Proper�y or a
<br /> Benef�c�al �nterest�n gvrrower.
<br /> Hazardaus SubstanGes. Barrower sha�l not cause or permit the presence, use, dispasal, stora�e, or retease of any
<br /> Hazardaus Substances�n ar in the Proper�y. Borrower shall not do,nor al�ow anyane e�se ta do, any�h�n�affectin�
<br /> the Properry �ha� �s �n violatian af any En�ironmen�al Law. T�e prec�ding t�vo s�nt�nces shali nat apply to the
<br /> presence, use,or s�ora�e an the Property of sma�I quan�xties af Ha�ard�us Substances that are�enera��y reco�nized
<br /> t�be appropria�e ta narmal res�dent�a� uses and to maintenanc�of�he Property.
<br /> Borrower shall prom�t�y give Lender wr�t�en notice of any in�esti�at�on, claim, demand, lavvsuit or�ther action by
<br /> any �a�ernmental or re�u�atary a�ency �r pri�ate party involv�n� the Proper�y and any Hazaz�dous Subs�ance or
<br /> Environmentai Law of �vh�ch Barrawer has actua� know�ed�e. Zf Borrovver �earns, ar is po��f�ed by any
<br /> go�ernm�ental or re�u�atory authorzty, �ha�any rema�al or other remedza��on of any Hazardaus Substance affectin�
<br /> �he Property �s necessary, Barrower sha�l pr�mp�iy �ake aIl necessary remedial actions in accordance with
<br /> En�ironmen�a�Law.
<br /> As used in this para�raph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are thos� subs�ances def ned as toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by EnW�ronmen�al Law and �he fo���w�n� subs�ances: gasa�ine, kerosene, other flammab�e ar �axic pe�roleum
<br /> products, �oxic pest�cides and herbicides, v�lati�e sol�ents, materials cflntaining asbesto� or forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radiaac���e rn�ater�als. As used in�his paragraph, "En��ronmen�a� Lavv" means federaI laws and tau�s af the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e t�health, safety or en�ironn�zentaZ prot�c�ion.
<br /> AcceXera�ion; Rernedies. Lender sha�I gi�e notice to Sarrower pr�ar to acce�erat�on f�ilow�ng Borrower's
<br /> breach of any co�enant or agreernen�in th�s Se�urity Instrument or�he Contract under vvhich accelerat�on
<br /> is permittQd �but no� prxor�o accelerat�on under the sect��n �itied Transf�r of the Praper�y or a Benef���a�
<br /> In�eres� in Borrower, unies5 App��cable Law pro�ides otherw�se}. The no�ice 5ha�1 spe��fy: �a} the defau�t;
<br /> �b� �he ac�ian requ�red to cure �he default; (c} a date, n�� �es� than �he mxnimum number of da�s
<br /> �stab�xsh�d by App��cable Law from the date�he notice �s g��en tv B�rrower, by which �he defaui�must b�
<br /> cured; and �d} that fax�ure to cure the d�fau�t on or �ef�re the da�e 5pecif�ed in �he notice may resu�t in
<br /> acc��eratxon of the sums secur�d b� th�s Security instrument and sale of �he Propert�. To �he exten�
<br /> perm�tted by law, �h� n�t�ce sha�� fur�her inform Borr�wer�f�h� righ� ta reins�ate after ac�eiera��on and
<br /> �he right to br�ng a cour�actian to assert the n�n-ex�stence of a defauI�or any oth�r defense of B�rr�wer to
<br /> accelera�ion and saie. Zf the defau�t is not cur�d an ar befor�the date specified �n the r�otice, Lender at its
<br /> aption may requ�re immediate payment in full af ail sums secured by �his S��urity �ns�rument wi�hout
<br /> further d�mand and may invo�e �he pow�r of sale and any oth�r remedies permitted by App[icab�e Law.
<br /> To the extent permztted hy law, Lend�r sha�� be entx�Ied �o co��ect ail expenses incurred in pursu�nb �he
<br /> remedies pro�ided in th�s Sect�on, includ�ng, bu� no� Iimited �v, reasona�le a��arneysT fees and c�s�s of title
<br /> e��denc�.
<br /> If�he power af sale �s �n��ked,Trus�ee shai� record a na�i�e of default in each �ounty in which �ny par� of
<br /> �he Property �s �a�ated and shal� max� capies of such not�ce in the manner prescribed by Applicab�e Law �o
<br /> Borrower and �o �he o�her persons prescr�bed by App�icable Law. After the ��me requ�red by App��cab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shal� bi�e pubiic nat�ce of saxe �o �he per5ons and in the manner prescr�bed by Applicable
<br /> Law. Trustee,w�thou�demand on Borrovver, shal� sel�the Property a� public auction to the high�st bidder
<br /> at the�irne and p�ace and under�he�erm�de5ignated �n �he notic�of saxe zn one ar mare parcels and in any
<br /> vrder Trus�ee de�erm�nes. Trustee may pos�pon� saie of al� or any par�e� of the Property by pubiic
<br /> annaun�emen�at the tim�and place�f�n� �re�vxously schedu�ed sa�e. L�nder or �ts des�bnee may purchasQ
<br /> the Proper��at any saZ�.
<br /> Upfln rec��pt of payment of the pri�e ��d, Trust�e s�al� de���er �o the purchaser Tru��ee's deed con�e�ing
<br /> �he Property. The recita�s in �he Trus�ee's deed sha�� be prima facie evidence of th� �ru�h of the��atemen�s
<br /> made therein. Trustee shaI� app�y �he pr�ceeds af the sa�e in �he fa��owing order: �a} �o a�� costs and
<br /> expense5 of exercising �he power of sa�e, and the sa�e, inc�ud�ng the payment of the Trus��e's fees ac�ually
<br /> �?044-2�l 3 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.$E83-D2CE-2Q]3L2.0.E I.71 Z
<br /> Car�sumer Real Estate-Se�ur'sty instrument DL?�3G Pa�e 4 of 5 www,cQ�npliancesystesns.cvm
<br />